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Schulenburg, Count Fritz-Dietlof von der

Schuler, Alfred

Schulze-Boysen, Harro

Schumacher, Kurt

Schumpeter, Joseph

Schuschnigg, Kurt von

Schwarz, Franz Xaver

Schwerin-Krosigk, Count Lutz

Schwerin von Schwanenfeld

Schreck, Julius

Schweyer, Franz

Schwind, Moritz von

Sebottendorf, Rudolf Freiherr von

Seeckt, General Hans von

Seghers, Anna

Seisser, Hans von

Sekira, Frau,

Seldte, Franz

Severing, Carl (Prussian Minister of Interior) f.

Seydlitz, General Walter

Seyss-Inquart, Arthur

Sforza, Count Carlo

Shirer, William L.

Simon, Sir John

Sogemeyer, Martin

Soloviëv, Vladimir

Sombart, Werner

Sorel, Albert

Sorel, Georges

Specht, General Karl-Wilhelm

Speer, Albert

Speidel, General Hans

Spengler, Oswald

Spitzweg, Karl

Sponeck, General Count Hans von

Stadtler, Eduard


Stauffenberg brothers

Stauffenberg, Claus Count Schenk von

Stauss, Emil Georg von


Steiner, Felix

Steltzer, Theodor

Stempfle, Father Bernhard

Stennes, Captain Walter

Stieff, General Helmuth

Stinnes, Hugo

Stöhr, Franz

Strasser, Gregor

Strasser, Otto

Strauss, Richard

Streibel, Otto

Streicher, Julius

Stresemann, Gustav

Stuck, Franz von

Stiilpnagel, General Karl Heinrich von

Stumpfegger, Dr. Ludwig

Stutzel, Karl

Sucharski, Major


Sztójay, Döme (Hungarian Foreign Minister)

Taaffe, Count Eduard von

Terboven, Josef

Thälmann, Ernst

Thomas, General Georg

Thyssen, Fritz

Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista

Tiso, Josef


Tito, Josip Broz

Tobias, Fritz

Toller, Ernst

Torgler, Ernst

Tornow, Sergeant

Toynbee, Arnold J.

Treitschke, Heinrich von

Tresckow, Henning von

Trevor-Roper, Hugh

Troost, Paul Ludwig

Trotsky, Lev Davidovich

Trott zu Solz, Adam von

Trummelschlager, Johann

Tucholsky, Kurt

Turner, H. A.

Unamuno, Miguel de

Vacher de Lapuge, Georges

Vahlen, Theodor

Valéry, Paul

Vansittart, Sir Robert

Varus, P. Quinctilius

Veblen, Thorstein

Vermeer van Delft, Jan

Vermeil, Edmond

Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy


Vishinsky, Andrei

Vögler, Albert

Von der Pfordten, Theodor

Voroshilov, Marshal Kliment Jefremovich

Wagner, Adolf (gauleiter of Bavaria)

Wagner, Otto

Wagner, Richard

Flying Dutchman, The







Wagner, Robert Heinrich (Quartermaster General)

Wagner, Walter

Wagner, Winifred

Waldmüller, Ferdinand

Walter, Fritz. See Hanisch, Reinhold Ward Price, G.

Weber, Christian

Weber, Friedrich

Weber, Max

Webern, Anton von

Wedekind, Frank

Weiss (deputy police commissioner)

Weiss, Ferdl

Weiss, Wilhelm

Weizsäcker, Ernst Freiherr von

Welles, Sumner

Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of

Wels, Otto

Wenck, General Walther

Wessel, Horst

Wessel, Horst, song

Weygand, General Maxime

Wheeler-Bennett, John W.

Wilhelm I, Emperor

Wilhelm II, Emperor

Wilson, Sir Horace

Wilson, Woodrow

Winckelmann, Johann Joachim

Winter, Anny (Hitler’s housekeeper)

Winterfeld, von

Wirth, Josef

Wittelsbach dynasty

Witzleben, General Erwin von

Wolf (Free Corps)

Wolf, General Karl

Woyrsch, Udo von

Wrangel, Baron Petr Nikolaevich

Yorck von Wartenburg, Count Peter

Young, Owen D. (Young Plan)

Zahnschirm (parish priest in Döllers-heim)

Zakreys, Maria

Zauner (constable in Linz)

Zauritz (policeman)

Zeitzler, General Kurt

Zetkin, Clara

Zhukov, Marshal Georgi Konstantinovich

Zuckmayer, Carl

Zweig, Stefan

About the Author

JOACHIM C. FEST is a highly acclaimed historian and journalist, and the author of several widely respected books on Nazi Germany, including The Face of the Third Reich, Plotting Hitler’s Death, and Speer. He worked closely with Albert Speer as the editor of Inside the Third Reich and Spandau: The Secret Diaries. He lives near Frankfurt.


Copyright © 1973 by Verlag Ullstein

English translation copyright © 1974 by Harcourt, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 215 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10003.


Quotations throughout the book are from Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, translated by Ralph Manheim.

Copyright 1943 and © renewed 1971 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company.

All rights reserved.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Fest, Joachim C. 1926–


“A Helen and Kurt Wolff book.”

1. Hitler, Adolf, 1889–1945.

DD247.H5F4713 943.086'092'4 [B] 73-18154

ISBN 978-0-15-141650-9

ISBN 978-0-15-602754-0 (pb.)

eISBN 978-0-544-19554-7
