“Go!” Darko barked in Russian. Both men leaped from the van. They had been ready to move for almost an hour. They were dressed in black jumpsuits and black cross-trainer shoes. They carried everything they needed, including stun grenades and Russian-made AF-1 automatic pistols with noise suppressors. As they exited the vehicle, both pulled their black balaclavas down over their faces and activated their night-vision goggles. They were thrilled to be doing what they had been highly trained to do. In their minds they had been underutilized since their arrival in America.
Darko, the larger of the two, was in the lead as the men ran up the driveway, past the Mercedes sedan parked outside the garage, and up the walkway toward the front door. Both were in superb physical shape, working out and biking or running every day. As planned, Darko went to the right of the door and Leonid to the left. With practiced efficiency Leonid placed a small C4 explosive charge in the angle between the door and the jamb just to the side of the doorknob.
After a nod from Darko, Leonid detonated the charge. The report seemed loud in the silence but was not much worse than the bursting of a birthday balloon. In the next instant, both men were inside the house. It was key to incapacitate the adults as soon as possible and then deal with an alarm if there was one. In Chechnya, alarms were few and far between, but they did go off every now and then. Even if an automatic phone call was made to security people, they weren’t particularly bothered. They would be long gone before anybody came to the house to check. If there was no alarm system or if it was off, then they could take their time and enjoy themselves.
Having observed the house during their drive-bys, they had a reasonable idea of its layout. From their observation of the persistent light in one of the windows on the second floor, especially during the last half hour, they assumed that that was where the master bedroom was located. Accordingly they went directly up the stairs in a headlong rush with pistols at the ready. There had been no sound of an alarm as they breached the front door. A few seconds later they burst into the bedroom.
The king-size bed was directly across from the door to the hall. Kate and Robert Hurley were sitting up in bed, totally startled, with eyes thrown wide open and mouths agape.
Darko found a light switch and turned on a small crystal chandelier.
When Kate Hurley caught sight of the Russians, she gasped. Darko pushed up his night-vision goggles.
“What is this?” Robert Hurley shouted. “What the hell is going on?”
Darko didn’t answer but rather nodded to Leonid. Everything was going according to plan. An instant later, Leonid was back out the door. It was his job to take care of the kids. The assassins had been told there were two boys.
“How dare you!” Robert snapped, trying to sound authoritative. Kate gripped his arm to get him to shut up, but it didn’t work. “What the hell is a SWAT team doing in our house?” he demanded.
Darko still didn’t answer. Instead he looked at the alarm system’s keypad on the wall to the right of the door. It was in the off position. They could take their time.
Robert threw back the bedcovers and started to get out of bed.
Darko leveled his automatic at him and told him in a heavy accent, “Stay put!”
“Where are you from?” Robert demanded angrily, but he followed orders. He’d never had a gun pointed at him. It was unnerving, to say the very least. “Are you police or what?”
The next instant there were two loud thudding noises that sounded like someone hitting a couch with a baseball bat. Darko knew what the sounds meant, but the parents didn’t. A moment later Leonid reappeared and merely nodded to Darko, meaning the job was done.
“Where is your computer?” Darko asked.
Robert glanced at his wife with a questioning expression as if to say “Can you believe these guys?”
“And do you have a laptop? What about a tablet? And your mobile phone: we want them all.”
“Is that what this is about?” Robert demanded. He was incensed. “You people came in here to steal our computers? Fine! Take them!”
“Where are they?” Darko asked, keeping his voice calm. Things were going well and he didn’t want to upset Robert unnecessarily. They needed his cooperation.
“Downstairs in the study,” Robert said.
“Show me!” Darko said. He motioned toward the door with his pistol.
“I’ll be right back,” Robert said to Kate as he climbed out of bed, put on a bathrobe, and guided his feet into slippers. He gave Darko and Leonid a dirty look as he passed them, heading out into the hall.
“Have fun!” Darko said to Leonid in Russian as he turned and followed Robert. Before they had come into the house they had flipped a coin to decide who did what. The loser had to do the kids, but as compensation he also got to do the wife. The point was that they had to make it all look like a horrid home invasion and not an assassination. Akin to a number of infamous episodes, the last one being in Connecticut, violence was key, including rape and murder with robbery as an afterthought. It was important to convince the media.
“I intend to have fun,” Leonid said also in Russian. “It’s not going to be hard. She’s not bad-looking.”
Darko followed Robert down the stairs and into the study, where Robert switched on the light. He gestured to his PC on the desk.
“What about the laptop, the tablet, and the smartphone?” Darko said.
Without comment, Robert left the study and went into the kitchen. Darko followed, pistol in his hand but at his side. He didn’t expect Robert to try anything, but he seemed less intimidated than the people Darko and Leonid had dealt with back in Chechnya. Of course in Chechnya people knew what was going to happen, and Robert didn’t.
With all the electronic gear in his hand, Robert was forced to return to the study, where Darko made him sit down at his PC on the desk.
“I want you to access your files at your office,” Darko said. He again used the pistol to gesture.
“You’re joking,” Robert said. His expression was of complete disbelief.
“No joke,” Darko said. “Do it!”
Robert eyed the gun in Darko’s grip. Hesitated for a moment then did as he had been told.
Darko watched the screen over Robert’s shoulder. “Now,” Darko said, his voice still calm, “I want you to find and delete all files and documents you have relating to Middleton Healthcare and the Mason-Dixon Medical Center, both in your office and on this machine.”
“Okay,” Robert said. He was flabbergasted and began wondering who could be behind this bizarre situation. There was a bit more than a week’s worth of work involved on the class-action case, but he was confident he could put it all back together rather easily because he remembered all the sources. With that in mind, he did as he was told without hesitation. When he was finished he looked up at Darko. “All done,” he said flippantly, as if he didn’t care.
“Not all done,” Darko said. He pointed with the barrel of his gun toward the other electronic devices. “All documents and all files off all devices.”
“You and your bosses are too much,” Robert said with a shake of his head. “Who exactly has put you up to this? Let me guess: Josh Feinberg, the CEO of the medical center? This is fucking crazy. Yet it’s okay. I don’t mind.” Robert first turned his attention to his laptop. When that was done, he picked up his smartphone. “There!” he said when he was completely finished. He tossed the phone onto the desk. “Nothing’s on the tablet. I hardly use it except to play games. That means all Middleton Healthcare and Mason-Dixon Medical Center documents and files have been deleted. I hope you are happy.”