“Thoroughly researched, objective and thoughtfully written… a highly recommended addition to the historiography of World War II, and sheds new light on this misunderstood campaign.”
“A very detailed look at what was the first ‘joint’ operation of the Second World War, the highly risky and amazingly successful German invasion of Normandy in April 1940… a comprehensive account of what was one of the most complex campaigns of the war…”
“…will undoubtedly become recognized as a milestone among the books about Norway in 1940.”
“…a solid account of the campaign that is both informative and readable, with a focus on military operations that include German, British, French and Norwegian.”
“…a well documented, critical and hard hitting analysis of the war in Norway.”
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908 Darby Road, Havertown, PA 19083
and in the United Kingdom by
17 Cheap Street, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5DD
© 2009 by Henrik O. Lunde
ISBN 978-1-935149-33-0
eISBN 9781612000459
Cataloging-in-publication data is available from the Library of Congress and from the British Library.
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