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Becki couldn’t help but laugh this time. “I’m not offended. I’m surprised any of my records stand after this long.”

Tripp pointed to the young woman across the table still in heated debate with Devon. “Alisha’s lead on ropes for Lifeline—she managed to beat your freestyle climbing time her final year in the school. She and Devon are the only ones who were trained here in Banff. The rest of us worked around the country before Marcus hired us.”

The mention of his name made her glance up to discover Marcus staring intently at her with something dangerous and wild showing in the depths of his eyes. Her nipples tightened, and she was damn glad she was wearing both a dark shirt and a bra with enough material to it that her involuntary reaction wouldn’t be noticeable.

She covered the rest of her response by putting in her drink order before turning to pull Devon from his teasing into a rational discussion.

Over the next three hours she consumed more teriyaki and buffalo wings than were strictly necessary, laughter and conversation flowing around her. People changed position to chat with others, but it wasn’t until nine that she finally ended up with Marcus at her side.

It wasn’t as if she’d been avoiding him—not really—but it was easier to sneak glances at him when he was directly across from her.

He offered her another serving of wings. “You enjoying yourself?”

“Yes, but, oh God, take that plate away. I’m going to explode if I eat any more.”

He chuckled as he put the platter back on the table, where Tripp and Devon instantly claimed the remaining contents. “Just so you know, we don’t do this every day. More often we go for something moderately healthy, or do a potluck at someone’s house.”

“A little excess once in a while is fine.”

“Agreed.” He leaned back, which put his body close enough that heat caressed her. “What do you think? Could you handle spending a few weeks helping work them over? Devon especially?”

She laughed. “I like him. I like them all. You’ve got a good group here, Marcus. You should be proud.”

He twisted and moved in closer until his mouth hovered over her ear. He lowered his volume, keeping the conversation private. “I am—but I also know they need a kick in the ass right now. Someone like you setting them on their toes will help them hit the spring and summer season in the right frame of mind. Sharp—ready for whatever gets thrown at them.”

The words he shared were logical, but she was having the toughest time concentrating on anything but the warm caress of air escaping his lips and tickling along her neckline. A shiver rushed her, and it took everything in her to stay vertical. To resist pressing against his torso and allowing their innocent intimacy to become something far from chaste.

“Becki?” Marcus dropped his hand onto her thigh and squeezed lightly. “You okay?”

She lifted her chin to meet his gaze, tossing off the buzz of desire that was turning her mind to mush. “Sorry. I’m drifting. It’s been a long day, and while I’ll admit I’m extremely interested, I need some time to consider.”

“No problem.” He nodded. Paused. “Can I give you a ride back to your room?”

Oh God. There was that darkness in his gaze—nothing frightening except in how much it made her ache. Made her need. Whether he intended it to right now or not, because he didn’t seem to be trying to seduce her.

He was simply a big old bag of catnip, and she a very fascinated cat.

Becki made herself do the right thing. “Thanks, no ride needed. I’ve got my car just outside. Can you give me your contact information? I’ll call you in the morning.”

They stood, and she gave her farewells to the group. Alisha rose as well, pulling on her jacket. “If you’re headed uphill, can I grab a lift?”

“Of course.” Becki turned to Marcus, accepting his business card, ignoring the warmth of his fingers as they brushed together. “I’ll be in touch.”

The cool night air was a needed balm, whooshing over her face and cooling her heated cheeks. She smiled at the younger woman and tilted her head to the right. “Down the street and around the corner one block.”

Alisha nodded. “Thanks for this. I live not far from the dorms. I have a vehicle, but I walked to the pub.”

“You have a place to yourself?” Becki remembered how tough it could be to find accommodations in Banff.

“I do—an attic suite. It’s a little on the small side, but the bonus is there’s no one above me to make noise and wake me. And my landlords are pretty quiet. They don’t mind me taking off at all hours, either, when I get a call.”

They crawled into Becki’s car, and she had to concentrate on dealing with the traffic for a few minutes. “I don’t remember seeing this many people on the road before. Friday night rush?”

“Something like that. It’ll get busier as the summer tourist season rolls in, but you know that from working in Yellowstone. I imagine it’s the same there.” Alisha peered out the window and pointed to the side. “Second turn on the right, and my house is the last one on the block.”

Becki drove in silence for a moment. Yellowstone seemed so far away, and yet it wasn’t. The national park had been a part of her life for many years, and even the thought of the place brought a longing. “Summer rush, ski season—there’s always something to get people into trouble.”

“You miss it?” Alisha asked.

Straight honest truth poured out before she could think it through. “I do. Yellowstone was home. I love the mountains here as well, but something there calls to me.”

“Are you planning on going back?”

Becki marvelled that the seemingly innocuous questions managed to hit nerves so raw and fragile. “Not yet. Maybe someday.”

She pulled in front of the indicated driveway and waited as the woman got out.

“Are you going to be around for a while?” Alisha asked, sticking her head back into the vehicle as she leaned on the open door frame. “Because, well, it’s forward of me, but I would love to have you join me for a climb. Teach me a few things.”

Becki smiled across the car at her. Alisha’s enthusiasm was contagious. Spending time with the Lifeline team wouldn’t be a chore. “From what I hear, you’re a pretty incredible climber yourself. Maybe you can teach me some new tricks.”

Alisha grinned. “That means you’re staying?”

“You might be sick of me before you know it,” Becki warned.

“I doubt it. Will you be around the school tomorrow? Can I catch you there?”

“You’re serious? Saturday and you want to hit the gym?” Alisha gave her a look, and Becki laughed. “Okay, yes, I planned to work out tomorrow as well. I wanted to check out the new climbing wall. Want to join me around ten?”

Instant delight filled the other woman’s face. “That would be awesome. I’ll bring lunch for after we’re done.”

It took only five minutes after leaving Alisha for Becki to complete the drive to her parking lot and make her way toward her dorm room. The place was deserted between semesters, and the peace and quiet was exactly what she needed.

Becki paused outside the doors, then scrambled onto a massive boulder arranged in the middle of a garden area. Stars were beginning to show through the wisps of clouds overhead, and she got herself into a more comfortable position to sit and admire them for a while.

There was no reason she couldn’t take on the training Marcus had requested of her. She’d enjoyed the evening immensely. Search-and-rescue people were a rather obsessed lot. Being around a group of individuals who all had the same focus, the same goals she did—it was refreshing and motivating all at the same time.

Her uncontrollable urge to strip the man himself and ride him until they were both screaming was a separate issue. Something she’d have to deal with, but right now she needed to decide if she was going to take on the teaching challenge. She wanted to. That was the truth.