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Jeana liked that, as she gave a happy shriek, and ground herself down on my face. She continued sucking and jacking on my cock. I knew we were going to finish in this position by the moans she was making. Sometimes it’s just foreplay, but other times it’s a main event. I just concentrated on Jeana’s clit. We wouldn’t be long before I popped and we could scamper downstairs.

Jeana was bouncing on my face, pussy juice streaming out of her as she orgasmed. After another three or four minutes, I could feel my balls tightening up and my hips were humping up, driving my cock into her mouth. I mumbled something to indicate I was going to come, but I don’t know if she heard me. It didn’t matter, since it was pretty obvious what was about to happen. I held back as long as I could before giving in. Just as I cut loose, Jeana pulled her mouth off my dick, like she wanted me to give her a facial. I just pulled her ass down as my cock started spurting.

“OH MY GOD!” That wasn’t Jeana’s voice! It was the voice of her mother.

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?” That wasn’t Jeana either, but her father.

So much for romance! Jeana’s parents came in the door just as I started coming. Jeana must have heard something because she pulled away from me, just in time to get a full facial, with them staring at her in amazement. This change in position, however, sat her ass down even more fully on my face, and cut off my breathing. While my cock finished pumping (totally out of my control, an anatomical reflex once it gets started) I began struggling to get out from under Jeana before they killed me or she smothered me. As her parents screamed, I flailed away and simply succeeded in rolling us both off the couch and onto the floor.

I landed on top of Jeana, and the next thing I knew I felt a sharp pain in my side as something hit me from behind. I tried scrambling off my girlfriend, only to find myself face to face with a murderous Mr. Colosimo. He took a swing at me, and for once, my aikido skills vanished. I took a roundhouse punch to the face and felt my nose give way. I could even hear the bones breaking! Blood spraying, I flew backwards and landed on the coffee table, which collapsed under me. There was all sorts of fresh pain from my backside now, but I suppose the collapse saved me from even more. Just then I noticed a tea cup flying across the room at me, but since I was now on the floor in the wreckage of the table, it flew through the air above me.

Mrs. Colosimo was shrieking incoherently as she threw her tea service at me. Jeana was screaming and crying as she tried to use her body to shield me from her enraged father. Suddenly the old joke of dying by being shot by a jealous husband seemed all too realistic! I scrambled to my feet, taking two more shots from tea cups, grabbed my pants off the floor, and raced out the still open front door. I didn’t stop until I got to my car.

Then, as the neighbors came out of their houses and stared at the commotion, and listened to the uproar inside the Colosimo house, I yanked my pants on and climbed into my car. I just had my keys out of my pocket when Mr. Colosimo came roaring out of his front door running down the driveway towards me. I locked the doors, started the car, and tore out of the neighborhood as fast as I could!

I stopped at the corner of Joppa Road. I looked in the mirror and found my face was covered in blood, and I hurt all over. I needed to get to a doctor. It probably would have been smarter to stop and call for an ambulance, but I could make it to a hospital faster if I just kept driving. As blood dripped down my face and onto my bare torso, I drove over to GBMC and parked near the Emergency Room. Barefoot, I picked my way through the parking lot, limping as I did. I must have managed to cut my left foot open, either in the house or running down to my car. I limped into the emergency room, where I was spotted by a nurse.

“Holy shit!” she exclaimed. “What happened to you?”

I limped closer. “Long and painful story.”

She grabbed my arm. “How did you get here?” She pulled me through some automatic doors and pushed me into a cubicle.

I climbed onto an exam table. My ribs hurt and my ass was killing me, and my broken nose was throbbing. “I think I need a doctor.” I lay back, but ended up sitting back up when my ass started bugging me even worse.

The nurse had decided I wasn’t dying in the next few seconds, so she grabbed a clipboard and started the hospital routine of asking my name, rank, and serial number — the standard hospital crap. All I could grab when I ran out was my pants, but fortunately I had my wallet in my back pocket and my keys in a front pocket. I pulled out my wallet and gave the nurse my health insurance card, and then lay back down in the most pain free position I could manage. She left me and stepped out of the cubicle.

About five minutes later, two more people came in. One was a young fellow in surgical scrubs with a stethoscope around his neck who was obviously the doctor. The other fellow was a few years older, and was wearing the uniform of the Maryland State Police. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. GBMC is the major trauma center for the northern portion of Baltimore County, and they are always getting accident or fight victims into the Emergency Room. It’s not as bad as Johns Hopkins down in the city, known to one and all as the ‘Baltimore Knife and Gun Club’, but it was bad enough that you could usually find a cop nearby.

The cop stayed with me as the doctor started examining me. I tried to get him to drop his little investigation, but he wanted to know what was happening. Meanwhile the doctor and the nurse, a different one than before, started cleaning the blood off me and stripped my jeans off, leaving me in a hospital gown. They had the worst of the blood off my face, and the doctor was getting ready to bandage up my nose when my parents came barging in. Things were just going from bad to worse!

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked.

“You’re still our son and still a minor. The hospital called us,” explained Dad. “What happened?”

“Carling, what happened to you!?” cried Mom when she saw me. Okay, the maternal instincts could kick in when needed, but I knew I’d never hear the end of this.

“I keep asking that myself,” commented the trooper.

“Were you in an accident?” asked Dad, eyeing both me and the policeman.


“Well?” asked both Dad and the trooper. Even the doctor and nurse stopped what they were doing to listen in.

I just groaned. “Okay, I’m just going to say that this is nothing that the police can do anything about, and I won’t be pressing charges, no matter what. My girlfriend’s parents came home a lot earlier than we expected. Okay?”

It took everybody a few seconds to visualize what had happened, and then the babble started up again. Mom was ‘extremely disappointed’ in me. The nurse and doctor just rolled their eyes. Dad tried to stifle a grin and a laugh.

The trooper didn’t even try to not laugh. He folded up his notebook and stuffed it back in his pocket. “And you don’t want to press charges?”

“No way, no how!” I answered.

He shrugged. “It could have been worse, you know.”


“It could have been your girlfriend’s husband.” That got him a number of groans, and he laughed and left the room. I’ve known a lot of cops over the years and I knew I was going to be the topic of conversation back at the barracks that night.

Mom continued to lecture me while I was worked on, and Dad didn’t try to stop her. After my nose was taped up, I was laid face down on the table while the injuries to my backside were examined. The large bruise above my left ribs was poked and prodded and I was told X-rays would be taken. “What caused that?” asked Dad.