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"You make me feel so good, you make me feel so hot!"

The young man took his time about it, but he finally got his mouth to the place where Sheree wanted it most – oral! – to her nipple!

Harvey parted his lips and stuck out his tongue as far as he could get it. He placed the pointy tip of his pink taster directly on her nipple and wiggled it again playfully. Harvey rather lazily rolled his tongue all over her nipple, not stopping until the entire feminine erection was wet with spit. Harvey could see that her nipples were quite brown.

He couldn't look at Sheree's nipples without thinking how much they looked like Hershey Kisses, with the aluminum foil already peeled off. The little girl could feel her nipples getting harder. Harvey could feel that feminine erection getting both larger and harder against his sexually aroused taste buds. Now it was Harvey's salivary gland that was working overtime. Now it was Harvey's mouth that was watering. Now it was Harvey who had to swallow more frequently than usual to keep his spittle from dribbling and drooling over his puffy lower lip onto his chin. Harvey flicked the tip of his tongue back and forth across Sheree's nipple. He started out doing this lightly and slowly – but he steadily increased the tempo and the pressure of his tongue's movements as he went along. "Ohhhhhhh, my nipple, my nipple, my nipple!" she said.

"What about your nipple, Sheree?" Harvey asked quickly.

"It is so hot!"


"It is on fire."

"You know what I need?"


"I need it sucked!"


Harvey wrapped his lip around her nipple and began to suck. There was nothing cute or subtle about the way he sucked. He sucked every bit as hard as he could. He sucked so hard that he stretched the nipple up and away from the rest of Sheree's tit, from the rest of Sheree's chest. He sucked so hard that the little girl's whole tit looked a good deal pointier than usual – and that was saying something because Sheree's tit was damned pointy to begin with.

He sucked so hard that the skin all around the nipple was stretched taut. He hollowed his cheeks deeply. The young man created an intense vacuum inside his oral cavity.

Harvey kept the tip of his tongue busy at all times so that he was licking and sucking at Sheree's nipple simultaneously.

"Bite it!"

Harvey got her nipple between his rows of teeth. He nipped at it lightly.

"No! No! No! No! Bit! Hard! Bite harder, Harvey!" she said.

He chomped down good.

He bit so hard that it hurt.

Sheree did not mind the pain.

It was intrinsically sexual pain.

The diminutive brunette found that her sexually aroused central nervous-system was translating her pain into pleasure before the signal was sent into the reeling gray matter of her brain.

Now it was Sheree's face that felt hot. Now it was Sheree that was turning as red as a beet. Now it was Sheree's facial features that were contorting wildly because of the intensity of the sensations she was experiencing.


Harvey began to make growling noises in the back of his throat, intrinsically animalistic noises, as he yanked at Sheree's nipple, still clutching that feminine erection tightly between his upper and lower teeth.

There was a frightening moment or two when Sheree thought that her new boyfriend might have lost control. Yes, there was a frightening moment when Sheree thought Harvey was going to yank her nipple right off the tip of her tit.

But – as it turned out – Sheree had nothing to worry about.

As it turned out, Harvey knew precisely what he was doing. He released his grip on the nipple before any damage was done.

Sheree opened her eyes and looked at the nipple that had just popped out of Harvey's mouth. She was shocked by what she saw.

Sheree could see that the nipple had grown, by far, larger than she had ever seen it before. Sheree could see that her feminine erection was protruding almost a full inch from the tip of her tit. Harvey immediately began to repeat the process with the other nipple. He once again went all the way from gingerly licking and kissing to harsh sucking and biting. He did not stop until both of Sheree's nipples were once again the same size.

Harvey pulled his mouth away from the second nipple and began to massage Sheree's tits with his hands.

He opened his fingers.

He stretched his palms.

He placed his hands over her tits so that her nipples were throbbing precisely against the centers of his palms. He curled his fingers at the knuckles so that the tips of his fingers were puckering her tit flesh a little bit. He then began to move both of her tits at the same time in slow sensuous circles. He pushed her tits upward toward her neck. He pulled her tits downward toward the base of her slightly protruding rib-cage. He pulled her tits apart so that the skin in between them was stretched taut. He pushed her tits together so that they were flattened on their inside and the cleavage between them was extraordinarily long and deep.

He lifted his palms from her tits and got each of Sheree's super-erect nipples in between his thumbs and forefingers.

He pinched.



She moaned.



Harvey moved his mouth to the side of her neck and began to kiss and lick and bite up and down, concentrating his oral attention predominantly on her jugular vein.

Yes, his teeth gave her little love bites up and down the side of her neck, but he did not allow his teeth to linger in one place to leave any lasting marks.

He thought it was a secret that he and Sheree were up on Sex Hill.

Harvey thought that giving Sheree a hickey on the side of her neck would be a move that was prohibitively indiscreet.

He parted his lips.

Stuck out his tongue.

He flicked the tip of his tongue back and forth lightly and quickly across Sheree's dangling earlobe.

He used the tip of his bold and curious taster to explore the outer portions of Sheree's shell-like ear.

Then he stiffened his tongue and rammed it right up into her ear, exploring deeper and deeper into her inner ear canal – getting closer and closer to her ear drum.

Sheree shivered violently, as if she were trying to shiver her way right out of her skin. Sheree could feel the entire surface area of her diminutive body being covered with a thick layer of gooseflesh. She could feel the little dark brown hairs at the nape of her neck standing on end.



"Open my jeans."


"You got the rag handy?"

"It's right here on the floor."

"Unzip me."


"Stick your hand inside my pants."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Into my panties."


"Under my sanitary napkin, ummmmmmmm, that's so good!"

"You feel like you have no hair down here on your crotch."

"I don't have. Not much anyway."

"You shave?"

"Nope. Never grew any."

"It must look precious."

"Be a good boy and I'll show it to you someday."


This had always been a very sensitive point with Sheree, and she was pleased with herself because she could now joke about it.

Sheree had known for a long time that most girls had inverted triangles of hair covering their mounds above their pussy slashes.

Sheree knew that most girls had thick hair growing along the sides of their vulvas – sometimes even spreading out onto the insides of their thighs so that they had to shave extra in order to wear bikinis in the summertime. Sheree knew that most girls had hair growing in the cleavage between their ass cheeks, especially around that tight pink assholes, but Sheree had none of this. She merely had two dark brown curls of hair at the base of her mound growing above and to the sides of her clitoral foreskin. The hair covered less than a third of her mound. She had no hair at all growing along her outer cunt lips, and she was equally bald in between the cheeks of her ass.