At least Kassquit wasn’t here. Karen had half wondered if she would be. In that case, Frank Coffey wouldn’t have been talking about military affairs, but about his own. Could he have been foolish enough to ask Kassquit to marry him? People far from home did strange things, and no one had ever been farther from home than the people who’d flown on the Admiral Peary. Even so-
“People, we have a problem.” Coffey’s words cut across Karen’s thoughts. The major paused to check the antibugging gadgets, then nodded to himself. He went on, “The Lizards have come up with something sneaky.” He went on to explain how the Race could order war to start back on Earth without leaving the humans on and orbiting Home any the wiser.
Though the room was warm-what rooms on Home weren’t warm, except the ones that were downright hot? — ice walked up Karen’s back. “They can’t do that!” she exclaimed. She felt foolish the moment the words were out of her mouth. The Lizards damn well could do that, which was exactly the problem.
“What do we do about it?” Linda de la Rosa asked.
Sure enough, that was the real question. “Whatever we do is risky,” Sam Yeager said. “If we sit tight, the Lizards may get away with their scheme. If we don’t, we let them know we’re tapping their phone lines. They may not like that at all.”
“What can they do? Throw us off the planet?” Karen asked. “Even if they do, how are we worse off?”
“We have to make sure they don’t order their colonists to sucker-punch the United States without our knowing it,” Frank Coffey said.
“It would be nice if they didn’t order the colonists to sucker-punch the United States even if we do know about it,” Tom de la Rosa said. Karen had a devil of a time disagreeing with that.
Melanie Blanchard said, “I don’t see how we can stop them from sending the order secretly. All they have to do is transmit from a ship that’s gone outside this solar system. They’d have the angle on any detectors we could put out.”
That held the unpleasant ring of truth. Jonathan said, “All things considered, we’re probably lucky they didn’t think of this sooner. They haven’t had to worry about these kinds of problems for a long, long time. They’re a little slow on the uptake.”
“So what do we do?” Sam Yeager asked. “We let them know we know what they’ve got in mind?”
“That would show them our electronics are better than theirs,” Coffey said. “It might make them think twice about taking us on. Who knows how far we’ve come since the Admiral Peary left, and how far we will have come by the time their signal gets to Earth?”
“We might make them more eager to jump us, though, to make sure they don’t fall further behind,” Tom said. “From what you told us, the Emperor and Atvar were talking about that.”
“And what are these experiments they were talking about?” Karen asked. “It sounds like they’re trying to catch up with some sort of discovery that got made on Earth a while ago. Do we know anything about that?”
Nobody answered, not right away. At last, Major Coffey said, “People back on Earth may not have transmitted anything about it to us, just to make sure the Lizards didn’t intercept… whatever it is.”
That made a fair amount of sense. It also argued that the discovery, whatever it was, was important. Jonathan said, “The Lizards must have spotted it on their own, then. Has the Admiral Peary picked up anything that would give us a clue?”
“There’s a lot of electronic traffic coming from Earth to Home-an awful lot,” Coffey said. “We’re the Race’s number-one interest right now. There’s more than our starship can keep up with. This bit might have slipped through without even being noticed-or it might have been encrypted. We haven’t broken all the Lizards’ algorithms, not by a long shot.”
“What kind of search can we run?” Sam Yeager held up a hand. “Never mind. I don’t need to know right now. But whatever they can do on the ship, they ought to start doing it. The more we know, the better off we’ll be.”
“Maybe we can shame the Lizards into behaving,” Linda said. Then she laughed. “I know-don’t hold my breath.”
“I’ll try. It’s one more weapon. What’s that line? Conscience is the still, small voice that tells you someone may be watching,” Sam said. “The other thing the ship has to do is send a warning back to the States that there might be a surprise attack. After Pearl Harbor and the strike against the colonization fleet, Earth has seen too much of that kind of thing.”
Major Coffey stirred, but didn’t say anything. More than a few people in the military still felt the strike against the colonization fleet had been legitimate because the United States carried it out. Frank Coffey had never shown any signs of being one of those officers-never till now. He probably still deserved the benefit of the doubt.
“Are we agreed, then?” Sam Yeager asked. “I will protest to Atvar and the Emperor and anyone else who’ll listen. I’ll let them know we’re sending back a warning, so they won’t catch us napping.”
“They’ll deny everything,” Jonathan predicted.
“We would,” Tom de la Rosa said. “They may not even bother-they haven’t had as much practice at being hypocrites as we have. Any which way, though, the more complicated we make their lives, the better.”
“Amen,” Karen said. Several other people nodded.
“All right, then. We’ll try it like that.” Sam Yeager shook his head. “I wish I were talking about getting my car to start, not rolling the dice for everybody on the planet-for everybody on four planets.”
“You’re the one the Lizards wanted when the Doctor didn’t wake up,” Karen said. “If they won’t listen to you, they won’t listen to anybody.”
Her father-in-law nodded, not altogether cheerfully. “That’s what I’m afraid of-that they won’t listen to anybody. Well, we’ll find out.” On that note, the meeting broke up.
“Happy day,” Jonathan said as the Americans filed out of Frank Coffey’s room.
“Uh-huh.” Karen felt numb, drained. “I wonder just how much trouble there’s going to be.” She looked around, as if expecting the hotel corridors to go up in a radioactive cloud any minute now. That had always been possible, though they’d all done their best not to think about it. Now it felt appallingly probable.
“If anybody can get us out of it, Dad’s the one,” Jonathan said. “You were right about that.” He plainly meant it. At a moment like this, he didn’t waste time on jealousy of his father, the way he often did. Even when jealous, though, he didn’t try to tear down his father’s abilities; he only wished his own measured up to them.
“We’ll see.” Karen did her best to look on the bright side of things, if there was one. “It sounds like a lot’s been going on back on Earth that we don’t know much about. I do wonder what those experiments the Lizards were talking about mean.”
Jonathan waved her to silence. She bit down on the inside of her lower lip, hard enough to hurt. She’d let her mouth run away with her. The Race was bound to be bugging the corridors. The Americans didn’t even try trolling for eavesdropping devices there; the job was too big.
“They’ll know we know soon enough,” she said.
“Oh, yeah.” Jonathan didn’t argue with that. “And we’ll never get a nickel’s worth of useful intelligence by tapping the phones again.” He shrugged. “What can you do? Sometimes that stuff is useless if you don’t cash it in.”
Lunch in the refectory was… interesting. Kassquit knew the Americans had gathered, and wanted to know why. Nobody wanted to tell her. Her face never showed anything much. Even so, Karen had no trouble telling she was getting angry. “Why will you not let me know what you talked about?” she demanded of all of them-and of Frank Coffey in particular.
Like so many lovers through the eons, she assumed her beloved would tell her everything because they were lovers. Karen had wondered about that herself. But Coffey said what he had to say: “I am sorry, but this was private business for us. When we decide to talk about it with the Race, we will.”