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“Observant, aren’t you?”

She opened her mouth, but didn’t speak. Taking a breath, she tried again. “I try to be. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Chapman. My name’s Brynn Campbell.” She stared at his silver tie like it was the most fascinating thing she’d ever seen. She was timid, but he found that charming. And for the first time, doubt robbed him of his certainty. Was this was the right course of action? A simple introduction to Trevor Blake, that’s all he was after. Right?

“Call me Iain. I’ve been told I require a management makeover. Are you the woman to give me what I need?” He hadn’t intended the innuendo, but he didn’t apologize for it either.

Her gaze fluttered from his throat to his eyes. “I’m not sure. To be honest, I’m not really a teacher. I just write the curriculum.”

He knew that, of course. Had paid Cassandra Delaney a few thousand extra to have Brynn teach the class personally. “I’m not much of a student, so I’d say we’re well matched.” When her eyes swept over his face, he smiled. But Brynn didn’t smile back, as most women would. In fact, she stared at him with a faint frown on her generous lips.

Well, this was new. Iain was used to women flirting with him. And he wasn’t foolish enough to believe they were attracted to his delightful personality. Although he did all right in the looks department, his face wasn’t what lured women, either. No, Iain’s main draw was his fat bank account. He was fine with that. Made things simpler. Everyone walked away happy. There were no expectations, no fuss. No emotional ties.

But this woman wasn’t acting like the others, and he couldn’t say why that intrigued him so much.

Brynn Campbell wasn’t his type at all, and yet he was utterly enchanted by her. She didn’t wear her sexuality like armor. She was small, nearly flat-chested, and dressed as if she were attending a music festival rather than a business meeting. With copper bracelets stacked on her slender wrist, she wore tattered jeans and very little makeup. And the way she watched him with those wide, wary eyes…

When he took a step toward her, she tensed. What did she think, he was going to make a lunge for her? He never dreamed she’d be so skittish. Or that he’d find it so compelling. Something in the way she tensed like prey made him feel very much the predator.

He found he liked that feeling quite a lot.

A knock sounded at the door and Amelia peered in. “Would you like some tea, Miss Campbell?”

Brynn glanced over her shoulder. “That would nice, thank you.”

While she was looking away, Iain took the opportunity to study her breasts. The blouse was deceptively sheer. Tilting his head, he tried to see through the crinkly material, but he couldn’t even detect the outline of her bra. It was maddening and enticing at the same time. As soon as Ames shut the door, Brynn faced him again. And caught him staring.

Swallowing audibly, she raised the black binder, clutching it to her chest and blocking his view. “Why don’t we get started?” she asked.

“Yes, why don’t we?”

She stared at him for a beat, then Brynn squared her shoulders and stuck one hand in her purse. She pulled out a pen, and opened her book to the front page.

Iain tried to get a peek at what she jotted down, but she snapped the notebook closed before he could read it. “Are you taking notes on me, love?”

Brynn angled her head to look up at him. “If I were your employee, your suggestive glances might be considered actionable.”

“Actionable, how? Like we’d clear the desk and have at it?”

Her brows drew together and formed a small V. “That comment would definitely qualify as actionable.”

He leaned down, caught a whiff of perfume—vanilla and something floral. “Pretend you never heard it.” Iain breathed her in. Absolutely delicious.

Her lips had parted slightly, but she didn’t move away. Brynn Campbell might be wary, but she was also interested.

“The key to running a successful business,” she whispered, “is keeping a professional attitude. Sniffing me probably isn’t professional.”

“And here I thought the key to running a successful business was making money. Shows how fucking little I know, eh?”

“Do you always use that language?” Brynn opened her notebook and scribbled again. “With employees, I mean.”

“Yeah. I don’t believe in censoring myself.” He still hadn’t moved away, was still leaning toward her. Her shallow breaths caused her chest to rapidly rise and fall, and that became the focus of Iain’s attention. Her breasts were so tiny, he’d be able to suck on the whole damn thing. The thought made his mouth water.

“Um, I don’t feel very comfortable when you look at me like that.”

Iain reached out, his finger grazing a red splotch on the side of her throat. This hadn’t been part of the plan, but hell, he was improvising. “I wasn’t trying to make you feel comfortable.”

“Oh.” She paused. “I feel that, together, we can create a work environment that is both productive and respectful. I don’t feel respected as a colleague right now.” She stepped back two paces, leaving Iain’s hand dangling in the air before he let it fall to his side.

Blimey, she was serious. And so lovely, it almost stole the breath out of his lungs. Iain felt an unwilling smile pull at the corners of his lips. “Are you quoting from a book, or something?”

Brynn nodded and cleared her throat. “A manual, actually. Leading by Example: A Partnership in Effectiveness.

“Sounds boring enough to send me to sleep.”

“I wrote it.” She enunciated the words, pointing her chin upward. He’d pricked her ego a bit. It was always vital to know as much about one’s opponent as possible, and Iain had just learned that Brynn Campbell took pride in her deadly dull work.

“Brilliant. Then we can dispense with the lessons. Give me the short version, and afterward, I’ll take you to lunch.” What Iain really wanted to do was take Brynn to bed. He wasn’t sure if she could teach him anything about leadership, but he was almost certain he could teach her a thing or two about pleasure.

And from the looks of her, she needed it desperately.

Order Terri L. Austin's next book

in the Beauty and the Brit series

His to Keep

On sale March 2016

Click here!


To the usual suspects—you wonderful minxes: Thank you for your constant support. We’ve been scattered like dandelion seeds this year, but you ladies are always there for me.

To Mary Altman, my editor: Thank you so much for all your encouragement. I appreciate the time and dedication you give to a project. Working on this book with you was a wonderful experience, and I loved every minute of it.

To Dawn “Cover Queen” Adams: You nailed it. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And to my husband, Jeff: I couldn’t do it without you. Love you. Thank you. Mwah.

About the Author

As a girl, Terri L. Austin thought she’d outgrow dreaming up stories and creating imaginary friends. Instead, she’s made a career of it. She met her own Prince Charming and together they live in Missouri. She loves to hear from readers. Visit her at www.terrilaustin.com.

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