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"Come on, Melissa, don't stop this time. I'm gonna come all over your face in just a minute."


Evidently the idea appealed to her.

As she ate my cunt I all but forgot about the knotted silk scarf that was in my asshole. All I could think about was the way my cunt was churning and boiling, threatening to foam over any minute.

"Come on, baby, Jesus it's good… ohhhhhh God I can feel it coming."

Stealthily she reached toward my asshole with her right hand. I hardly noticed it. I was completely caught up in the steaming, churning mess within my cunt.

It was coming.

"Oh shit, Melissa… shit… I… oh fuck… gaaaaaahhhhhh!"

A million things happened at once.

First I felt a rolling, swirling wave of release begin to fly toward the entrance of my cunt. I knew that I was on the very verge of spilling over.

Then she pulled the scarf out of my ass. I went crazy.

"Aaaagggghhhh! Goddam my… ohhhh!"

My entire body absolutely dissolved. Each knot passing through my tight sphincter practically drove me beyond the realms of control. Again and again I convulsed, my back arching, my every muscle contracting insanely.

It went on forever.

Long after the silk scarf had been completely pulled out of my ass I still kept writhing and twisting as if I had been completely wiped out.

It was fantastic.

Every other climax I had experienced paled before the throbbing, surging release I was feeling now.

At last it was finished.

My cunt kept contacting rhythmically in the afterglow, but I was so far out of it that I didn't know what was happening.

Then suddenly the door opened.

I stared at something that should have made my heart leap to my throat, but it didn't. Instead I simply sat there, cum running down my legs, looking at something I could hardly believe was happening.

Ellen and Gerald were standing in the doorway. "Ohmigod!" Ellen screamed when she was able to figure out what was going on.

"Jesus!" Gerald echoed.

He started forward, but I sat up in bed like a flash and prepared to defend myself.

He stopped.

"You fucking slut."

"What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing to Melissa?"

I looked at Melissa, and was glad to see that she was sitting up straight, staring right at the two of them with defiance in her eyes.


Then suddenly everything fell into place.

"E" was Ellen.

But what…?

"I ought to beat the shit out of you," Gerald growled. Ellen just stood in the background and looked pained.

"Why?" I asked.

"What do you mean why?"

"You know what I mean, you stupid fucking bitch."

"At least I'm not a hypocrite."

Suddenly his expression changed. I could tell that he realized that I knew about what he had done to Melissa.

"I don't want to talk about it. Ellen and I are taking Melissa away from you."

"You mean you two have worked out a reconciliation?" I said, a sneer in my voice that I didn't try to conceal.

"That's right."

Suddenly Melissa spoke up. "I'm not going."

"You'll do what I tell you to do," Gerald said. "Fuck you!" Melissa spat.

"Get up off that bed," her father ordered. She didn't move.

My mind suddenly went into high gear. I don't know why, but I wanted to do something that would be absolutely deliciously nasty to both of them, and it didn't take me long to figure out what to do.

"Wait a minute," I maid, trying to keep my voice calm and cold. "Let's be civilized about this."

"I am," said Ellen, talking for the first time since she'd come in the room.

"Good. Ellen, there's something I want to show you downstairs. Could, you'll want to see it too."

"This is a bunch of bullshit," Gerald growled.

"Honey, don't be like that. This is a sad situation, but we can't do anything to change it right now."

He didn't say anything.

For the first time I felt a slight bit of compassion for Ellen, but not much. She was still an uptight, condescending bitch who deserved whatever she got.

I led them downstairs. My mind was still going ninety miles an hour. I knew that if I really wanted to pull off what I had in mind I was going to have to work fast.

Very fast.

There was a storeroom beneath the stairway. It wasn't very big; mostly there were just winter blankets and coats in it, but there was also a chest where we kept all our valuable papers and everything like that.

I stopped in front of door.

Opening it, I turned on the light. There was not enough room for three people to get inside.

"You two go ahead; there's something in here you ought to see, Ellen."

Gerald hesitated. I could tell that he didn't have the faintest idea what I was up to, but he definitely didn't trust me.

Ellen took the lead, however, and went on in. She gazed around distastefully at the mess. Gerald stood in the doorway for a moment, then turned and spoke to me.

"What the hell is this all about?"

I didn't say anything. I knew that the moment was at hand. If I really wanted to pull off the insane scheme I had concocted in the last few minutes now was the time that I had to act quickly.

I made my decision.

"Gerald," I began, talking in a soothing voice. Then, as soon as he relaxed just a tiny bit, I reached out and shoved him as hard as I could into the storeroom. It took him completely by surprise and he fell into Ellen.

They both went sprawling.

As quick as lightning I pulled the door shut and locked it. Melissa was standing next to me, and as soon as she saw what I had done her eyes got incredibly wide.

"What are you gonna do?"

I didn't say anything. Gerald was yelling and beating on the door. Would it hold?

He crashed into it.

Nothing happened.

He crashed into it again, and once again it held. I breathed a sigh of relief. He might be able to force his way out, but it would take a few hours. I hoped I wouldn't need that much time.

Thirty seconds later I was on the telephone. "Michelle? This is Sheryl."

"Oh. Hi. What's the matter? You sound upset."

"Just listen. Is our little get-together still on?"

"Tomorrow? Sure."

"An right. Listen. I haven't got time to talk, but this is sort of an emergency. Call the people who're coming tomorrow and see if they can make it today. This afternoon. As soon as possible. Tell them they're gonna have a chance for the best time of their lives. And make sure there are at least two men."

"Sheryl, what's…"

"Just do it, Michelle. You won't regret it, believe me."

I hung up the phone.

I felt positively exhilarated. Every nerve ending in my body was totally alert. This was by far the wildest thing I had ever done in my life.

Would it work?

I really didn't have any way of knowing. The most important thing was getting the cooperation of Michelle and her friends. Especially the men.

Beyond that, it was up in the air.

The one thing that I had going for me that was sort of a trump card, however was the knowledge that Gerald had fucked Melissa last summer at the beach house.

He was going to pay for that.

I was certain that Ellen didn't know about it. If she found out, poor old Gerald was going to be left out in the cold without either her or me.

He would have to cooperate just to kep Ellen from finding out.

At least I hoped so.


Michelle came through in the clutch. I could have kissed her when she showed up a half-hour after I called with two big, brawny studs in tow.

"You're beautiful!" I gushed to all three of them. Michelle, her face reflecting how puzzled she was about all this, introduced me to them.