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They never did get a chance to fuck.


When they arrived at the Forester house, Alan wasn't home, but Helen and Sid got acquainted with their new son-in-law over dinner. Afterward, they assured Dawn they approved of her choice.

Aunt Liz had her own place at the moment, so Dawn's old room was available. At about seven o'clock, the newlyweds said they were tired and went upstairs to prepare for bed. Helen and Sid thoughtfully went to a movie so the kids had the house to themselves.

"Come here, wife," Ronnie said, grabbing hold of Dawn's waist.

"Honey, I've just got to take a bath," she said. "I haven't washed for three days. How about joining me?"

"Nice offer. I think I'll take you up on it."

"Maybe we'll just shower," Dawn said and laughed happily.

"It's faster."

With a sexy grin, Ronnie scooped her up in his arms and carried her down the hall to the bathroom. "And then we can get the honeymoon rolling."

In the bathroom, Dawn suddenly felt shy. "Turn around."

Ronnie chuckled. "Why?"

"I've got to tinkle."

Ronnie groaned. "Honey, I like your mom a lot and she's just as terrific looking as you said, but I wish she hadn't taught you to say tinkle."

Dawn giggled. "It's a hard habit to break." She took a deep breath. "I mean urinate."

"What's wrong with saying pee?"

"Nothing, I guess."

"Go on and pee. I want to watch you."

"Do you really like my mom? How about my dad?"

"Your dad's okay, but I happen to be partial to women. You and your mom-you're both dishes."

Dawn blushed as she lifted her skirt and pulled her panties down. She sat down on the toilet and spread her legs.

"Didn't I tell you she was stunning?"

Ronnie grinned. "I hear it. Tinkle, tinkle."

"Oh, Ronnie, don't tease me. You're the first man who ever watched me… pee."

"How about your father? And brother?"

"They never did!"

"Want me to wipe you?"

"No!" She slipped from the seat, stepped out of her panties and moved to the side.

"Now me," Ronnie said, taking his cock out and standing over the toilet." Suddenly he turned to her. "What am I doing?

We're going to shower. I'll pee in there."

"Ronnie!" she squealed.

"Get your clothes off, wife. I might even pee on your belly."

"Stop that! Someone might be listening.

"No one's home. Anyway we're married. It's all legal now."

In the shower, Ronnie pissed on her thigh. Some of it splashed onto her belly. On an impulse, Dawn wiped it up and smeared it on her tits.

"I love everything about you," she said, kissing him.

"Even my tinkle?"

"Yes, even your tinkle."

"Sometime I'll let you hold my cock while I pee."

"I'd like that. You sure have a lot."

"Guys always do. They don't pee as often as girls."

"I know. Alan pees around once a day and then it goes on forever."

"You watch your brother pee?"

Dawn blushed. "When we were younger, of course."

"Hey, babe, don't be embarrassed. I know how kids are."

"Did you and your sister ever, you know, fool around."

"Sure. All kids do. I'll bet Alan copped a feel of those gorgeous tits of yours plenty of times."

"Stop that! I'll fall!"

"I'll hold onto you. Sweet pussy. I think I'll have a little taste of your tits now that they're clean."

They lathered each other's body and Dawn laughed at Ronnie's jokes, but she couldn't wait to get into bed. How good it would feel after two nights on a bus!

After she soaped up his cock and balls, his prick stood out like a club. He rinsed it off and pushed her down.

"Suck a clean cock, lady?" he said.

"Honey, I just love when you fuck my mouth."

"That's the way we'll start the day for the rest of our lives."

"Even when I'm old and toothless?"

"Especially then. Toothless is good. You can gum my cock to death."

"I love you, husband."

"I love you, bride."

"Can we get into bed now and make love the old-fashioned way?"

"You bet. Now, before I eat you up right here."

Still half-wet, they climbed into bed and fucked. After the first fuck Ronnie made Dawn lie down on her belly while he made a feast of her ass.

"Has my bride ever taken a cock up her ass?" he said.

"None of your business. Remember? We promised. No questions."

"Yeah, that's right. Anyway, I can't wait to try your asshole. And from the looks of your mom, you come by your big ass naturally. She's got a gorgeous ass."

"What do you mean, big?"

"Big and beautiful, baby. Big and beautiful ass. Stop fidgeting. I want to lick your brownie. Mmmmm, delicious. Be a good girl and shut up for a while. Mmmmm, I'll be able to get my tongue in here. I'll bet you've taken more than your share of cocks up this sweetie."

Dawn buried her face in the pillow and blushed.

If he only knew, she thought. If he only knew.

Chapter 2

When Helen and Sid returned home from the movies, they went to the kitchen for a snack.

"He seems like a nice boy," Helen said.

Sid bit into a cookie and stared into space. "He's just a kid."

"You were just a kid when we got married."

"But I had a job. And a future. Ronnie's an actor. They're a dime a dozen."

"They'll work things out. They're so in love."

"They'll be living here for a long time, honey. I predict they'll be here with us for about five years."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yeah." He glanced up and grimaced. "Jesus, I can hear them now."

Helen hesitated as she poured tea into mugs. "Hear what?"

"Hear them going at each other."

"You mean making out. Well, they're newlyweds. What do you expect?"

"My little girl married. I can't believe it."

"It's normal to be jealous."

"I'm not jealous."

"She's your little girl. It's normal."

"I'm not jealous," he insisted.

"Drink your tea while it's hot."

"Damn actors. They'll be sponging on me for years. Five at least."

"Seeing them together at dinner gave me ideas."

"Maybe more. Maybe they'll sponge on me forever. Damn, why couldn't she have waited?"

"Did you hear me?"

"What? What did you say?"

"I said that seeing the kids pawing each other made me horny."

"Huh? You want to fuck? Okay, we'll fuck."

"Finish up and let's go to bed."

"Is Alan home?"

"The light's on in his room. Of course he's home."

"Between supporting my sister and my son-in-law I'll be working until I'm eighty."

"Now, now, dear, Liz is doing just fine."

"Yeah, sure, until she gets fired. That girl doesn't want to work. You'll see. She'll be back."

"Drink your tea and let's go upstairs. I'm in the mood for love."

"Just what we needed. A second unemployed actor in the family."

"If you keep mumbling like that, they'll come and lock you up."

"Why couldn't Dawn have waited? She's such a cute kid. She could have had her pick."

"Stop talking like a father and come to bed."

"Damn actors!"

A half hour later Sid pressed his lips to Helen's cleavage.

She felt around for his prick under the covers.

"Being jealous is becoming," she said with a smile. "Your cock hasn't been this hard in months."

"Says who?"

"Says me and I ought to know."

"Biggest cock you'll ever see," Sid said with a grin.

"Don't be so cocky. Ronnie might have a bigger one."

"Don't start with me. And when the hell are you thinking of examining his prick?"

"Who knows? Since they'll be living here for the next five years at least I'm sure I'll get a chance."

"You're not funny."

"Sure I am."

Helen stared down at Sid's cock. His cockhead was smooth and purplish. When she touched it, it felt spongy and a drop of jism emerged from his piss-slit.

She smeared it over his knob. "It's good for a girl to get married young."