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Raeder, Erich,

Raff, Hans,

Raff (née Kares), Ulla,



Rattenhuber, Johann,

Raubel, Angela Maria (Geli),


Reich Chancellery, Berlin

TJ offered job at,

TJ works in,

Colonel Remers orders men to occupy,

Hitler returns to,

description of,

description of Hitler’s bunker at,

Hitler’s last months at,

Hitler’s death at,

staff escape from,

brief mentions,

Reich Labour Service,

Reich Management Organization,

Reitsch, Hanna,

Remer, Otto Ernst,

Reserve, the,


Ribbentrop, Joachim von,

Riefenstahl, Leni,

Robert Koch Hospital, Berlin,

Rolf Kauka publishing firm,

Romantic Ballet,


Rüdiger, Jutta,

Rudolph Virchow Institute, Berlin,

Rühmann, Heinz,

Ruhr, the,

Rundschau, Die,

Rundschau Verlag,

Rundstedt, Karl Rudolf Gerd von,



advance of,

in Berlin,

Krebs goes as peace negotiator to,

TJ held in prison by,

German atrocities against,

TJ’s escape from,

TJ fears attracting attention of,

brief mentions,

SA (Sturmabteilung or Brownshirts),

SD (Sicherheitdienst),

SPD Cultural Forum,




Salzburger Land,

Schädle, Franz,

Schaub, Julius Gregor

at the Wolf’s Lair, –

biographical information,

TJ’s impressions of character,

on train journeys,

at the Berghof,

in the Taunus,

in Berlin,

destroys Hitler’s papers,

leaves Berlin,

brief mentions,

Schirach, Baldur von, n and

Schirach (née Hoffmann), Henriette,

Schloss Klessheim,

Schmiderer, Othmar,

Schmundt, Rudolf,

Schneider (née Ostermeier), Herta,

Scholl, Sophie,

Schönmann (née Petzl), Marion,

Schroeder, Christa

long service as Hitler’s secretary,

at the Wolf’s Lair,

on train journey to the Berghof,

Schroeder, Christa—cont.

at the Berghof,

at Sanatorium Zabel,

in Berlin,

leaves Berlin,

biographical information,

loyalty to Hitler,

brief mention,

Schwabing district, Munich,

Schwägermann, Günther,


Sendlinger-Tor-Platz, Munich,

Sicherheitdienst see SD

Siegel, Ralph Maria,

Silesian Station, Berlin,

Simultanschule, Munich,

Skoda, Albin,

Smyrna (now Izmir),

Social Democrats,

Sonnemann, Emmy see Göring (née Sonnemann), Emmy

Sophienstrasse, Munich,

Soviet Military Administration,

Soviet Union see Russia

Speer, Albert,

Speer, Margarete (known as ‘Gretel’ or ‘Margret’),

Stalin, Joseph,


Starnberg prison,

Stasi (Eva Braun’s dog),

Stauffenberg, Claus Count Schenk von,

Steiner, Felix Martin,

Steinernes Meer,

Stone (née Klopfer), Erika see

Klopfer, Erika

Storm, Theodor Woldsen,

Strauss, Richard,

Stumpfegger, Ludwig,

Sturmabteilung see SA

Stürmer, Der,


Thea (dancer),

Tiergarten, Berlin,

Tiso, Josef, President of Slovakia,

Todt, Fritz,

Todt, Ilsebill,

Tornow, Fritz,

Taunus, the,


Tristan und Isolde,

Troost (née Anderson), Gerhardine ‘Gerdy’,

Troost, Paul Ludwig,


‘Two Thousand Years of German Culture’ (procession),

UFA studios,

USA see America; Americans

Ude, Christian,

Ude, Karin,

Ude, Karl,


Union hotel, Munich,


Upper Silesia,



Valenci, Trudl,

Vereinigte Deutsche Metallwerke,

Versailles, Treaty of,

Victor Emanuel III, King of Italy,


University Hospital,


Voss, Hans-Erich,

Voss-Strasse, Berlin,

Wagner, Richard,

Waizenegger, Heinz,

War Victims Head Office,


Weber, Christian,

Weber, Friedrich,

Weber, Dr (Morell’s deputy),


Hight Command/OKW,


Welt und Wort,

Wenck, Walther,

Werlin, Jakob,

Werner, Oskar,

West/Western Front,

Wilhelmstrasse, Berlin,

Wilhelmsplatz Berlin,

Wilmersdorf, Berlin,


Winter, Anni,

Winter, Georg,

Winter Aid,


Wolf, Hugo,

Wolf, Johanna

long service as Hitler’s secretary,

at the Wolf’s Lair,

on train journey to the Berghof,

goes to the Berghof,

on train journey to Berlin,

goes to headquarters at the Taunus,

leaves Berlin,

biographical information,

Wolf’s Lair, the

TJ’s memories of,

blown up,

brief mentions,


Wort und Bild,

Wörther See,

Zabel, Werner,

Zabel sanatorium,

Zander, Wilhelm,

Zhukov, Gyorgy,

Zottmann, Agathe (TJ’s grandmother),

Zottmann, Hans (TJ’s uncle),

Zottmann, Hildegarde see Humps

(née Zottmann), Hildegarde

(TJ’s mother)

Zottmann, Maximilian (TJ’s grandfather),

ZumTürken inn,


Traudl aged about two with her mother, Hildegard Humps
Summer holidays by the Ammersee, c. 1927 (left to right: Traudl Humps, a playmate, Inge Humps, in the background Traudl’s grandmother, Agathe Zottmann)
With her friend, Ulla Kares, 1940
Traudl when working at the Reich Chancellery in Berlin, 1942
Wedding to Hans Junge, 19 June 1943
The newly-weds: Traudl and Hans Junge with the witnesses to their wedding, Otto Günsche (left) and Erich Kempka (right)
In the Führer’s special train: Traudl and Hans Junge with Johanna Wolf (right) looking at their wedding photographs (photo: Walter Frentz)
Adolf Hitler with his orderly Hans Junge, early 1940s
On the Berghof terrace, 1943, seated left to right: Lieutenant Colonel Gerhard Engel, Heinrich Hoffmann (with Traudl Junge behind him), Walther Hewel, Gerda Bormann (back view), State Secretary for Tourism Hermann Esser (photo: Walter Frentz)