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Robby heard the sound of Doe's shower. "What about Jim?"

Polly said: "If he gets interested, one of us will suck him."

Robby blinked. He looked at Doe. She sucked off her own dad? Wow! What a family! He couldn't imagine his mother going down on him.

Doe saw the play of thought on Robby's face. She kissed him. "Don't worry about it. No guilt, no harm. Dig?"

He shrugged. "Okay. Show me how to get this thing on." He took the harness from Polly.

Three minutes later, Robby was kneeling, facing the sofa. Polly was slumped low on the sofa, knees drawn up, legs on his shoulders, with his big cock fucked halfway into her hot, tight, juicy cunt.

Behind him on the low coffee table padded by a long sofa cushion, Doe lay on her back, knees drawn up, hooked by her hands, with a seven-inch vibrator dildo projecting more than halfway into her hot, tight, juicy cunt from the base – which was strapped tightly to Robby's ass.

Polly said: "All set?"

Doe said: "Go!" She reached forward and turned on the cock-shaped vibrator.

Robby was surprised to feel vibration in his ass from the humming dildo. It felt good. He looked around over his shoulder but couldn't see Doe's cunt. Butte noticed tiny twitches in her face. She winked.

Polly said: "Robby, fuck me. Don't think of Doe. Just concentrate on fucking me hard and deep and fast."

"Yeah… okay." He liked the sensation of her honey-fisted cunt tightening on his cock. He plunged forward and fucked his prickmeat in to the hilt.

Polly moaned and clutched the edges of the sofa cushion under her ass. He was just the right size for her. Kenny's huge prick stretched her pussy too much. Taking him was like taking a baseball bat. But Robby – ahhh, his cock was perfect!

Doe bugged her knees closer to her small tits. Every time Robby reared back, he fucked the vibrator dildo deep into her flushed, soupy cunthole. God, it was good! She loved vibrators almost as much as real prick. This vibrator was a favorite of hers, with its molded likeness to a real prick and its clit-thumper projecting forward from the dimpled base.

She admired Robby for his aplomb in adapting to this scene. This was a mind-blowing night for him.

Robby was moving faster now, driving forward, thrusting his fucker to the limit into Polly's grasping cunt walls. He was doing a great job!

He had to work a little harder as he fucked Polly. There was resistance in Doe's tight pussy, as well as in Polly's pussy. He had been a little surprised at the size of the vibrator Doe had chosen. It had to be at least as long as his cock, even if it wasn't as big around. He soon forgot the distraction of the tensioned straps around his hips and upper thighs, and the weird feel of the dildo base against his lower ass crack.

Robby got into fucking Polly. He concentrated on slamming into her sweet, hot, tight cunt with every inch of cock he had. And he was hard as a rock now. She was getting eight solid inches of hard prick.

Polly stared down at the total fuck-plunges. What a marvelous cock! What a great young stud he was! Umm! He was smacking hard against her gaping pink cunt lips, jolting her, sending skyrockets of pleasure into her brain from her impacted, thrumming clit. Her guts were turning to boiling jelly!

Doe was panting, squirming, twitching. Robby's lust was working for her, too! Every time he rammed Polly he had to rear back quick and hard – and that was when Doe got the dildo fucked into, her pussy. That was when the humming, buzzing shaft drilled into her clenching, spasming fuck hole and made her clit explode into powerful shocks of sensation.

She quivered into a swift, sharp climax! She wailed helplessly. She trembled with the intensity of it! And even as she shook, she hoped Robby could last another three or four minutes; she wanted another come. They got stronger each time!

Polly heard Doe's wailing cry and saw how it distracted Robby. He was about to stop fucking and look around when Polly said urgently: "Don't stop! She's only coming! It's working beautifully for us!"

He nodded and didn't miss a fuck-thrust.

Polly allowed herself to give full vent to her pleasure. She moaned as if in agony. She quivered each time he fucked his big cock into her cunt. Her soft white belly was jarred with the impact. Her big round tits heaved and quivered. Her large, swollen nipples stuck out like wrinkled corks.

She cried: "Yes! God, yes! Keep on hammering it in! In! Ahhhh! Ahhh! Harder! Harder! Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Her green eyes blazed with hot lust. She gripped Robby's arms where they braced on each side of her head.

Polly was almost into climax. She gasped and groaned. She saw Jim enter the living room, but it didn't matter. All that was important now was the seething, exploding ecstasy in her pussy.

Doe saw her father approach and smile down at her. He was naked. She barely comprehended his presence. Her nerves were delightfully jangled from the marvelous vibrator fucking she was getting.

The sight of his wife and daughter both being fucked at the same time by Robby was amusing to Jim. Trust Polly to think of a gimmick like this! He watched all three getting such great pleasure and it began to get to him, too. Especially the way Doe squirmed and shivered constantly from the fuck-thrusts of the big vibrator. Her long, red hair hung down over the edge of the cushion and the coffee table in shimmering waves. Her small conical tits stuck up, quivering.

It was a tempting sight to Jim. He went to his knees beside the end of the table. His six-inch cock was hard again. He put his hands on her lovely little tits.

Doe smiled and sighed with pleasure and willingness. "Ummm. I like that." She turned her head to the left and saw the head of his prick dancing an inch from her full lips. She flicked out her pink tongue and licked his prick.

Jim fed Doe a comfortable mouthful of his cockmeat. She sucked on his cock avidly, slurping her tongue this way and that, closing her mouth tightly on it, suctioning the cockhead. She loved sucking her father's prick.

Robby saw Jim. Robby was instantly embarrassed and a little anxious. But then he saw what Doe was doing for her dad! Jim even winked at him!

Robby was almost to his peak. His cock was so big and hard it ached. His balls ached. Cum pleasure was seething and boiling in his balls. He panted and gasped and watched Polly go spastic and creamy with ecstasy. Her deep, clenching, slippery cunt clasped his rampaging cock in a heavenly grip. Her internal pussy muscles rippled like fingers. Her face twisted. Her mouth contorted.

Then the boiling cum would not be denied any longer!

Polly went into a long series of shudders that sent screams of rapture from her lungs. She felt Robby's cock erupt in her cunt! The scalding cum inundated her fuck hole. He reared and plunged, fucking her with terrifying power. He was shouting and cursing.

Doe knew what was happening. Her shivers of pleasure increased. She sucked with special fervor on her father's rigid prick. She strained to take more cock.

The vibrator cock was smacked wildly into her spasming, juicing cunt by Robby's savage movements. She crowed with pleasure as a third orgasm flared and as her father's cock suddenly spewed hot, salty cum into her throat. She swallowed greedily as she sobbed for breath and gloried in her shattering sensations.

Wyoma cuddled against Ken on the big bed. They had just taken a shower together. She traced a path on his big chest with her fingertip from droplet of water to droplet of water.

She said: "It's funny, after all these years – I feel I'm just now ready to be a good sex partner for you. I think I'm ready to let you do anything you want."

Ken smiled. He played with her big, soft left tit. "You want me to ass-fuck you? Think you'll really make it that way?"

"Yes. I've discovered I like a certain amount of asshole excitement." She shivered at her boldness in saying those words. She felt her face heat up. "I've broken down a lot of barriers lately, with Polly and Jim and with you. I've burned away a lot of guilt and modesty and narrow-mindedness. I've been climaxing sooner, easier, stronger."