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“Marianne, you’re not going to get into it. You’re just going to see her. That’s all.”

“No way am I going over there while it’s like this!”

“So, how did you hear about all this?” I asked.

“Jeana called me on Sunday.”

“I thought you said she was in solitary?”

“Close. I guess the warden must have relented. I know her Mom was nearby, because she was whispering part of the time,” she admitted.

“Great! You can go over to her house and carry a letter for me.”

Marianne started waving her hands at me. “No way! No way!”

“Marianne, get real. They’re not going to strip search you. You just get her alone and slip her the letter. It’ll be easy!” It took me several minutes to convince her to go along with me. I handed her the envelope and she put it in her purse. Business done, we spent the rest of the afternoon chatting about her upcoming senior year over at Loch Raven and my college plans.

It was a short letter, simple and to the point. Packed in with the letter was the jewelry she had returned to me. I kept my class ring.

Dear Jeana,

I am very sorry about what happened the other night. I hope you didn’t get in a lot of trouble, but I know that’s just wishful thinking. If you can get a chance to call me or write, I’d like to hear from you, but I know that’s probably going to be very difficult.

I’m sending back the jewelry to you. That was a gift from me to you, and showed the love I have for you. I’ll never love another girl like I love you, and I’ll never be able to look at it without feeling that loss. If you don’t want to wear it, I’ll understand. Maybe you can put it in the back of your jewelry box, so that someday you’ll look at it and smile and remember what we once had. It was special.

You are special, too. I’ll be going away in a few weeks, and we’ll both be moving on with our lives, but I’ll always treasure the time we had. If you can get a chance to call me or write, I’d appreciate it. Until that time, though, always know how much I love you.



She never called or wrote. I checked with Marianne, and she reported she had given Jeana the note, and Jeana had read it, but she never called or wrote.

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