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I had to laugh. “No, that’s only the first stage. After this, it gets better.”

“Oh my God! That’s impossible! That’s even better than…” Suddenly her mouth snapped shut and she blushed a deep red.

I had to laugh a second time. “Better than when you do it?” She continued blushing and refused to answer, but she turned her eyes away and then nodded shyly. I just roared in laughter. “Well, next time you’re talking with your friends, ask them if that was part of the Experience. God, I can’t believe you girls actually give it a name, like I’m a ride at an amusement park.”

“That was better than any amusement park!”

“And it only gets better!” I put my hand down on the front of her slacks again, and Jeana got a very nervous look.

“Remember, we can’t… I mean…”

“I remember. Take off your blouse and bra. God, you are so beautiful!”

Jeana sat up and peeled off her blouse and bra, so she was sitting there topless. She really had a nice set of tits. I ended up peeking at her bra later, and it was 34D. I wondered if she had stopped growing, or whether she was going to be larger still. They were very impressive!

I had a raging hard on at this point, so I adjusted myself as best I could. Jeana noticed, and though she blushed slightly, never took her eyes from what I was doing. “Are you…?”

“What? Hard as a rock? You bet! Want to find out?”

Jeana’s eyes opened wide at that. I took her hand and held it to the front of my khakis, and she gasped as she felt my stiffness. As soon as I released her hand, she pulled it away, but I took it again and held it against me. She got the idea and began rubbing me through my pants. I couldn’t help it, and groaned. “Are you alright?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah.”

She giggled a little as she began tracing her hand up and down the front of my pants. “I think you like that.”

“Honey, you’d better stop, or I’m going to have a bit of a mess to deal with.” My crotch was throbbing with every stroke of her fingers.

Thankfully, Jeana stopped. “Really? Can I see?”

That opened my eyes up. For a virgin, Jeana Colosimo was very adventurous. “Whatever you want, baby!”

A little unsure, but determined, Jeana reached out and hesitantly began working on my belt. I let her work on her own, though I smiled up at her. She fumbled my belt open and then undid the catch and pulled down my zipper, but didn’t really know what to do next. I lifted my hips up, and she finally got the idea, and pulled my pants down a bit.

“You can pull them down a lot further, Jeana.”

She giggled nervously and pulled them down to my knees. I still had on my briefs, and my cock was just about pulsing inside them, and there was a wet spot near the top. She took a deep breath and yanked my tighty-whiteys down as well, so that I was standing to attention in full view. Jeana gasped as she saw me. “Oh! Wow! I mean, I’ve never… I saw a picture in a magazine once, but… Wow!”

“You surprise me every day! What magazine, and where did you see it?” I asked.

Jeana turned beet red and shook her head violently. “No way!” I just laughed at that. She moved a hand to touch me, but then pulled back. “Can I, you know, touch you?”

“I hope to God you do, because I’m going to explode if you don’t!”

Jean very gingerly touched my cockhead with a fingertip, so lightly I almost didn’t feel it, and then yanked her hand back. She looked at me very nervously, afraid she had done it wrong. I reached out and took her hand and drew it back. I wrapped it around my shaft and used her hand to slide up and down my shaft, jerking me off. “Oh, God!” I moaned. I took my hand away and Jeana continued to jerk me for a moment, and I popped my cork. My jism started spewing in pulses out the tip. Surprised, Jeana yanked her hand away and stared as I just pumped for a moment. Come had sprayed out onto my shirt and her hand. She looked at me nervously.

It took me a moment for my breathing to get back to normal. “I told you I was close,” I said. I quickly unbuttoned my shirt and peeled it off, tossing it in the corner, and then peeled off my undershirt, which I used to wipe her hand clean. Then I leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. “Thank you.”

“That was supposed to happen?” she asked meekly.

“Only if you do it right,” I answered wryly. “Remember a few minutes ago, when I was sucking your nipples and rubbing against you, and you went nuts?” Jeana nodded, and I continued, “That was an orgasm. You came, right?” She blushed but nodded again. “Well, this is what guys do when we come.”

Jeana asked me a few more questions, and I found myself giving her an impromptu biology and anatomy lesson. Since she was topless and I had even less on, biology and anatomy really came into play, because I quickly hardened up into a second erection. This time I had her reach out and take matters more firmly into her hands. With my instruction, she gave me a very nice handjob, and this time continued pumping me until I was dry. I groaned at the end, and looked down to see my lower chest and crotch coated with my come. She had a wicked grin on her face. “It’s like I have you in my power!” she said laughingly.

“Like you wouldn’t believe!” I sat up and grabbed a box of tissues off the nightstand and used it to clean up. Satisfied, I next opened my nightstand and pulled out a box of rubbers. “Listen, I know you said we can’t do anything more today, but when we do, I have things covered. Or won’t I need them?”

Jeana knew what I was holding, from girl’s health class, I suspect. “No, I’m on the Pill.”

“Really?” The little Catholic school girl was very surprising.

“I need them to even out my periods.”

I just nodded. “I’ve heard of that. So, uh, how soon do you think we’ll be able to give you the full Carl Buckman Experience?”

Jeana sighed. “I want to do it today! But that’s not going to happen. I don’t think before next weekend. I’m really sorry!”

“It’s not your fault. How about this — after the Christmas Dance, we come back here for a few hours.”

“Could we?” she asked excitedly. “Won’t that take too long?”

“Just tell your folks that we’re going to a party with some friends after the dance, and that we won’t be home until late. They’ll fuss and fume, but all you’ll need to do is promise there won’t be any drinking. They won’t worry after that.”

“And we’ll have the party here!”

“Something of the sort,” I agreed.

She hugged me, which led to another round of kissing, which led to us laying back on the bed for another round of heavy petting. We both came again. Afterwards, I let Jeana use my shower to clean up, and then I took a shower and dressed in clean clothes, and I took her home. Her parents even thanked me for taking Jeana to meet my family. I assured them, it had been my pleasure!

Chapter 18: Opening A Present

Saturday, December 18, 1971

I went over to Jeana’s about 5:30 on Saturday to pick her up. I had made reservations at a steak house in Timonium for 6:30. The dance was at the school, from 8:00 until 11:00, and then the party was at Ray’s afterwards. His parents were away for the weekend, which was like leaving the hen house unlocked and inviting the foxes over for a free chicken dinner. He would definitely cover for us.

“Well, don’t you look dashing!” commented Mrs. Colosimo as she ushered me inside. “Louis, doesn’t Carl look handsome!” she called to her husband in the living room.

He looked at me, with the confused look most men do when responding to their wife’s questions which don’t require a response. “Yes, very nice. Welcome. Come on in, Carl.”