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"Are you gonna miss me when I'm gone?"

"Sure, but I can visit you at your place, can't I.

"Sure. I don't give up cocks like yours easily."

"Take the whole thing in your mouth."

"Say please."

"Please, take it in your mouth."

"I hate men who beg."

"What're you trying to do to me?"

"Look who's talking: You're my niece's husband and look at you."

"Aw, Liz."

"Aw, Ronnie," she mocked.

"Can we fuck now?"

"You sound like a little boy when you talk like that."

"I need you, Liz," he told her.

"I need you too, honey."

"Can we fuck now?"

"Beg me."

Ronnie frowned. "Jesus, Liz, you're giving me a hard time."

"What a hard cock you've got."

Deliberately teasing him, Liz took hold of the base of his cockshaft and squeezed. His cockhead swelled up and the veins on his prickshaft popped out.

"I've got to clean it up," she said as she caught some of his spunk on the tip of her tongue.

"Suck it," Ronnie said harshly, plunging his prick into her throat.

The redhead swallowed around his cockhead momentarily and then spat his prick out. She threw herself down on her hands and knees and pushed her ass out.

"Fuck me in the brown hole of Calcutta," she said, laughing.

Ronnie stared at her jiggling asscheeks. He scrambled around and took his position behind her.

"When we're through here, I'm going home to Dawn."

"You paid for the room for the whole day, didn't you?"

Ronnie fit his cockhead into her asshole and shoved forward. "Yeah, but this isn't working out."

"Running home to your little bride?" Liz grunted, her asshole packed with fuckmeat.

"I'm going home to my wife," Ronnie said, fucking forcefully into Liz's shitter.

"It was nice while it lasted, lover. Tell you what, I'll go with you. We might find something interesting going on in that house."

So it was that an hour later Liz and Ronnie stood outside Dawn's room and listened to Alan and Dawn laughing. Down the hall, Sid and Helen were chatting, but the sounds coming from Dawn's room caught Ronnie's attention.

"I told you we might find something interesting going on here," Liz said.

Ronnie stared at the closed door. "Shut up. I've got to think."

"Break the door down," Liz giggled. "I love violent men."

"I might just do that," Ronnie said in a grim voice..

Suddenly Helen and Sid walked out into the hall. Helen was wearing a silk robe with nothing under it and she was blushing like a bride.

"What are you two doing here?" she said.

Sid was quick to notice the predicament. "Who's in there with Dawn?" he said.

"Alan, I think." Ronnie's voice was husky with emotion.

Sid stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on his son-in-law's shoulder. "Come away from here, Son," Sid said.

"I can't Dad. I've got to know what's going on in there."

"I think you already know."

"If it's what I think, I can't stay married to Dawn."

"Son, I didn't much like you when Dawn brought you home, but I've grown very fond of you over the months. I think it's time we had a little talk."

"I'll put some coffee on," Helen said, taking Liz's arm.

"I'll help you," Liz said.

Sid guided Ronnie down the stairs and into the den. "I have a confession to make," Sid said.

Ronnie stared at him with sorrowful eyes. "I know what you're going to say. You're going to say I have no right criticizing Dawn after all I've done."

"As a matter of fact, I saw you with Helen. No, don't say anything. I'm not mad. But you did fuck her. I saw it with my own eyes."

"You saw us? I don't believe this."

"I saw you and I understand."

"Well I don't. I don't understand anything that's going on here."

"Son, I've got a sister and I know what it's like. It's only a little sin, incest."

"You mean Dawn and Alan have done it before?"

"Since they were kids. I've known right along. Frankly I'd rather they experienced with each other than with strangers."

"But Dawn's married now."

"So are you, Ron."

Suddenly Ronnie realized Sid was right. He forced himself to smile. "You know, Sid, for a father-in-law, you're pretty nice."

"Coffee anyone?" Helen said, bustling into the room followed by Liz.

"What a crazy family we are," Liz said.

"Who's crazy?" Dawn said, appearing in the doorway.

"Yeah, who's crazy?" Alan said, pulling a t-shirt over his head.

"Coffee anyone?" Helen repeated.

And all the Foresters burst out laughing.