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"Damien hit you? ” She cried, clearly appalled.

"Nope. Differe n t brother. And we hit each other. This was an accident."

"You boys play ro ugh."

He grinned. "Yo u have no idea. ” He waved one shackled hand at his face. “Am I hideous? With the scar, I mean. Not as studly as you imagined. "

Holly shook her head vehemently and studied his handsome face. Honestly, the scar took away some of the boyishness that still existed there in his visage and transformed him into something else. Something dark and dangerous. “You’re gorgeous. More handsome than I remembered.”

Dante rolled his eyes. “I really doubt that, but I’m glad you don’t think I’m a monster.”

Distracted by his b ody, Holly smoothed her hands along hi s massive shoulders and then ove r his powerful chest. He looked so strong. She really couldn't fa t hom how he managed not to crush her.

Slowly, she slid one hand down his body. She fluttered her fingertips along his ribs a n d tried to look innocent when he raised an eyebrow at her.

"What?" she s aid. "You don't like that?"

"I'm pretty su r e we agreed to no tickling."

"I have no idea w hat you mean. That was a completely separate fantasy. It has no bea r ing on what's happening here tonight. New fantasy. New rules."

"Is that what th i s is? A fantasy? Or is it something more?" He asked, removing his wrists from the headboard, he gently grabbed her hands where they were tormenting his ribs and pressed the m against his stomach to keep th em still.

"This is your fa n tasy," she said, looking up at him seriously. "And it can be w hatever you want."

"Holly, you do n 't have to do that. I mean, I love that you're here. And I re a lly love that you seem to be completely naked under that coat, but I n eed to know what's going on. I hate to sound like a chick, but wh a t does this all mean?" He gave her hands a little shake and the loo s e hand-cuff rattled against his hip.

"What do you thi n k it means?"

"I don't reall y know. You obviously went to a lot of trouble to track me down, and I have no idea how y ou figured out it was me. I even scrubbed m yself down with un scented products to keep my secret identity intact."

"That was pretty impressive. Though it did make me wonder if I'd just had sex with t h e creep from that night."

He went pale. "J eez. I didn't think of that. I was more concerned with you recogn i zing my scent."

"It's okay. T he thought crossed my mind, but it was pretty obvious that you weren ’t a rapist. You couldn't even go through with the rough sex part of my fantasy."

"Since you're h ere, I'm going to assume that you w eren't terribly disappointed.”

"Are you kidding? No, I wasn’t disappointed at all. I had no idea sex could be so good. Which is part of the rea s on I'm here. Because I want more of that. If you do, that is. ”

"Honey. Nothin g would make me happier than giving you all the sex you could possibly w a nt. But is that all you want? We can leave it at that if you want, but I'm hoping there's more. A lot more to this."

Holly looked down at their clasped hands and then stared deeply into his beautiful brown eyes. " I'm also here because you've been keeping me safe for months, sa c rificing your time and e nergy to fulfill a promise. I know I should be strong and independent and hate the fact that you feel you need to prot e ct me but it also makes me feel so grateful and secure, knowing you g i ve a damn about what happens to me. I just can't tell you how much it means to me that you c a re so much." She lifted his hands to her mouth and kissed the knuck l es, trying to ignore the pink handcuff.

"Holly, I don' t want you to be with me just because you feel grateful and horny. Ple a se tell me there's more."

"Hold on. I' m getting to that part. Be patient." She leaned back and gave him an a dmonishing look.

"Fine. I'll s hut up. But stop kissing my hands for a few seconds or I'm not goin g to be able to concentrate on what you're saying."

She lowered their h ands to his stomach again and couldn't help noticing how the sheet wa s tenting over his lap in a truly impressive manner. "I can see that you're a little distracted. Now I am too." She said, licking h er lips.

"What can I say? Guys are simple creatures. Be d + half-naked girl = massive hard on. You ha ve a very predictable effect on my anat omy.


"And for that I' m eternally grateful."

He groaned. "No more gratitu d e. Just tell me what you want. Please. I need to hear you say it. ”

She leaned forward and pressed a kiss just above his heart. "I want you. Not for one night or just a fantasy. I want everything. I don't know why, b u t I feel like there's more between us than just chemistry. I felt i t the night you rescued me and I felt it again when you tried to fulfill my fantasy. For me, what's between us is real and can't be deni ed. I really want to be with you and fi nd out if we can have an actual, normal, adult, long-term relationship. How about you?"

He drew her agains t his broad chest and kissed her passionately. When he pulled back they were both breathless. "There's really nothing I want more, but I hav e one more confession to make."

Holly traced his l i ps with her fingers. "Pleas e don't tell me that you're goin g to continue to work at Delta of Venus Inc."

He laughed. "No way. I'm definitely not cut out for that. That was a one-time on l y deal. Apparently I'm the second worst Scene Facilitator they've ever had."

"Second? Who' s the worst?"

"You met my brot h er? I assume he let you in?"

"Hmmm…Re a lly? I would think he'd be excellent at fulfilling women's fantas i es."

"Not sure I like the sound of that," he growled.

Holly shrugged and looked innocent. "He just seems v e ry capable. Now, what's your confession?"

"Well. I actua l ly noticed you more than a year ago at that coffee shop. I wanted to a pproach you then but kept chickening out. When I burst into your apartment that night I couldn't believe my luck. I got to play k night in shin i ng armo u r to the girl of my dreams. My own personal fantasy."

"Seriously? Wh y didn't you just come up and talk to me? I would have been thrilled. Believe me." She smoothed her hand over his chest again. "I m ean, look at you. You're incredible."

"Incredibly awkw a rd when it comes to sweet, sexy women apparently."

She shook her head in denial. "I can't believe that."

"It's true. A sk my brother. He'd be more than happy to share all my short-coming s."

"Hmmm…I r eally can't see any shortcomings." Her hand wandered down to his l ap and squeezed his prominent erection.

He gasped at her b o ld caress. Grabbing her by the waist he picked her up and placed her astride his lap with hi s cock jutting up between them. Yanking on the belt of her coat he rou g hly pulled the lapels apart and studied her naked body as it was reveal ed to him.

"God, you're beautiful," he murmured, pushing h er coat entirely off her shoulde rs. He roughly palmed her breasts and then leaned forward to lick one hard, pink nipple.

"No more confess i ons?" She asked, lifting her body until her slick pussy hovered o v er the head of his straining erection.

"Nope. All out of secrets. Now let's get on with my fantasy, shall we?"

"M y p leasure," she sighed as she slowly and sweetly had her wicked way w i th him.

I t was a dream come true, for both of them.