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“I could kick in a door,” Nick grumbled.

“I’m sure Izzy will reward you later,” Dana said.

Garth nodded and they moved toward the building, careful to keep concealed behind cars. They headed for the left side of the motel, then walked around the back, coming out on the other side, next to number seventeen. Dana pulled out her gun and got ready. She looked at Garth.

He held up three fingers, then two, then planted his foot right by the lock. It gave instantly, the door swung open and Dana circled inside.

She crouched low to avoid any flying bullets. It took less than a second for her to train her gun on the people inside. Not that there was any need. Kathy sat on the bed, her legs pulled up to her chest, her arms around her knees. Jed sat in a corner chair, his head in his hands. He looked up when they burst in.

There was a stark pain in Jed’s eyes that surprised Dana. A shock and disbelief, as if everything he’d ever known was gone.

“She’s not there,” Jed said dully. “Kathy’s gone.”

Garth was silent for a minute. When he spoke, it was with a quiet anger. “What did you think she would be like? I told you what she needed. I told you what would happen if she didn’t have the surgery.”

“I didn’t believe you. I thought she was going to be all right.”

Kathy glanced between them. “He’s very sad. He keeps crying. He thinks I’m someone else, but I keep telling him I’m me.” She scrambled to her feet. “Can I go home now?”

IT TOOK NEARLY TWO HOURS for everything to get explained and Jed to be led away. By then the press had arrived. They swarmed around like ants at a picnic and, try as she might, Dana couldn’t seem to avoid them.

“Deputy Birch,” one of them called as she walked by. “We’d like to talk to you.”

“And I’d like an all-expenses paid trip to Tahiti,” she muttered without slowing. “Neither is going to happen.”

Just then a familiar Mustang pulled up. Izzy got out and smiled at the reporters. “I have something for you,” she called, waving a stack of folders. “A little light reading.”

Dana moved toward her, but the reporters got there first and grabbed every copy.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Dana asked.

“Giving them background information. Don’t get your panties in a bunch. I ran it all by Mary Jo. Now there’s a lawyer with attitude. She said it was fine. We were very careful not to give out privileged information or anything the police might want to keep for themselves. But I wanted to move things along. The sooner Jed gets shoved into jail, the better for everyone.”

She glanced over Dana’s shoulder toward the motel room. Garth was still inside with Kathy. “How are they doing?”

“Garth still wants Jed’s head, but Kathy’s doing okay. Apparently she remembered Jed enough to simply go with him and he doesn’t seem to have hurt her. The medics gave her something to help her relax. Once it kicks in, Garth will take her home. She’s given a preliminary statement to the police, but they’ll want more. That won’t be fun.”

“Did Jed fight back or try to escape?”

“He seems broken,” she said and explained what had happened. “He’d already lost to Garth and apparently realizing what had happened to Kathy pushed him over the edge.” She still couldn’t believe he’d thought her condition was a trick to get more money. Talk about an ugly twist of fate. If only he’d been willing to take some responsibility, everything could have been different.

Izzy stared at the motel building. “It’s going to be a hell of a story. The rich and powerful Jed Titan brought to this.”

“By his own family. They’ll be writing about it for months.”

“That’ll be a pain in the ass, but at least it’s over. He won’t be able to hurt us anymore.” Izzy sounded more resigned than sad.

“You okay?” Dana asked.

“No, but I will be.”

“When Garth’s done with Kathy, can you give me a ride back to his place?”


“Great. I’ll just need a second to talk to him.”

Izzy nodded, then pointed to the motel. “You should take your second now. He has Kathy.”

Dana turned around and saw him leading Kathy to his car. She was wrapped in a blanket and seemed to be half asleep. When he got her in the car, he carefully closed the door, then crossed to them.

“I’m going to take her home,” he said. “Hey, Izzy.”

“Hey, yourself. I’m sorry he hurt her.”

“Me, too.”

She looked around. “I should head back to Lexi’s. Nick will be pissed when he finds out I left by myself.” She pulled a folder from the front seat of her car. “A copy of what Mary Jo and I put together for the reporters. Just so you know what they’ll be writing about.”


Izzy got in her car and pulled off to the side. Dana turned to Garth. There were shadows under his eyes and lines by the corner of his mouth.

“You look tired,” she said.

“It’s been a hell of a ride. At least it’s over now.”

Almost, she thought. There was just one more thing to take care of. “How’s Kathy?”

“Pretty out of it. Whatever the doctor gave her is strong. She’ll sleep through the night. I’ve already got a psychologist coming in to talk to her about what happened.”

Right. Because Kathy would have more trouble processing what had happened. “Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked.

“Not tonight. I won’t be back until morning. Are you going to be all right on your own?”

She’d told herself she was staying until it was over. This was pretty much the final moment. Oh, sure, she could make excuses and string things along for a few more days but to what end? Postponing the inevitable wouldn’t make it go away.

“I won’t be there in the morning,” she told him. “I’m going to pack my things and head home.”

He frowned. “Why?”

She stepped toward him, then cupped his face. “Because Jed is no longer a problem.”

He grabbed her wrist. “You don’t have to move out. Dana, I want you there when I get home.”

He probably did, she thought sadly. This worked for him…for now. But what happened when this wasn’t enough? When her love for him caused her to make demands? Then he would be forced to tell her the truth. And she knew deep down, he wouldn’t want to hurt her.

“I want that, too,” she said. “Too much and that’s the problem.” She drew in a breath. “I love you.” She shifted her fingers so they covered his mouth. “I don’t want you to say anything. I’ve never let myself be with anyone I could seriously care about. I’ve never risked falling in love. Despite my past and being terrified, I’m putting it out there. But I don’t expect anything in return.”

Something flashed through his dark eyes, something she could read. Relief? His own brand of fear? Did it matter?

“You won against a formidable opponent,” she continued. “You took down Jed Titan. Now you need to let go of the past and move on with your life. Start over. You have a family. You need to be in the moment and then go find your future.” She dropped her arm to her side.

“Dana,” he began, then paused.

She knew why. What else was there to say?

“We’ll run into each other,” she told him. “At various Titan events. Skye’s wedding will be hard, but after that, it will get easier. I don’t regret loving you, Garth. All that crap about love transforming us and making us better? Damn if it isn’t true. I love you. I’ll do my best to get over you, but you’re going to be a tough act to follow.”

She raised herself on tiptoes and kissed him. “I want the best for you. Always.”

She turned and walked toward Izzy’s waiting car. As she moved through the darkness, she listened for footsteps, foolishly hoping he would come after her, maybe beg her to stay. She wanted him to tell her that of course he’d fallen in love with her, too. That they would be together forever.