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She ground her lips back against me. My tongue shot in and out of her, twisting and laying so wildly that I thought both of us were going to fall off the bed.

But we didn't.

A moment later she reached down with her own hand and began to finger her clit while I ate her cunt. I caught her lips in my own lips and pulled on them, then I let my tongue slip out of her cunt and climb up to her asshole. "Oooooohhhhh!"

She loved it.

I didn't stick my tongue all the way into her asshole, but I played all round it again and again, and then I jabbed it into her pussy.

At the same time she kept fingering herself, flicking her clit. Her ass was moving in big circles, swirling and twisting on my face and her finger with a force that was bound to send her over the top any minute.

It did.

The first thing I noticed was that her cunt was beginning to pulse. It was a tiny tremor at first, but as the moments passed the tiny tremors became huge, wrenching shudders.

"Ohhhhh shit… God, I'm gonna come… oh fuck… oh fuck…"

Then it happened.

Her back arched like a cat's. Every muscle in her body convulsed.


Hot sizzling cum came shooting out of her slit. I gobbled down everything I could, but a lot of it came put my tongue and ended up on my chin and face.

I didn't care.

It was the sweetest, most exciting juice I had ever tasted. I kept after it until finally she collapsed, exhausted, on the bed.


For a long time we lay still. I didn't move my face from where it was buried in the yielding tissues of her cunt. Occasionally another spurt of hot cream would come sliding down into my mouth, and each time it happened I swallowed it.

Finally she stirred.

I pulled my face away and we both smiled at each other. My face was glistening with her cum, and I could feel lingering traces of it on my lips and tongue.

"That was nice," she said in a low voice.


"Now it's my turn to tao care of you."

"If you insist," I said.

We both giggled at that. I felt totally relaxed and ready for whatever she had in mind. It struck me as slightly strange that I should be doing all these things with a girl, but it was hard to think of Melissa as a girl.

She was a woman in every way that counted.

She got on her knees above me and began to run her hands all over my body. My nipples became completely rigid the moment she touched me, and my cunt came alive once again.

"You've got a beautiful body," she whispered, her voice low and sexy. Her fingers brushing lightly across my nipples, playing with them in a way that made me feel like my whole body was as taut and finely tuned as a violin string.

Then she began to move her hands outward in circles, letting her palms brush against my skin, working slowly down toward my cunt.

Finally she touched my cunt hair.

"Mmmmmmmmm…" I purred, thrusting my cunt in the direction of the pressure from her hand.

She flitted away, her fingers teasing me like butterflies.

"You're driving me crazy."

At last she reached down with both hands and pulled my pussy lips apart, leaving the sensitive inner tissues open to the air. I could feel a cool breeze on my naked slit, but suddenly it was replaced by warm air as she started to blow on me from a few inches away.

"Melissa…" I groaned, twisting and thrusting my cunt closer and closer to her face. But she only pulled her lips away, keeping them just out of reach for what seemed to be an eternity.

Then she dove down and flicked her tongue lightly across my bulging, sensitive clit.


But suddenly she pulled away.

For another eternity she blew on me, tantalizing me in a way that threatened to drive me insane.

"If you don't…"

She darted down again, and once again her tongue shot out and flicked across my clit. I shoved hard up against her, but before I could get her tongue all the way into me she pulled away.

I was going crazy.

This went on for at least five minutes. By the time she finally gave in and buried her face in my muff I was so wet that I thought she might have a real chance of droning in my hot cream.

"That's it!" I practically screamed when she finally drove her tongue all the way inside me. I had never felt so much cum flooding inside me in my life. She had put me through an exquisite torture, and now the relief was unbearable.

I shoved up against her darting, flicking tongue, desperately trying to get her entire jaw inside my hungry cunt. I could feel a storm gathering inside my pussy, and I knew it wouldn't take much to send a torrent of hot, foaming cum shooting from my pussy onto her face.

"You're gonna do it, baby, you're gonna make me come," I whispered, grinding and shoving against her face with all the strength in my body.

She pulled her face away.


I grabbed frantically for her face, but before I could reach her she was out of reach.

"Be patient."

"Shit. I'm going nuts."

She smiled. "I'll be back in a minute. You just stay where you are."


She was gone.

I lay where I was, hot and dripping, ready to fuck just about anything that moved. I couldn't believe she was doing this to me; I'd never been so frustrated in my life.

Then she returned.

She was carrying something behind her back, but I couldn't see what it was.

Before I could ask her about it she was back on top of me, but this time she kissed me on the mouth instead of going for my cunt. At the same time she ground her crotch against mine, twisting and shoving so that I couldn't help but respond to the pressure on my own clit.

Then once again she put her mouth on my slit.

This time, however, she concentrated entirely on my clit. Her tongue flicked across it. Her lips pursed over it. Her teeth nibbled at it.

"Ohhhhh God, Melissa… you're gonna make me go fucking crazy…"


She suddenly let her tongue wander away from my clit, and a moment later she had made her way down to my asshole.

Her tongue began to probe into my ass.

At first the muscles of my sphincter were tight, unyielding, but as I tried to relax she was finally able to slip her tongue into me.

It felt wonderful.

At the same time she let her fingers play with my cunt, running all over the outside of my crotch, occasionally darting inside.

"Close your eyes," she whispered.


"Close your eyes. Just for a minute."

I did as she asked me, though I didn't have the faintest idea what she had in mind. In the darkness that enveloped me I just concentrated on the dual sensations that were being given to me by her fingers and her tongue.

Then her tongue slipped out of me.

At the same moment her fingers started doing double duty in my cunt. She plunged them deep into my simmering chamber, then pulled them out, then drove them in again.

Suddenly her other hand was at my asshole, pulling the wet hole open. I didn't know what she was doing at first, but then I began to catch on.

She was putting something into me. It was made of cloth; maybe a silk handkerchief. And there were knots in it.


"Shhhhhh. Just relax. You'll love it, believe me."

I was skeptical, but I was also so hot and excited that she could have shoved a broomstick up my ass and I would have loved it.

One by one the knots of silk passed through my tight sphincter. I don't know how many there were in all; maybe ten, maybe more.

Finally she was finished.

Once again she put her lips on my cunt. I picked up where I had been earlier almost immediately; my cunt felt like it was on the verge of exploding within just a few seconds.