It must belong to your brother. He's a very dangerous man. But after tonight he will no longer matter. Put the gun down and take your seat.
She does as instructed, placing the pistol next to a half-empty bowl of potato chips.
Yes, it must be Jack's. He has so many pistols—she saw them herself. But how on earth did this one find its way into her pocket? She's glad the One Who Was Jeanette took her far away from her brother where he can't find her and break her communion with the Unity again.
Kate is only hours away from full integration, and that's close enough for her to aid us in the Great Leap that will lead to the Great Inevitability.
Kate knows now that the Unity was worried that the loss of the One Who Was Ellen would impair the transformation. Apparently a certain critical mass of viral-infected brain cells is necessary for collective consciousness, and an even larger mass to implement the mutation.
Imagine… a virus able to will its own mutation. Such a possibility was never even hinted at in virology texts. They'll have to be rewritten…
No, not rewritten. Tossed in the garbage. For no medical texts will be necessary when the Unity achieves the Great Inevitability. Disease will be a thing of the past. The Unity will brook no invaders—bacteria and competing viruses will be recognized upon entry into a body and killed off immediately. Under the Unity's direction all damaged cells or mutant cells starting tumors will be replaced with healthy ones. Genetic diseases will be a memory, for all defective genes will be repaired—a simple matter of replacing incorrect DNA base sequences with correct ones. Arteries will be swept clean, bones will be kept strong and, like all tissues in the body, will mend more quickly when injured.
The Great Inevitability will translate to a golden age of health and longevity for the human race.
Kate can hardly wait.
But first, the Great Leap.
She seats herself and joins hands with the One Who Was Jeanette to her left, and with the One Who Was Charles on her right, and the sense of Oneness overcomes her. She is important, she is part of something so much greater than herself, something that will transform this world into a paradise and she is here at ground zero, integral to the transformation that will make it all possible.
The air glows. Kate closes her eyes but the glow remains, for it comes from within, and she feels a giddy vertiginous whirl as her consciousness expands to the molecular level where she can feel the base pairs of the virus's RNA rearranging into new sequences that will allow it to seek new hosts, an ever-widening array of new members, through the air.
This is an ecstasy beyond anything she has ever experienced—
And then it is cruelly broken by a loud crash, like a door being kicked open, and a voice—
And a rough hand on her shoulder, shaking her—
And now she's looking at herself through the eyes of the Unity, seated with her back to the door and there's a man standing over her—Jack.
A bolt of alarm—hers as well as the Unity's—shoots through her. Jack! He shouldn't be here! She has to get him out of here. He'll ruin the transformation…
And there's another terribly important reason he mustn't be here, but she can't quite recall it.
And now Jack is breaking her grip on the One Who Was Jeanette, and the vision changes as her contact with the One Who Was Charles is severed—
"Kate, do you hear me?"
She opens her eyes and turns. "What are you doing here, Jack?"
His eyes are ablaze, his jaw set, his lips barely parted over clenched teeth. "Do I really have to tell you?" He grips her forearm and pulls her toward the door. "Come on, we're getting out of here."
Not just Kate's voice—a chorus, in her head and in her ears. The Unity is on its feet, hands raised in protest.
Jack pulls a pistol from behind his back, large and dark with sharp angles. He points it past Kate toward the members of the Unity.
"Who wants it first?"
The sight of the gun gives Kate an idea.
The little pistol!
Yes, Kate! Yes!
Guided by the Unity, she twists free from Jack's grasp and snatches the tiny pistol off the table. As she lifts it the voice roars in her head.
Shoot him! Destroy him!
Someone in the Unity knows guns and of its own accord Kate's left hand slides back the top of the pistol and lets it slide forward.
Point it at him and pull the trigger!
But Kate can't do that. Won't do that.
No. She's turning toward him. I've never shot a gun and if I try I may miss.
And if I miss he'll take it from me and we'll have no options.
She faces him now and her arm raises the pistol toward Jack, but Kate bends it toward herself, jamming the muzzle against her throat.
No, Kate!
"Kate, what are you doing?" Jack cries, his face blanching.
The Unity tries to make her lower the gun but a more powerful force, a surge of strength from some well deep within the maze of protective instincts in the most primitive regions of her brain flows into her arm and bolsters its position.
Let me speak! I can make him leave!
Suddenly her voice is her own.
"Leave, Jack! Please."
"No." His eyes are fixed on her throat, on the spot where his little pistol presses into her flesh. His voice is a hoarse croak. "Not without you."
She sees his free hand edging forward, his body tensing, readying to spring.
"I know what you're thinking, Jack. Please don't try it. I swear to God I will end it right here, right now, if you make a move toward me."
His gaze moves down and lingers on her shoulder bag where it sits at her feet. Why is he staring at it? Then he looks at her again, his expression full of fear.
"Kate, please. Be sensible. Put it down and come with me. Now. It's important!"
Tell him you'll go with him later.
"Give me some time here, Jack, and then I'll go with you."
"It's got to be now!"
He looks so nervous… so afraid… of what?
"Later, Jack."
He licks his lips and looks past her. "They'll let you?"
Behind her, seven voices speak as one: "Return in two hours and she will be free to go. You may take her anywhere you wish."
The farther, the better.
Jack's eyes narrow. "Why should I believe you?"
"It's true, Jack," Kate tells him. "I wouldn't lie to you."
"I'm not going to let you take me, Jack." She presses the muzzle deeper into her throat. "I can die now or I can go with you later. It's up to you."
Kate sees an agony of fear in her brother's face and hopes he will listen. She doesn't want to pull the trigger. Not because she's afraid of death—she will gladly die for the Unity—but because it will interfere with the transformation.
Suddenly Jack seems to relax, as if he's come to a decision. "All right. Two hours." He glances at his watch. "Jesus! It's 9:52!"
Alarm floods her. 9:52! Why does the time fill her with such dread?
"Go, Jack! Leave now and go far away!"
Her words—not the Unity's. Why did she say that? Why this blast of urgency to chase him away from here? She can't explain it but she knows he can't stay here. He must leave—now!
"I'll leave," he says quickly, backing toward the door. "But I'll be back at exactly 11:52 and I want to see Kate standing out front, waiting to go. If not…"
He lets that hang, then backs out.
Excellent, Kate, the Unity says as she lowers the pistol.