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David turned from where he was chatting with a couple and caught sight of Marcus and Becki. He excused himself, grin growing as he headed across the room toward them.

Great. Marcus leaned over and grabbed Becki a glass from the tray going past. “Here, you’ll want one of these as a bracer before things get going.”

She met his gaze as she lifted the delicate flute in a salute. “To bossy, forceful people, and the ones who care.”

“Now are we going to argue about which one of us is which?”

“No arguing. Not tonight.”

They touched glasses just before David stepped to their side. “If it isn’t my favourite brother and the most talented instructor in the school.”

“Lay it on a little thicker,” Marcus muttered. “The answer is still no.”

David widened his eyes. “Whatever do you think I’m going to ask you to do? I’m in shock that you actually showed up.”

Becki glanced around the room. “Nice turnout. Typical?”

“About. There’re a few new people I hope to amaze, but don’t you worry about schmoozing with them. Alisha will be impressive enough.”

“Good, then we’ll talk later.” Marcus tugged Becki away, heading to the side of the room where they could see everyone but have some space.

“You don’t usually come to these events, do you?” Becki asked, her lips close to his ear as she leaned in.


Her lips brushed his cheek lightly. “Thank you for coming to be here with me.”

“Who said it was for your sake?” he grumbled.

She snuck her hand under his dress jacket, tucking her strong fingers into the waistline of his slacks. “A little birdie told me.”

“Little birdies need to keep their mouths shut.” She tugged at his shirt until it came loose, and her palm rested against his bare back. “What are you doing?”

Other than making his body react like crazy.

She twisted, turning her back on the room and slipping in front of him. Her light blue dress was soft under his fingers, and he wanted very badly to stroke every inch of her. Becki gazed over his face, his torso. Examining him. The heat in her eyes making him hopeful and making him insane.

When she licked her lips, he was a goner. “Becki?”

“You know, there’s a great view of this room from up high. I’d love to see how it looks from there.”

Mischief and heat mingled in her expression as she tugged him toward the side exit door. He went willingly enough. He was no fool.


She held his arm as they paced along the main corridor. “Not that I want to change your plans, but what are your plans?”

Becki glanced up and down the hall, then pushed open an EMPLOYEES ONLY door. “I told you. I want a pretty view of the room.”

“Brilliant woman.” It was the most logical explanation for trespassing possible.

She’d found the correct door. The stairwell rose and she laughed softly, racing the stairs in her high heels with a lot less difficulty than she’d claimed.

They exited into a narrow corridor with doors off the right-hand wall.

“You have any idea where we’re going?” Marcus asked.

Becki paused. “I thought I did, but now . . .”

“Good.” Because he knew just the spot. “Follow me.”

The third door revealed his target. What would probably be called a theater box anywhere else, but here, it was a damn fine view overlooking the main dance floor and the grand ballroom.

Becki slipped beside him, resting her hands lightly on the railing as she peered down. “Whoa, that’s sweet.”

Shit. “No problem with the height?” Because having her freeze would totally make all the other plans winging through his brain impossible.

Becki looked again, then shook her head. “Not sure why, but this is okay.”

“Solid footing beneath you might make a difference.”

Then she stood and faced him. The powdery blue of her dress glistened with the fine threads of silver shot through the fabric. She’d twisted her hair into a fancy do, small bits hanging beside her face to frame her smile. A faint blush coloured her cheeks, her eyes outlined with thin blue that made her pupils look bigger. Or maybe that was because of the way she was looking him over, like he was on the menu.

He sure the hell hoped so.

“You have something else in mind other than checking out the fancy event from the heavens?” Because if she didn’t, he most certainly did.

She leaned toward him, and the fine silver chain around her neck swung forward, the tiny heart locket popping free from the neckline and flashing for a second in the light. “I’ve missed you,” she breathed quietly.

He waited. Damn if he didn’t want to do more, but this was her time to take the lead. And lead she did.

She pressed her hands to her waistline and skimmed lower over her hips, bending slightly until her fingers reached the bottom edge of her skirt. She didn’t have far to lean, not with the leading edge striking midway up her long limbs, but it was far enough to offer him a lovely view of the curve of her breasts, the creamy white shining against her dress like twin clouds in a blue sky.

“If you’re trying to drive me insane, it’s working. I think I just wrote a poem about your breasts.”

Becki caught hold of the edge of the material and wiggled it upward. “Poetry. Limericks or puns?”

“Fuck.” Marcus slammed his hand over his cock, needing something to ease how fast the damn thing had gotten hard. She wore stockings and a garter belt. Nothing else but her bare sex revealed as she held the dress to her waist. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

“A bit repetitious for a poem, but kind of catchy. Yes. Let’s,” she commanded. He reached for her and she evaded him. “Not slow. Just hard and dirty. That’s what I want.”

Marcus had her pressed to the wall so fast she gasped. He pinned her in place with his body and ravished her mouth. Four days since they’d fought. Five days since he’d had her last, and he was an addict craving a hit.

Becki fumbled for his zipper as he touched her ass again and again. Hungry for her skin, wanting more than a fast fuck against the wall, but needing the fast first.

He slipped his hand between her legs, drawing moisture over her clit. Her head fell back as he thrust his fingers into her cunt and rubbed the clit bar with his thumb. Caught her neck and sucked. Bit down on the muscle of her shoulder as she creamed around his touch.

Frantic now, her breathing ragged. She’d managed to release his cock and somehow, both of them kissing, scrambling, she propped one leg up on the chair beside them and guided him into her heat.

It wasn’t enough. Melting into her, surrounded by her. Marcus slammed in all the way and she keened out her pleasure.

* * *

Becki caught hold of his face and kissed him wildly, teeth and tongue taking control. He was so big inside her, plunging deep. There was no ignoring his presence, although she’d tried for the past days. Mentally, he was there even when he wasn’t in the room, and she’d given up worrying about it.

Physically? God.

He filled her again, cock stretching her to the max. The solid wall cold behind her shoulders, his hot breath panting over her skin. He wasn’t careful, his fingers on her ass squeezing tight enough to leave bruises. She didn’t care, arching into his movements, helping him drive even harder.

She needed this. Wanted it. She’d missed him too damn much over the past few days, and taking charge and letting him know what she wanted made all the tension in her body finally ease.