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After three hours of sound sleep, Cindy's eyes blinked open. For a minute she stared at her strange surroundings in fright, and then what happened that day flooded her memory and filled her naked body with, a delicious glow of excitement. She was in her new room in a new town, safe from her drunken mother and under the loving protection of her beautiful new landlady. As she slowly awakened, the memory of Gloria's lips and fingers and fragrant hot cunt flooded her mind.

Still naked, Cindy got out of bed and wandered through the house, looking for Gloria. The house was empty. At first she was alarmed, but then she calmed down as she realized Gloria had probably gone shopping for dinner, or maybe decided to go to work after all. The important thing was that she'd be back and they'd sleep together tonight. Nothing else really mattered to the newly awakened virgin.

Cindy searched the refrigerator and made herself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Bringing a large glass of milk with her, she sat on her bed and wolfed the food down.

Lord, she never imagined sex could be so exciting! Her tawny young flesh hummed with her new discovery and her hot little cunt still tingled madly from Gloria's caressing fingers and lips. An exciting idea sparked in her mind, filling her loins with a throbbing eagerness.

When she finished eating, Cindy rummaged through her overnight case. Aside from jeans and a T-shirt, she'd brought one sexy miniskirt, a sheer pink blouse, a pair of heels, a bra to wear with the blouse and a few pairs of panties. She tossed the panties and bra aside.

Still naked, the young blonde brought her makeup into the bathroom and began applying it to her smooth face in slow artful strokes. She used blue eye shadow, mascara, and blush on her cheeks, finishing with bright red lipstick. It took her almost an hour, but when she finished the effect was stunningly sexy. She told herself she could easily pass for twenty-one now, but she didn't care about that.

When Gloria came home, Cindy wanted her to meet the sexiest girl in the world – sensuous and loving and brimming over with passion, completely eager to please her. The desire singing in Cindy's blood was that of an adoring, bright-eyed sex slave, totally infatuated with her landlady.

The lush brunette had seduced the love-starved girl far more thoroughly than even she suspected. She'd lavished the only affection and kindness the girl virgin had ever known and blended it with torrid sex. The combination opened the gates to both her heart and juicy tight cunt.

Back in her room, Cindy dressed in her sheer blouse, miniskirt and heels. Her tits were clearly visible through the blouse, their fat little nipples straining the material. She didn't bother with panties, wanting to be hot, and ready for Gloria on a moment's notice. If she sat down and didn't cross her bare silken legs, her pink wet cunt slit could be seen peeping through her curly golden cunt hairs.

Cindy wandered impatiently through the house, smoking a cigarette, wondering what else she could do to surprise and please Gloria while she waited. The dishes were done and the house was sparkling clean. Feeling giddy with excitement, Cindy poured herself a large glass of wine from the bottle in the refrigerator. She sat at the kitchen table, trembling as vivid images of her thrilling episode with Gloria flashed through her mind. So hot and wild and beautiful…

The front door opened and Cindy leaped up, her heart beating wildly. She hurried into the living room, her lovely face beaming, then sighed with disappointment.

It was only a boy, probably the other roommate.

Brian stopped short, gulping, devouring her shimmering blonde hair, hungry blue eyes and sexy mouth. Through her sheer blouse, her luscious pert tits and rosy nipples looked stark naked. Her narrow waist, softly curved hips and tawny thighs and legs were perfect. He would have given a year's tuition just to have those legs locked around his waist for five minutes.

"Urn, my name is Brian," he finally said.

"I know," Cindy retorted, totally unimpressed. "I'm Cindy, the new roomer. You don't know where Gloria is, do you?"

"Probably at the library," he replied. A sharp hard-on started in his pants.

"Uh, why don't I put my books away and I'll come down and we'll talk, get to know each other?" he suggested.

Still struggling with disappointment, Cindy waved her hand as though brushing away a fly.

"Don't bother, I'm waiting for Gloria," she said.

She turned her back on him and went back into the kitchen. So I'm rude, Cindy thought. Big fucking deal – it was Gloria she wanted. She hungered for the hot-breasted, loving brunette, not some dumb college kid. She lit another cigarette and refilled her glass with wine, daydreaming at the kitchen table.

If only there was something she could do to surprise and please Gloria while she waited. Then their conversation in bed just after they'd come again and again in a frenzied sixty-nine, flooded Cindy's mind.

"I'll do anything in the world for you, honest… just let me live here with you," Cindy sobbed.

"Anything?" Gloria whispered, stroking Cindy's soft hot ass. "Would you have sex with someone else if I ordered you to?"


"And if I told you exactly how to do it, would you go out and pick up boys and other girls for me?"

"Yes! Anything you tell me, just so long as I can stay with you."

Cindy gulped more wine, feeling bold and high. Brian was a boy, of eighteen, she thought. Good-looking, though, with a nice build, not a creep or a reject. He wasn't exactly a pickup, but if Gloria liked boys as well as girls, why not get Brian for her? Cindy poured more wine, into her glass, beginning to get excited and imagining the look of pleasure and delight on Gloria's face when she proudly announced.

"I've got a boy for you, Gloria. He's upstairs in your bed right now, waiting for you. I got him all hot and bothered, just for you, darling. I'll let him do anything you want to me, if that pleases you. Anything that pleases you, Gloria! Did I do all right? Did I, darling?"

Her eager mind, now half-drunk from gulping wine too fast, never thought that Gloria might already have fucked Brian. Or that she wanted other boys and girls for threesomes and games, not just for herself. Anyway, Gloria wanted her to fuck other boys and girls. She'd made that clear.

For a minute Cindy panicked. Suppose her clumsiness and inexperience made Gloria get bored with her quickly? Maybe she was missing something by not having sex with boys, something vital that could please Gloria. She'd fuck anything or anyone at the snap of the brunette's fingers. But, Lord, she didn't want to lose Gloria just because she was ignorant of sex! Tears filled Cindy's eyes at the mere thought.

With a singleness of purpose that an attacking army would have envied, Cindy grabbed the bottle of wine and marched upstairs. Outside Brian's closed door, she fluttered with hesitation. The memory of the hulking brute her mother had brought home to rape her still frightened her. Nothing any boy or man could do to her could begin to match Gloria's sweet, loving fingers and lips. If she had to get hurt for the sake of experience, she might as I get it over with.

She knocked loudly on his door. A few seconds later Brian opened it, looked startled.

"I've got to talk to you," Cindy said.

"Sure, come an in."

Cindy stepped into his room and put the bottle on his dresser.

"Shut the door," she told him.

Puzzled, Brian closed the door. She looked glassy-eyed and high, and distinctly hostile.

Definitely not romantic or even friendly, but so sexy he could almost come in his pants looking at her.

The blonde took a deep breath to brace herself, and her luscious little tits rose high.

"I'll make a deal with you," she said abruptly.

"A deal? What kind of a deal?"

"I've never been screwed by a boy," Cindy blurted out. "Would you like to screw me? Now?"