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“I didn’t, especially after I overheard the guys talking about what a dog the reporter is and his possible plans to simply play up the fact that I’m female. I’m definitely not interested in being exploited as the sex symbol of Lifeline.”

Erin frowned. “Then why the revenge on Devon?”

Alisha raised a brow. “It should have been my decision, not his. If he’d told me about what he’d learned, we could have discussed it. Taking the upper hand and tricking me out of being there? Jerk. That’s why he can find his own way to the fund-raiser.”

“Bossy guys suck,” Erin agreed. “Here’s to making our own decisions and being in charge.”

Even as Becki joined in the toast, there was a part inside her that had to qualify the toast. When it came to her life, definitely, she wanted control. Maybe she was a little twisted, but she didn’t mind having Marcus take charge in the bedroom. At least at times.

More often than she wanted to admit.

She stared at the hotel as it came into view, the fairy-tale castlelike structure looming large even against the backdrop of the mountains. She had a vast amount of memories tied up in the place. “So gorgeous.”

“All that rockwork makes my fingers inch,” Alisha admitted. “I get the urge to pick a corner and see how far I can climb.”

Becki swallowed her urge to answer Pretty far. If they hadn’t already heard about it, these two didn’t need to know about her foray into illegal excursions. “Do you know where we’re going inside?”

Erin nodded. “Same as last year. The ballroom is easy to get to.”

The limo door opened, and Alisha stepped out far more gracefully than Becki was able to. There was no long skirt to get in her way, but she hadn’t expected Marcus to be right there waiting for her, and the sight of him in a formal tux made her jerk to a stop. One leg out of the vehicle, one still in, she stared in surprise.

The creamy white of his collar only highlighted his dark good looks, a faint hint of shadow already colouring his freshly shaved jawline.

“Wow.” It was the only word in her mind that seemed safe to say. She didn’t think delicious would go over as well.

His gaze trailed over her as she managed to at least bring her feet together and accept his extended hand. “You look pretty nice yourself.”

He steadied her as she balanced on her unfamiliar heels, his left arm coming around her body as he kept hold of her hand. The other women waited on the platform for them to cross, cars coming up behind and dropping off passengers.

“Take the side entrance,” Marcus instructed Alisha. “We don’t need to traipse across the hotel lobby to get there.”

“Got it. Come on, Erin, race you to the finger foods.”

Erin gave Becki and Marcus a sly grin before grabbing Alisha’s hand and turning her toward the doors. “You want to make me crazy again. I am not eating jalapeño poppers all night like last year.”

Becki watched the other women hurry off. “How can Alisha move so fast in those heels?” she wondered. “They’ve got to be four, five inches. I’d break my bloody neck.”

Marcus shrugged. “Don’t ask me how she does it, but she’s got a gift, that’s for sure. Someone dared her to climb in a pair once and it barely slowed her down.”

Incredible. “Give me climbing soles any day. The two inches I’ve got on are enough of a challenge.”

Marcus squeezed her, and she realized she’d naturally cuddled in under his arm as he led her not toward the doors where Alisha and Erin had disappeared, but in the direction of the lookout. Mount Rundle filled most of their view, Tunnel Mountain occupying the left. The narrow valley between the two peaks filled with the green of spruce forest and the shimmering waters of the Bow River.

She drew in a deep breath, enjoying the peace and quiet before the noise of the evening began. “I can hear the wind in the trees. That’s always such a huge part of what makes me feel as if I’m in the right place—the sounds.”

“What’s the sound associated with this place?” he asked. “With the Banff Springs?”

She turned and smiled. “Lots and lots of panting moans and gasps.”

Marcus chuckled, losing his hold on her waist and leaning his hip on the stonework of the railing. “You’re not planning on climbing the outside of her again to get to the gala, are you?”

She turned to look at the wall where she’d managed to make it to the three-quarter point before crawling over a balcony. “It was a crazy thing I did back then.”

“On a dare, right?”

Becki nodded. “First year at the school, and there was nothing I wouldn’t try. Still, I’m not sorry I did it.”

Marcus raised a brow. “You’re not sorry you free-climbed the outside of the hotel? Because you didn’t get caught?”

“But I did—you caught me,” Becki pointed out. “And I know it was a long time ago, but I don’t know that I ever thanked you.”

This time he outright laughed, a big hearty sound that filled her with happiness. He lifted her chin with his fingers. “Thanking me for the three days that followed where we holed up in one of the rooms and fooled around sounds kinky.”

“Thanks for sharing your philosophies with me. The sex? Was bonus.”

“Bonus is good. . . .” Marcus leaned forward slowly, giving her plenty of time to say no.

She didn’t want him to stop. Their lips met, and all the sights and sounds vanished while her senses became totally occupied by the man before her. The way he touched her so perfectly. Soft at times, rougher at others.

She wasn’t sure why, but every time she was around him she became nothing but a big bundle of emotions. He brought out the most in her. Made her feel fully alive again.

They broke the kiss but stayed wrapped around each other for a moment.

“I enjoy spending time with you,” she admitted. “I’m sorry if it seemed as if I were pulling away.”

Marcus stared in silence. Looking her over carefully. “I’m afraid I’m pretty obsessive about things when I get an idea into my head.”

That wasn’t a bad thing. “I’m used to taking care of myself. It seems odd to have someone who wants to do more for me than I expect.”

“Nice. Now I’m being called odd.” They smiled at each other. “I’m trying to give you space, Becki, but it’s a part of who I am. You’ve become important to me, and while I don’t want to smother you, caring means you don’t have to do things on your own.”

“I know. I mean, I know in my head.” She squeezed him. “I’m still figuring out what that looks like on a practical level.”

* * *

Fighting to keep from saying You could start by moving in with me was amazingly difficult. Even after reading himself the riot act, the urge to take over was nearly stronger than he could control.

“How has it been lately? Sleeping, I mean.”

Becki stared over the view. “The sleeping part is fine, it’s the waking-up bits that are driving me crazy.”

“Still?” He swore lightly when she confirmed it. “New things?”

Becki twisted. “I don’t want to talk about it now. We should go in.”

Damn this fighting against doing what he needed to do. “Later, though?”

She nodded slowly. “I would like that. In the meantime, distract me?”

He kissed her again because he’d missed it so damn much the past few days, then tucked her fingers over his arm and led her into the building.

The room was filled with black and white attire and the soft sounds of sophisticated music, and the entire place smelled like money.

Marcus had to admit that David knew his way around organizing a fund-raiser.

He sauntered in with Becki on his elbow, smiling and nodding as needed but itching under the collar for the night to be over. The only reason he was there was the woman at his side. His own memories of black-tie affairs were far too twisted to be pleasant.