"I'm creaming!" Janice screeched again. "God… I'm cumming!" She thrashed maniacally as one horse maimed her tits and the other horse savagely attacked her clit.
Lynne was in a trance as she watched her mother climax. She tinged, her flesh dotted with goose bumps. "Bite her, Blazer!" she screamed, caught up in her mother's orgasm. "Bite her."
With his tail swishing across his rump, Blazer brutally gnawed on Janice's clit. Hard quick snorts kept his nostrils cleared as the flow of pussy-cum turned into a river. He chomped hard, then jammed his mouth against her pussy.
The action twisted Janice's clit and she screamed. "He's gonna bite it off," she squealed. "Yessss, bite it off!" She beat her pussy into Blazer's face as her jiggling ass slapped against the ground.
Lynne looked at the two horses. What she saw made her heart leap into her throat. Their cocks were growing. She swooned. "They're hot, Mommy! The horses are hot!"
In her lust-sopped brain, Janice heard the echo of her daughter's voice. She twisted and jerked on her back. Her fists pounded the ground. "Baby!" she cried out, not believing the intensity of her orgasm. "I'm cumming again!"
Janice's body went into convulsions as one orgasm after another whipped through her pussy. Blazer was tonguing her pussy and chewing her clit. Abdul was whipping her tits with his tongue and gnawing on her nipples. The pleasure was out of this world. She lunged up, then crashed back with a thud as her body began shaking out of control.
Lynne gasped. Her mother's unbridled lust was contagious. She screamed, jammed her fingers into her own cunt and climaxed. "I'm cumming!" she screamed, falling to her back. "I'm cumming!"
Janice climaxed again, then went limp. Her body began to quake. She shivered, her eyelids fluttering as the two horses continued to ravage her body. "No more," she gasped, trapped beneath the two horses. "No more."
Lynne wasn't listening. She was too busy fist-fucking her own cunt. "I'm creaming, Mommy! I'm creaming!"
Janice heard her daughter's voice. Still under attack, she snapped her head to the side and watched her daughter. The sight made her cunt go into spasms and she climaxed again.
Lynne finished as quickly as she had started. She sat up and blinked. It was then that she realized what was happening. She moaned and allowed the two horses to continue for a moment. "You want me to make them stop?" she tormented.
"Yes," Janice begged. "Please. I can't cum again like this." She pushed at Abdul's head as Lynne crawled over to Blazer.
"No more, boy," Lynne soothed. She pulled on Blazer's mane.
Blazer lifted his head and neighed. Pussy-cum dripped from his mouth. He pawed the ground. The passion that filled the barn had his balls aching and his cock throbbing. He neighed again, then began twitching as Lynne tried to calm him.
Free at last, Janice sat up. "God!" she panted as she tried catching her breath. She looked at the two horses and knew what she wanted next.
Lynne gazed at her mother and read her thoughts. She smiled. "They're ready any time you are."
Janice looked at her daughter, a hot lewd smile on her flushed face. "I'm ready now," she said. "I've been ready since your father split."
Lynne stroked Blazer's head. "You better take care of him first," she said. "He got horny as hell eating your pussy."
"I don't care," Janice drooled. "As long as it's a cock." She flicked the tip of her tongue anxiously across her lips.
"Get on the bench, Mommy," Lynne said. "I think you'll enjoy it more."
Janice could only smile with amazement. "You're the expert, huh?"
Lynne flushed a deep red. "I sucked Blazer off while he was on his side." She watched her mother get on the bench. "But, when he fucked me I was on the bench. It was better for him too." She blushed again.
Janice squirmed into position. She saw the flush on Lynne's face. "Bring him to me." She writhed on her back, her ass rubbing into the wooden bench as she placed her feet firmly on the ground.
"Don't you wanna get fucked first?" Lynne asked.
"I've waited this long," Janice sighed. "Waiting a while longer will only whet my appetite." She licked her lips again, then gasped as Blazer straddled her body, his prick in full view.
Lynne quickly led the white Arabian to his stall. "You wait here," she soothed. "You're next."
Abdul neighed and kicked at his stall as Lynne locked him in.
Lynne hurried back to her mother and Blazer and dropped to her knees. "Hold his cock, Mommy," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I know what I'm doing," Janice said. "It hasn't been that long." She wrapped her hands around Blazer's cock and spasmed. "God, it feels good."
"Get him hard," Lynne said. She squirmed and hefted Blazer's nuts. "His balls weigh a ton."
Janice shivered, her hand stroking the horse's cock. She leered at his pisser as his prick grew thick. "I'm shaking all over."
"Me too," Lynne said. She watched Blazer's cock turn to steel. "Big, huh?"
Janice's head spun. She shifted her fists up and down the length of Blazer's prick. "Gigantic," she gasped.
Blazer, completely aroused, bobbed his head and snorted. His balls were rumbling and the hot anxious hands on his prick were making the muscles under his sleek black coat ripple.
"So hard too," Janice sighed. "God, how did you fit him inside you." She talked to her daughter, but her eyes were glued to Blazer's rigid prick.
"It wasn't easy," Lynne said, remembering again the pain. "But, after the pain it was the most fantastic feeling in the world."
"I remember the pleasure," Janice said. She squirmed on her back, rubbing Blazer's fat hulking cock across her tits. "It feels so hot against my skin."
Blazer neighed and jerked his cock through Janice's fingers. Jizz seeped from his pisser. He pawed the ground anxiously as the urgent hands made his balls churn.
"Suck him, Mommy," Lynne said. "C'mon. I wanna watch you suck him."
Janice was in heaven. She sighed dreamily. "First, I wanna bathe in his cum." She looked at her daughter. "I wanna watch it squirt. Besides, there's Abdul waiting for me. I'll suck him off."
Lynne began fingering herself. "Get him off," she said. "I wanna watch too."
"You can't watch if you're cumming," Janice reminded her. She squeezed Blazer's fat meaty prick and a drop of jizz dripped to her tits. "Ooooo, it feels good."
Lynne giggled and pulled her fingers from her pussy. "I did the same thing, Mommy," she said. "I jerked Blazer off first before I sucked him."
"Like mother like daughter," Janice purred. She shifted her fist faster up and down the length of the black stallion's cock. "C'mon, fucker. Cream me!"
With Blazer neighing and bobbing his head, Janice squirmed up and down the bench, rubbing his seeping cock all over her flesh. "God, I must be crazy torturing myself like this." Her pussy was on fire, the greedy muscles hungry for Blazer's cock.
Blazer jerked forward, the head of his prick banging the meat of Janice's jiggling tits. He snorted, his balls swelling to the bursting point as the jizz from his cock made Janice's tits glisten.
"He's fucking my tits," Janice moaned. She arched her back and pillowed the horse's cock between her massive tits. "Ooo, look, Lynne. He's fucking my tits!"
Lynne gawked. Her own tits were too small to do what her mother was doing. "He's gonna cum, Mommy. He's gonna cum."
"I know," Janice wailed. "I can feel the throbbing of his cock." She squeezed her tits tighter together and squirmed in rhythm to the frantic horse's jabs.
Blazer tossed his head and neighed as his balls exploded. He jerked hard, driving his cock through her soft tits as thick cum burst through his prick and splattered Janice's neck.