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Jenna blinked. "You’ve eaten a fish that gave you the ability to tap the mage lights?"

Thraisha gave a series of pants that translated as laughter to Jenna’s ear. "And you have a stone that gives you power?" she said, mimicking Jenna’s tone of astonishment. "Why, the land is full of stones." She laughed again. "The sea has changed as the land has changed, and things swim under the waves that have not been glimpsed since the last change of currents. Did you think that you humans were the only ones who could tap the power above or who could use the slow magics? The gods made us all; why should they gift only you?" The seal lifted her gray, bristled muzzle. "I am First for the Saimhoir as you are First for your kind. I understand your pain; I have endured it also."

With the words, a foaming, cresting wave of force rose from within Thraisha and enveloped Jenna.

For a moment, as the false surf swept over her, Jenna felt the memory of the Filleadh, the agony she’d felt as she’d opened all the clochs na thintri to the mage-lights. . and at the same time she saw herself as Thraisha, undergoing the same brutal trial under-neath the sea and nearly dying as the energies tore at her. It had been worse for Thraisha, Jenna realized-she had nearly succumbed, saved only by her bull mate who had lifted her to the surface and held her above the water for long hours as Thraisha lay senseless. Jenna cried out, a wail of her own remembered torment all mingled with Thraisha’s suffering as she sank to her knees in front of the seal, not caring that the rocks were wet or that the spray from the slow breakers washed over her legs and cloca. Her arm ached and throbbed, the fingers of her right hand knotting as muscles cramped and protested. Thraisha lurched forward and Jenna cradled the seal’s head against her breast as she might a child, her breath choked with a sob. She heard Ennis start forward behind her, then stop as the bull roared once at him in warning.

"We are closer than sisters of the milk," Thraisha said softly. "We know, you and I. We know. ." Thraisha’s head pulled away and Jenna reluctantly let her go. "Bradan an Chumhacht isn’t Lamh

Shabhala; what it gives me is not what the stone gives you," the seal said to her. "One gift it brings to me is a small foretelling, a glimpse of possibilities. I am seer and this is what I've seen: our fates our linked together, my sister-kin. That's why I wanted to meet you."

"What do you mean? How are we linked?"

Thraisha moved her head from side to side with a gurgling wail. "That I don't know. I can't see it. But I know we will be together again, and in one vision of those possible futures, we die together. I've seen Bradan an Chumhacht swim from my dying mouth and Lamh Shabhala fall to the ground from your hand."

The bull roared loudly behind them and Thraisha gave a snort. "Your people are coming and I must go now. We'll talk again." With a lurch and a roll, the seal turned to leave. The bull waited, but the other female and the pup had already slipped back into the water, calling to Thraisha.

"Wait!" Jenna cried. She stumbled to her feet, Ennis running forward to help her up. "I want to know more."

"You will," Thraisha called. "We both will, when it's time." Thraisha was at the water's edge; she half-fell, half-dove into the water. The bull lumbered after her. A moment later, her sleek head reappeared. "Beware the storm," Thraisha called to her. "It doesn't follow you; it travels with you."

"Thraisha. .!"

The blue seals dove as one. She could see their muscular bodies just below the surface, seeming to fly in the water, as graceful in their element as they were clumsy on the land.


The voice came from the wharf. Jenna and Ennis turned as one, Jenna releasing her hold on the cloch at the same time. As the cloch-vision left her, the brilliance seemed to wash out of the world, leaving the colors muted and gray. The Banrion was standing there looking down toward them. Moister Cleurach stood next to her; behind, their luggage was being loaded into Uaigneas. "Consorting with seals isn't something I expected of the First Holder," Aithne commented. "I especially didn't expect to hear you growling and wailing like one of them. Will we find you chirping at gulls, as well?" She didn’t wait for an answer. "The captain says we should sail now, while the tide is running out. We’re boarding."

The Banrion gestured to them and strode purposefully toward the ship, the gardai falling into place alongside her. Moister Cleurach stared a mo-ment longer, then followed her.

"Jenna. .?" She glanced back to the water, its rolling surface now Unbroken. Thraisha and her companions had vanished. Ennis’ hand stroked her right arm, trailing down the stiff flesh and falling away again "We need to go." She nodded.

Inishfeirm lay only five miles off the coast of Inish Thuaidh, but they were making for the harbor of Maddygalla, twenty miles eastward around a cliff-walled headland-a full day’s journey. Jenna had to admit that the Uaigneas was far more comfortable than the small fishing boat in which she and Ennis had made the crossing from Talamh an Ghlas. The ship rode the waves easily with a gentle rocking motion, the sail billowing on the mast above them, spray curling from the bow as it cut the gray-green water. Jenna stood with Ennis at the starboard rail; the Banrion and Moister Cleurach were talking near the stern. Jenna watched the water, won-dering if she might see the shapes of the seals pacing the boat, but there was nothing but the occasional gull or cormorant diving for a fish.

Behind, Inishfeirm slowly receded, the White Keep glinted atop the summit as the sun moved in and out of clouds.

"What are you thinking?" Ennis asked. He was standing next to her, a careful arm’s length away. She leaned toward him, enjoying his closeness and attention, imagining that she could feel the warmth of his body against the chill sea breeze.

"I’m thinking that we’re walking into another snake’s nest like the Ri’s Keep in Lar Bhaile. I’m thinking that there are still too many things I don’t know. I’m wondering if I have a baby brother by now or if I’ll ever see my mam again. I’m wishing that I had the courage to say…" She stopped herself… to say to you all the things I want to say. She sighed, and gave him a wan smile. "I’m wondering about Thraisha’s words. Did you know about her, Ennis?"

"Aye, a bit. I knew the tales the Saimhoir told

about the mage-lights and Bradan an Chumhacht, and I knew from Garrentha that her milk-mother had eaten the salmon." His hand was near hers on the railing. It she moved, she could touch him. "I figured that she'd come looking for you."

The sun cloaked itself again though its light still danced on the waves well out from them. Jenna shivered. "Are there more? Other things like the cloch na thintri held by other creatures?"

"Probably. The books in the library talk of eagles and wolves having their own magic and they hint of dragons with the same. There may others."

She glanced up at his shadowed face. "When did you last see dragon?" He smiled back at her for a moment, the expression lightening his face, and she started to laugh with him. Jenna lifted her hand, put it on top of his He looked down at their intertwined fingers as he spoke. "Never. Moister Cleurach says he doubts they exist at all. But I hope he's wrong, Now that would be a sight. ."He suddenly dropped his hand away from the railing, his gaze moving past her shoulder. "Banrion," he said. "Moister. Good morning."

That earned Ennis a grunt from Moister Cleurach and a flick of the Banrion's eyes before her gaze went to Jenna. "We hardly need to make polite small talk here. Let me be blunt. You don't seem to like me, First Holder," Aithne said.

"Banrion-" Jenna began, but the woman raised her hand. "You don't need to either acknowledge that or try to smooth it over. I simply state the fact. The truth is, Holder Aoire, I don't much care if you like me or not. All that matters to me is that I understand where your loyalties lie, so that I know how we can work together. Your mam, I understand from Moister Cleurach, is the consort of Tiarna Mac Ard of Gabair and is carrying his child."