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‘Isn’t it amusing?’ said Vera, with fellow-feeling, with a lick of malice. ‘I say good luck to him!’

I was thinking, with a spectator’s impatience, that she and George would have been well matched. She might be dense, or humourless, or self-deceiving, but George would have minded less than most men, and underneath it she was as strong as he was. Instead, she had found someone who it seemed could give her nothing, which was a singular triumph for the biological instinct. Now, to cap it all, George was doing the same. Yet she was totally committed, and so perhaps was he. Speculating about them both, I felt extreme curiosity, irritation, and a touch of envy.

31: Announcement in a Newspaper

INTO my dusty bedroom, where the morning light was reflected on the back wall, Mrs Beauchamp entered with the breakfast tray at times which tended to get later. Breakfast itself had reached an irreducible minimum, a small pot of tea and a biscuit.

‘I do what I can, Mr Eliot,’ said Mrs Beauchamp, not apologetically but with soft and soothing pride.

While she stood there, as though expecting congratulations, and then paddled about on the chance of more exposures of human wickedness, I picked up the newspaper. Each morning, gripped by an addiction I could not control, like one compelled to touch every pillarbox in the street, I had to run my eye down the column of Births, searching for the name of Hollis. After Gilbert’s final piece of gossip, this habit had taken hold of me long before Margaret’s child could possibly be born: and, each morning I did not find the name, I felt a superstitious relief and was ready to pander to Mrs Beauchamp.

One morning in May — we were waiting for the invasion, there was a headline on the outside of The Times — I was giving way to the addiction, the routine tic, scanning through the ‘H’s before I opened the paper.

The name stood there. It stood there unfamiliar, as it might be in an alphabet like Russian, which I did not easily read and had to spell out. Margaret. A son.

‘Anything interesting, Mr Eliot?’ came Mrs Beauchamp’s unctuous voice, as from the end of an immense room.

‘Nothing special.’

‘There never is, is there?’

‘An old friend of mine has just had a child, that’s all.’

‘There was a time when I should have liked a little one, Mr Eliot, if I may put it like that. But then when I saw what they grew up into, I must say I thought I’d had a blessing in disguise.’

When I got rid of her, I read the notice meaninglessly time and time again, the paper still unopened. Despite my resolutions, I could not drive the thought down, the thought of seeing her. I wrote a note, in words that were no different from when I used to write to her, to say I had read the news.

I knew the wisdom of those who cut their losses: how often had I advised others so? Don’t meet, don’t write, don’t so much as hear the name: come to terms, give your imagination to others, dismiss the one who has gone. That was what I had set myself, mainly for my own sake, perhaps with a relic of responsibility for her. It was not much help to remember it now; then at last I managed to tear the letter up.

Walking along the square, I was trying to domesticate the news. She would be very happy: even if she had not been happy without qualification before, which I did not wish to think of, this would make up for it. Maybe her children would become more important than her husband. That might have been so with me. Then as I thought of her, with detachment and almost with pleasure, the possessive anger broke through, as though my stomach had turned over and my throat stopped up. This child ought to have been mine.

I was trying to domesticate the news, to think of her gently as though we had known each other a long time before; she would be an over-careful mother, each mistake she made with the child she would take to heart; she did not believe so much in original endowment as I did, she believed that children were a bit more of a blank sheet; the responsibilities would weigh on her, would probably age her — but, with children, she would not think that her life was wasted.

As I thought of her gently, the anger stayed underneath.

With an attention more deliberate than before, I set myself to squeeze interest out of the people round me. It was then I really got to know the predicament of Vera and Norman. Towards the end of the summer, when the flying-bombs stopped and we could talk in peace, they visited me together several times: and then Norman took to coming alone.

When I first saw them together, I thought that beside her he was insignificant. He was small, with a sallow, delicate face; he had been unfit for the Army and had stayed in his Civil Service job which, like Vera, he had entered at sixteen. He seemed to have nothing to say, although his expression was sensitive and fine; when I tried to lead him on, throwing out casts about books or films, I found he was as uncultivated as she. They went to dances, listened to a little music, walked in the country at weekends; they were each earning about £400 a year, which to them meant comfort, and their lives were oddly free from outside pressure. To me, remembering the friends in my young manhood, whose origins were similar to theirs, Vera’s and Norman’s whole existence, interests and hopes seemed out of comparison more tame.

Even Vera, who was brimful of more emotion than she seemed to understand, was chiefly preoccupied in Norman’s company that night with the unrewarding problems of my domestic arrangements. Why should I live in such discomfort?

‘It’s not logical,’ she said.

I told her that it would not make much difference to me.

‘I’m not convinced about that,’ she said.

I told her that it was sometimes a psychological help not to give a thought about how one lived.

Vera shook her head.

‘You’d be just as independent in a proper service flat,’ she said.

She had missed the point, but I saw Norman looking at me.

‘You want someone to run the place for you,’ said Vera. She added: ‘Please don’t think I’m saying anything against Mrs Beauchamp. She’s as kind as anyone you’ll ever get, I knew that the first time I saw her. Of course, she’s the motherly type.’

I was thinking, Vera was as unperceptive about people as anyone I knew, when suddenly I was distracted by a smile from Norman, a smile which, loving and clear-eyed, reflected precisely the same thought. It was a smile of insight. Suddenly I took to him. I felt a sharper sympathy with him than I could with her.

I encouraged him to come and see me, although I soon knew what I was letting myself in for; most of the time it was hard work.

As I knew him better, I discovered that my impressions had been right, it was true that he had a natural understanding of others: more than that, he often made me feel that he was genuinely good. But that understanding and goodness seemed to be linked in him, as I had known them once or twice before, with a crippling infirmity. He was a neurotic; he was beset by anxiety, so that he could barely cope with his life.

Much as I liked him, honestly as I wished to do my best for him and Vera and see them happy, I found it a tax to listen to the unwindings of an anxiety neurosis, which nearly always to an outsider seemed mechanical and tedious, for hours an evening and for evenings on end. Once he was started on his ‘condition’, as he called it, it was a joke at my expense that I had once thought him inarticulate. Yet, if my listening was any good to him, I had to continue.

I did not know whether I was any use to him, except that anyone ready to listen and not disapprove gave him an hour or two’s relief. He had been to doctors, spending a disproportionate amount of his pay for years, but now he had lost hope in them. He gained hope, though, with a neurotic’s fitfulness, as I told him a few sensible platitudes: that he wasn’t unique, that plenty of others — more than he thought — didn’t find themselves easy to live with. I had not done much better than he had, I told him; he ought to be warned by my example, and not give way to his nature. Otherwise he would fmd himself living as a looker-on, self-indulgent and alone.