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Only there was no way she could accept the position without letting Marcus know a few important details. Information she’d managed to keep from the media. Let him choose if he still wanted her around his team after he knew the full story.

Staring at the stars and the clouds drifting past was much simpler than figuring out how to explain that although she remembered every second of her and Marcus’s time together in minute sexual detail, she had no memories whatsoever of the accident eight months earlier that had killed her partner.

* * *

Marcus tossed his coat on the hook beside the door, kicked off his shoes, and headed directly for the bathroom. He dropped his clothes on the counter, cranked on the water, and stepped in before there was a chance of heat.

The icy cold spray did nothing to ease the aching hardness in his cock.

Fuck it all, the entire day had been an exercise in torture. From the moment he’d laid eyes on Becki, there’d been no stopping the vivid images assaulting him. Memories like her naked and spread-eagle, her fingers dipping into her wet cunt before moving in circles until orgasm shook her entire body.

Or Becki grinning as he tossed her onto the bed and crawled after her, pinning her in place with his body as he kissed the living daylights out of her.

The water warmed, slipping over his skin, chasing away the slight chill in the room but intensifying his need. He grabbed the soap, scrubbing hard in a feeble attempt to distract himself. This wasn’t only about sex. About his attraction to her. Yes, they had a past—but it had been so brief. Fleeting. No matter how impressive the details were of the weekend they’d shared, he wanted her around for more than just another fling.

But goddamn if he didn’t just want.

Another memory assaulted him—Becki on her knees, taking delight in lapping and licking his cock until he’d captured her head in his hands and held her in place. She’d stared at him and opened wide to suck him deep.

It was no bloody use. Marcus gave up and wrapped his fingers around his dick.

Her mouth had been softer than his grip. Wetter—slick with saliva . . .

* * *

He rested his cock on her bottom lip and slid in slowly, relishing the heat, the way she rolled her tongue along the sensitive ridge.

“Suck hard,” he commanded, and she pursed her lips, drawing tight around him as he withdrew nearly all the way. His cock glistened in the dim moonlight shining in the window, moisture painting him. “Oh, yeah. That’s it. So sweet. So good.”

He pressed in again, controlling her position, maintaining a smooth rhythm. Only feeding her a portion of his length as he delighted in the intoxicating draw of pressure.

Becki dropped her hands between her legs, fingers moving steadily, little gasps escaping her as she played with her clit.

“You want to come?” he asked.

Her green eyes opened wide, answering without words. But she also tilted her head slightly and relaxed her neck, allowing him to press forward and bury his cock so deep the crown bumped her throat.

“Fuck, yeah. That’s it. Take it all. I’m going to come, and you’re going to swallow everything. Every drop, understand?”

Becki nodded as much as she could, her half-lidded gaze focused on him, her face flushed with passion. Her nostrils flared as she breathed slowly and accepted his increasingly erratic thrusts.

Her body shook.

“So close. God, I love watching you come. You are so beautiful. So fucking beautiful.”

Becki squeezed her eyes closed and shuddered hard, the hand between her legs slowing, the other gripping his hip with bruising pressure as she wavered, fighting to keep her balance.

All through her orgasm he supported her. Watched her. Held on to his control by sheer willpower until she was done.

Then he went wild.

He pulsed forward. Again. Again. Balls tight, pressure building until he buried his cock as deep as he could and his climax tore from him. Pulse after pulse filled her throat and he drew back, his cock still jerking, seed escaping to splay over her lips.

* * *

His balls were empty, his cock spent, and Marcus leaned his forehead against the wall of the shower stall and tried to calm his breathing. Holy fucking shit—he hadn’t had that violent an orgasm since . . .

Yeah. Pretty much since the last time he’d imagined Becki was sucking him off. Or under him as he fucked her hard. Or otherwise being submissive to his sexual commands.

He twisted, leaning his shoulders on the wall as he stared into the steam. He was old enough to keep work and pleasure separate if necessary, but damn if he wanted to this time. If Becki agreed to help train the team, great. But one way or another he wasn’t going to stop pursuing her.

He wanted her. He was pretty sure she wanted him, too. And if there was one thing he hadn’t lost, it was the ability to pursue a goal. Becki James had briefly, yet powerfully, impacted his past.

Rebecca James? She was going to be a very pleasurable part of his future, and he’d make damn sure it was more than pleasurable for her as well.


She was awake far too early. By eight A.M. Becki had already stretched, showered, and tossed together a few notes regarding training ideas for Lifeline.

Considering she’d already been preparing a course syllabus for the upcoming semester for David, the idea of working with an elite squad for the short term was a great opportunity. They’d be able to take her lessons and provide feedback during recap.

Her fingers cramped on the pencil, and she shook them. Crazy to think she had lost that much strength. Since the accident she’d been running and swimming, but she hadn’t climbed.

Something held her back. The psychologist who’d worked with her had told her to listen to herself. Not to push it. That her body and mind would know when it was time.

Her thoughts returned to the climbing wall in the gym, and her anticipation rose. Yeah, it was time.

As long as she had a job when this was all over.

She picked up the phone. His line was ringing before she realized it might be too early to call Marcus. Hanging up or waiting it out—which was better?

He answered on the second ring and stole her choices. “Good morning, Becki.”

“Umm, morning.” Right away flustered and on edge. Not to mention instantly battling the shiver that had raced along her spine at the sound of his voice. “Neat trick. How did you know it was me?”

“Call display says Banff Search and Rescue Dorms. You’re the only one there right now.”

“Gotcha. Hey, sorry for calling so early.”

He chuckled, and the skin on her forearms stood on edge. “Trust me, you didn’t wake me. What’s on your mind?”

“Could we meet for breakfast? I’d like to talk to you a little more.” I need to confess something before I get my hopes up.

“What about lunch?” he asked.

Shoot. “I promised to meet Alisha at the gym at ten o’clock. We were going to climb, then have lunch together. I don’t know how to get hold of her to change that.”

“No worries. Breakfast it is. I’ll come get you.”

She stared at the phone after he hung up like it was haunted, the echo of his click carrying through the dorm room and fading into an eerie silence. It was crazy how listening to him brought back such an intense rush of emotion. Of physical longing.

This had to stop if she was going to work with the man. So she’d just haul out the lessons and force them to work for her this time, in this situation.