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Seize the Day?’ “No, I never read it,’ I said. ‘I’ve been meaning to. My mother liked it so much she read it twice, second time right after the first, but she likes all of Bellow.’ ‘It’s a good book,’ you said. ‘Terrific dialog; one of those everything-happening-and-getting-resolved-in-a-single-day novels, or maybe it was over a weekend, and where there’s a yapping dog named Scissors…Bellow’s great with names. And a very affecting last few pages — but I probably shouldn’t say what it is if you’re going to read it,’ and I said ‘Go on; it won’t be for a long time.’ ‘Where the narrator becomes emotionally overcome at a funeral for a man he doesn’t know — he by chance was in a crowd of funeral-goers on the street and gets swept up by them into what I assume’s the Riverside Memorial Chapel on Amsterdam and 76th Street…you must know of the place,’ and I said ‘All too well; my grandfather.’ ‘I’m sorry,’ you said, and that you brought it up. Then you said ‘But the book gets a little slow in places, so the length, or thereabouts, of The Stranger