They were all immobilized from exhaustion, or just plain out cold. Their tired dicks stretched greasily out from between their legs like the tongues of some species of large reptile. You could've dropped a live hand-grenade in the middle of them and nobody would have moved an inch. I slid out from the spermy crush of their bodies and split, running across the sand until I couldn't see them any more.
I was looking for the highway, but the darkness of evening closed in before I could get my bearings. I didn't know where I was. I sat down and quietly panicked as I realized that I was lost in the middle of the desert with probably ten hours to go before daylight.
Maybe I would have lain down in the sand and tried to get some sleep under normal circumstances, but I knew that was ill-advised now. My naked body was still coated with the slime of congealing sperm. If any part of my body except the soles of my feet touched the sand, it would immediately be covered with gritty sand sticking to the cum. I grimaced just thinking about it getting inside my cunt and ass, corridors of sand leading to my womb and bowels.
So I hopelessly wandered through the night, vainly searching for the highway. With every step I took I didn't know whether I was getting closer or farther away from my objective. Right now I felt so lost that I started to think that maybe even the reappearance of the Speed Freaks would be welcome.
Staggering onward through the night, I became increasingly exhausted. Already spent from being gang-banged, my bumbling desert journey was taxing me to the limits. Increasingly I started to give myself arguments as to why I should just go ahead and drop. So what if I got sand all over myself? one voice would say. Then, just as I was ready to willingly fall, another one would keep me up for a few minutes until the next crisis, telling me I might as well be a piece of Shake 'n Bake in the oven if I fell in the sand. There was no water anywhere. If I got covered with sand sticking to the cum all over my naked body, I'd never get it off. Cum congeals harder than Elmer's Glue. I'd cook out here after the sun came up.
On the other hand, the voice of defeat countered, what difference did it make? If I didn't bake with sand all over my body, I'd burn to a crisp anyway. I was stark naked. My bare skin couldn't take the sun. The fact of the matter was that I had no chance here alone in the desert no matter what I did. I might as well give in now and get some sleep before I was incinerated.
Conceding utter defeat, I collapsed. The instant I fell I could feel the sand cling to my naked body as though my skin were coated with adhesive. The cum all over me seemed to suck the grains of sand to it like iron filings to a magnet, plastering them by the millions all over my body until my skin resembled sandpaper.
"What's the use?" I sighed as I lapsed into unconsciousness.
Ghastly dreams swirled around in my mind as I slept. The sand, scraping and pinching at every pore of my body, inspired infinite nightmares of torture.
In one horrible dream a forest off cocks fucked me, just like the Speed Freaks had done. But this time, instead of sperm, they ejaculated ground glass. That's why my body felt like it was being cut to ribbons. That's why my tits felt like they were scraped raw. My cunt like a giant wound. My asshole felt like someone was pulling a never-ending strand of barbed-wire from it.
Then, suddenly, the whole thrust of the dreams changed. One minute I was writhing in agony, my naked body being chewed to bits… and then in the next minute it was as though I had been hurled into Arctic waters. I opened my eyes, expecting to be face to face with a glacier.
Everything was a blur as the first thing I noticed outside of my nightmare was the sound of my own screaming. Then, suddenly, I realized that all the abrasion was gone from my body and I was immersed in fluid. Water. I could taste it. The blurriness was the water dripping in my eyes. I blinked and focused my eyes, realizing for the first time that I had just been dunked in a pool of water somewhere. I must be in heaven, I thought for an instant.
But when I focused my eyes, I saw that I wasn't. That is, not unless Saint Peter was a crusty old goat who rode around on a mule with its ears poking through a straw hat.
"Howdy, ma'am," the old goat who was not Saint Peter cackled from across the waterhole I was sitting in. "Looks like you got all the sand off you… if'n you know what I mean."
I certainly did know what he meant. He was looking straight at my bare tits, which were bobbing clearly up and down on the water. They were like buoys, my nipples their flags.
"I see you kin still blush," he drawled, sending a missile of tobacco juice sailing from between his teeth. I flinched as it landed in the water only inches from me. "Now, you tell me," he continued. "What's a nice place like this doin' with a gal like you in it? A nekked gal, I might add. Any kind of gal is unusual of course out here, but one as nekked as a homed toad? Can't tell you what a start you give me when I found you. I ain't seen a woman of no kind for three months… let alone a nekked one." He licked the tobacco flecks off his lips.
"You found me?" I said, realizing that despite his repulsiveness he had probably saved my life.
"Yep," he drawled, continuing to look directly at my floating tits. "Actually, my mule, Hector, found you. A mule don't like anything what's out of the ordinary. And you bein' nekked in the middle of this Godforsaken place ain't ordinary no way you look at it. Hector started brayin', refusin' to move. I thought it was a rattlesnake and got off to find the sonofabitch so I could kill it and get on my way. Goddamn, when I found you instead, I thought I'd shit."
"And you brought me here? To this waterhole?" I asked.
"Then you saved my life. How can I ever repay you?"
"Well, now that you mention it…"
"Anything," I assured him with total gratitude. "Anything."
I nodded my head.
"Well, like I said," he drawled some more, "you'd be the first woman, nekked or otherwise, that ole Hector and I seed since past three months. Out here prospectin' in the desert, the only pussy you see, if you'll pardon the expression, is in mirages. And man nor mule can't fuck a mirage." Fuck! my mind warned me. The old goat wanted me to screw him out of gratitude. I almost retched at the thought.
"I see by the look on your face that you done anticipated me," he said, cocking his head and looking at me like I was a misbehaving child. "I also think you're considerin' welshin' out on your bargain."
"Which bargain?" I blurted.
"The I-save-your-life-in-return-far-anything-I-want bargain that you just promised me a few minutes ago, ma'am," he said with a sinister smile.
Suddenly my stammering protests were ended as his hand dropped to the side of his saddle, smacked leather, and then flew upward with a long, gleaming column of blue metal that pointed straight at inc. He was aiming a rifle right between the tits he had been ogling so fondly.
"Now, you still wanna welsh on our bargain, Missy?" he said, launching a black blur of tobacco juice that landed in the water right between my tits.
The gun looked enormous to me, even across the waterhole. The hole at the end of the barrel seemed so huge that I imagined something the size of a cannon ball must come out of it. I could just see my tits splattered all aver the surface of the waterhole that had saved my life, my murderer my temporary savior.
I didn't want to die. I wanted to get out of this mess and find my way back home. I wanted to be waiting for Phil when he came back off the wad – not dead, my guts deposited meaninglessly over some desert where nobody would ever find my body. I could see my corpse being devoured by vultures within hours after my life ended. It seemed such a waste. Especially when, despite everything, I still loved Phil and I was sure he loved me. Why waste it over a disagreement with an old desert prospector that I'd never see again?