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Yet in their relationship he wasn’t willing to give up that kind of trust. He wasn’t willing to let her cut him free.

The contrast in thoughts was enough to keep him awake for hours.


The ground swept away before her, the heavy weight of Dane’s body at the other end of the rope dragging her downward. Becki fought for a handhold, scrambling backward crablike. Heels digging in, fighting for purchase. She caught a boot against a firm protrusion and leaned back to stop her momentum. Her harness lifted her hips from the ground as the rope insistently tugged her toward the cliff edge.

She would have sworn, would have called for help. Would have begged if there were the slightest possibility anyone could hear her.

The root beneath her foot wiggled. The stump crumbled, the soil around the rotting wood coming free. Becki kicked her other heel into the hillside, trying to form a divot, desperate to hollow out a place to hold herself steady.

The rope groaned, twisting with the weight on the other end. She was losing the battle. Another rock worked loose, the wind howling past her and forcing her to turn her head to the side. The scent of fresh earth and loose rock dust mingled together and filled her nostrils. She peeked longingly at the trees behind her, so close and yet totally out of reach.

Her vision blurred as she fought to focus. Looking ahead for anything that would provide an anchor for a safety loop.

Nothing. An inch at a time she lost ground. She’d slowed her approach to the cliff edge, but it looked inevitable. It wasn’t a matter of if, but when.

She was going to be dragged over the edge by the weight of her partner.

Becki scrambled at her leg pocket, bruised and battered fingers protesting as she tore up the Velcro and yanked out her knife. She’d lost little bits of fingernails on her right hand, and sharp pains stabbed her as she frantically pressed the safety catch to release the protective covering. The casing fell away to expose the serrated knife edge. Becki longed for a nice fixed blade, something with an extended reach and more than a three-inch cutting surface. She slipped her forefinger into the holding loop and stabbed at the ground behind her, working to find a spot firm enough to allow her to Just. Stop. Sliding.

She swung again and again, each time the ricochet when blade met rocks bounced through her hand and arm to grip her with pain. For a moment, she thought she had it. The blade sank in deep and she clung tight, gasping for air. Biceps flexed hard, muscles shaking as her descent slowed. Praying for a moment to recover her position. If she could find something to brace against.

The blade quivered.

“No. No, no, no. Stay in place, oh please please, stay in place,” she begged. Kicking frantically. Fingertips of her free hand scratching for purchase.

She was almost at the point where she’d warned herself she had to give up. Three more feet before she’d have to turn her back on everything she’d worked toward for so many years. But if she crossed that imaginary line, if she couldn’t stop herself from slipping past it, she would go off the cliff, and she and Dane would both die.

That invisible boundary was the last possible moment she had to save herself.

And while every bit of her protested dying, she wondered how she’d ever deal with knowing she’d as good as killed her partner.

* * *

Her instinct to jerk upright was stopped by something heavy across her body. Becki held her breath and tried to pull herself together, ordering her heart to slow enough so that it wasn’t about to pound its way out of her chest.

Warm lips touched her cheek, heated air caressing her as a firm grip caught her arm. “I’m here. You’re not alone.”

Becki nodded and curled under him, burying in tight like a kitten looking for protection. The scent of his skin soothed her and she inhaled deeply, attempting to find the balance that had been torn away the previous night.

Dreams shouldn’t be able to do things like this. “What time is it?”

Marcus lifted his head slightly, glancing over her at the clock on the nightstand. “Nearly eight A.M.”

“Good drugs. I never sleep this late.”

“You needed it. Don’t fuss. You want to get up, or shall I let you hog the covers without me?”

Becki wiggled far enough away to look into his face. “Lots on the agenda for today?”

Dark eyes stared back, searching her carefully. “Nothing but you.”

She wanted to protest that he didn’t need to, but that would be the opposite of what she wanted. Especially with the dream lingering in her brain. “I need your help, Marcus. I need to have someone there to help me deal with the next few days.”

He brushed his fingers over her cheek and into her hair, cupping the back of her head tenderly. “Thank you for asking.”

Becki gave a wry smile. “Well, I figured you were planning on taking charge anyway, and this way I can’t complain because it’s my own damn fault.”

“You know me too well already.”

“I know how your brain works, yes. I think I have a bit of the bossy gene in me as well. Makes us clash.”

He grinned. “Fighting sucks, but the makeup sex is pretty hot.”

The memories made her body warm and tingle in spite of everything crowding her brain. Or maybe because of the things that had gone wrong. Sex was easier to concentrate on than anything else. Natural, easy, with the added bonus that in the end you forgot everything except pleasure, at least for a little while.

She was suddenly very aware that they were both naked. Becki stroked a hand over his chest, watching closely as she played with the curves of the muscles. Spreading her fingers wide as she pressed on his chest and rolled him to his back.

There was no way she could have made him go unless he was willing. When she lifted her knee over his hips to straddle him, Marcus pulled off the blankets, then folded his arms behind his head.

“I’m not even going to pretend to wonder what you’re doing,” he said.

“Is it wrong?” Becki asked, slipping herself backward far enough to grasp his erection and stroke it carefully. “I need you. This way as well.”

He didn’t answer, just thrust against her grip, the skin over his shaft so soft compared to the hardness beneath it. She pumped him unhurriedly, bringing him to full rigidity before lifting herself over him.

One hand on his chest as she braced herself, the other guiding him in. That sense of fullness and pleasure distracting her. Helping her concentrate on nothing but the here and now. Marcus reached up and stroked her breasts, one, then the other. Trailed his fingers down her body softly, like the brush of wings teasing and making her more sensitive.

All the while she rose and fell over him, undulating slowly and savouring having him fill her.

He touched between her legs, bringing up moisture from where they met and lifting it to her clit. He rubbed firmly, tilting his hips and adding a small thrust every time she dropped, and suddenly the sex wasn’t as calm as it had been a moment before.

She closed her eyes and just felt. Relished the sensations, the caring in his every touch. The climax that was fast approaching.

“Fuck.” Marcus rolled her and scrambled from the bed, jerking the discarded blanket from the floor and tossing it over her. He stormed to the French doors and snapped one open, buck naked and still aroused. “Get the hell off my deck.”