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"I don't know." She cried, and rolled her head from side to side against the mattress.

"It's simple really. Just tell me to lick your pussy." He demonstrated by dragging the flat of his tongue from the very bottom of her slit all the way to her lower stomach. "Or you could sweetly ask me to fuck you with my tongue." He plunged deeply between her folds, giving his tongue a little wiggle that sent stars igniting behind her eyes. "Or you could request that I suck on your clit. Now, what would you like?" He asked, waiting for her response.

"I don't care. Please just do something." She said desperately.

"Hmmm…my choice then?" She nodded vigorously. "Well, then I'll just surprise you."

Holly sighed in relief as he proceeded to ease two fingers deep into her body while continuing to torment her clit with his tongue. She felt her body stretching deliciously as he added a third large finger and began sliding all three in and out in a gradually increasing tempo.

"God, you're sweet," he murmured against her and wrapped his lips around that demanding bundle of nerves she'd spent her entire life ignoring. Holly felt her second orgasm of the night explode deep within her as he sucked and nibbled at her convulsing pussy.

This time he didn't give her a grace period to recover. As soon as her body stopped vibrating he was angling his hips forward until the tip of his massive erection was poised at the entrance of her body. Without preamble, he plunged just the head of his cock into her dripping pussy and she heard him grunt in satisfaction as her flesh gripped him tightly.

"Jesus. You feel unbelievable," he groaned, sliding forward another inch and then stopping.

Holly's body suddenly felt very full. It was almost too much. There was a tantalizing pressure deep within her that should have been painful but instead just pulsed along her nerves promising unbelievable pleasure if she could just have just a little bit more of him. She arched her back and lifted her hips but he remained half-embedded, refusing to give her what she so desperately needed.

Determined, she removed her hands from his hair and slid them down and around to his butt. She grasped those twin mounds with the palms of her hand and pushed at him, trying to get him to move.

"Hold on, Honey. I'm giving you time to adjust."

"Because you're too big, right? Just like I said."

He choked out a laugh. "No, because you're so small and tight. I don't want to hurt you."

Holly parted her legs as far as they would go. "You won't hurt me. I want all of you. Please."

He rolled his hips forward and Holly heard him gasp as her flesh engulfed him all the way to the hilt. Suddenly he was very serious as he began thrusting his massive cock slowly in and out of her slippery channel. He rose up on his arms to avoid crushing her and circled his hips from side to side increasing the delicious friction by rubbing the base of his shaft against her clit as he took her from a new angle.

Holly felt little mewling cries escape her throat as he began quickening his thrusts until he was pounding into her so deep and hard that she felt her own body responding to the urgency and energy flowing through his body and into hers. Another orgasm overtook her and she tilted her hips upward, matching his accelerating rhythm until she heard his shout of satisfaction and felt his hips jerking in reaction to his own powerful orgasm.

He collapsed on top of her, still buried deep within her flesh. Minutes later, Holly did not feel him shift to the side and slip from the bed as silent as any phantom. She didn't notice when he paused long enough to tenderly remove the blindfold from her eyes and press a gentle kiss against one of her naked shoulders.

Exhaustion had completely overtaken Holly and she was peacefully and dreamlessly asleep. Alone. Her final thought before drifting off was: Why did he not have a scent?

Chapter Five

The next day was a strange one for Holly. For the first time since that horrible night three month ago, she slept in until the morning was gone and the afternoon world was loud and busy outside her window. Lying in bed, luxuriating in her own laziness, she relived the unexpected delights of the previous evening. She was a bit sore between her legs, but overall she felt better, more alive, than she had since before the original home invasion.

She contemplated the future with real excitement and a carefree attitude that had been absent from her personality for months. That awful man had robbed her of her sleep, but he'd also taken away her ability to experience joy as well. And she had let him do that to her. But not anymore. He didn't have any power over her. He never really did. He was just some twisted little pervert who got off on hurting women. Not some all-powerful demon. She knew that now.

Without sleep deprivation clouding her judgment it suddenly became very clear to her that she hadn't needed to re-enact her dream to vanquish her nightmare. All she really needed to do was take control of her thoughts and acknowledge that, on some level, she'd been aroused by the idea of a stranger in her bed. Add the hot cop who'd come to her rescue and she had actually been living out her most deeply repressed fantasies every single night by combining the two concepts into one hot mess of subconscious desire. The fear and anxiety actually came from trying to deny her own sexual nature. But not anymore. She would embrace her sexuality from now on. In the privacy of her own imagination anyway.

Taking a long, hot shower was a sensual pleasure she'd never noticed before. Usually she bathed quickly and efficiently, but today she stood under the spray for long minutes and really experienced the warm water sluicing over her skin in a silky caress. Taking the bar of soap from its dish, she lathered up a soft, cotton washcloth and smoothed it over every inch of her body, paying very special attention to her breasts and her inner thighs.

Unable to help herself, she rubbed the cloth over her warm pussy and thought about the sound of his voice as he'd described how pink and pretty she was down there. Then she thought about his firm cock filling her, how he had been so ruthless and demanding once he'd been all the way inside her.

Dropping the cloth, Holly pressed her own fingers deep within her cleft while strumming her sensitive bud with one slippery thumb, just like he'd done the night before. Just thinking about him and his talented fingers and tongue was all it took to send her spiralling into her first solitary orgasm.

Back in her room, she got dressed with a small smile on her face. Looking at herself in the mirror over her dresser and seeing the flushed glow on her cheeks made her smile widen. She looked happy. Still thin, but the dark circles under eyes were definitely less noticeable and there was no denying the way her lips looked naturally red and swollen without even a hint of cosmetics. She looked like a woman who had been loved long and hard the night before and it suited her.

In the mirror's reflection she could also see the wreck that was her bed. The duvet was half off and the many pillows were either squashed into submission or on the floor. But he'd left nothing behind. Even her panties were neatly folded on top of her dresser. She'd been hoping he'd left one of the hand-cuffs or the scarf behind as a souvenir, anything to remind her that her night with her fantasy man had really happened, but there was no tangible sign of his presence at all. Even the security alarm was still set. Had she dreamed the whole thing?

Realizing that she'd never discussed a concrete plan for the return of her apartment keys with Miss Bright, Holly rushed out to the living area, looking on her coffee table and then the small dining table in her kitchen. Still nothing. Not a note or anything. She'd been half-expecting her spare apartment keys to be sitting in some obvious place, but they weren't anywhere to be found, which meant he had returned them to Emily, the barista at the coffee place off the lobby, or he still had them.