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Beth was amazed at the amount of semen he squirted into her mouth. It just seemed to come and come. She had to swallow several times to take it all.

“Yes, yes, that was good. Lick it clean and then go and gather up your husband and go. Tell him to call me at eleven tomorrow.”

Beth had a terrible struggle getting Andy awake. She slapped him several times. She felt like kicking him in the balls, but decided against it. He almost got sick on the elevator going down. They were three blocks from the hotel when he did get sick. Beth pulled the car to the curb and let him get out.

“I feel better,” he said after he got back in. “Let’s just sit here a few minutes. The car moving might make me sick again.”

They sat in silence for several minutes. Beth lit one cigarette off another.

“Did he fuck you?” Andy said.

“Just what the hell do you think?”

Andy shrugged. “Yeh. Dumb question.” He sat brooding.

“You don’t need to pout. You got the commission.”

Andy straightened up and smiled. “I did? How do you know?”

“Zarie told me. He said to call him tomorrow at eleven. He told me while…”

“While what?”

“While I sucked his cock,” Beth snapped.

“Aw, Beth, don’t,” Andy whined, but she could see he wasn’t angry. He was elated, the prick.

“I sucked it twice, and I swallowed his cum both times. He fucked me, too.”

“Jesus,” Andy said.

“And I went down on his girl friend.”

“Beth! Really?”

“Yes, really. Because you couldn’t.”

“Oh, fuck, that turns me on.” He opened his fly and took out his cock. It was bone hard. “Play with it, Beth.”

It disgusted her, still she started to stroke his prick. He had his head thrown back and was close to coming when she heard the tap on the window. She turned to stare into the face of a cop. There was one at the other window, too. She rolled down the glass.

“You people better get out,” the cop said.

“Wha… what’s the matter, officer?” she stammered. She was still stroking Andy’s cock.

“What’s the matter? Committing a lewd act in public, for one thing. Drunk. This car smells like a brewery. I can think of a dozen charges, lady. Now get out.”

“You stay in the car, Andy. I’ll take care of it. You’re still too drunk,” Beth said, and got out. She went to the patrol car behind them with the cop.

It was almost half an hour before she came back.

“What happened?” Andy said.

“They were going to arrest us for being perverts. You’d have lost your precious commission.”

“How did you talk them out of it?”

“They fucked me, stupid.”

“Both of them?”

“Yes, both of them. And then I sucked them, but they got an emergency and didn’t get to cum the second time.” She giggled.


“I’m ashamed of myself, Beth. I knew they were balling you back there. I got so excited thinking about it that I jerked off and came all over my pants. Look.”

His cock still hung out of his pants. She could see the big wet spot on his pants leg.

“Put your cock away and let’s go home,” she said.

She put the car in gear and pulled away from the curb.

“Beth?” Andy said.


“This isn’t what we had in mind when we got married is it?”

“Not exactly,” Beth said.


Beth was pounding furiously on her typewriter when Doc came out of the office.

“Shit, I’m in a bind. I need a young girl, you know, just a kid, for a very important client tonight.”

“So? What’s your problem?” Evelyn said.

“I don’t know any young kids that fuck.”

“Is fifteen young enough?” Beth asked.

“Yeh, if she looks young enough. Some of these kids look pretty wise by fifteen. You got someone in mind?”

Beth pursed her lips, thought a minute. “My little sister is fifteen. Dress her right and she’ll pass for twelve.”

“Are you serious?”

“Of course, I’m serious. I can call her after she gets out of school this afternoon and set it up.”

“You really think she’ll go for it?”

“I’m positive.”

“Okay, set it up.”

“There’s something else I want to talk to you about, Doc. I’m thinking of quitting.”

“You gotta be kidding.”

“No, I’m not. Andy and I had a long talk last night and he wants me to quit, thinks I’ll be doing things I shouldn’t if I stay. He doesn’t know what’s been going on, but suspects something is funny. I think it’s getting out of hand, too. We want to save our marriage.”

“Sounds like a batch of shit to me. You’ll be sorry. I don’t understand you, Beth. On one hand you’re offering to make a whore out of your kid sister and on the other, you’re quitting.”

“I have my reasons.” I have a score to settle with the little tramp, she thought.

“Okay, but you’ll be sorry.”

“If I am, can I come back to work?”

“Only if you fuck,” Doc said, and went back to his office.

Beth went back to her typing. She felt proud of herself. Andy could keep her happy. She didn’t need all these other men.

Andy called shortly after lunch and told her he had signed the contract. They were leaving next week. Yes, and she was going along. Zarie had protested, but finally agreed she could go, too. He was going to pick her up at five and they would go out and celebrate.

And fuck.