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"Wait a minute!" he shouted, pointing to his cock like it belonged to someone else. "I'm ready now. You can stop, Ellen."

Sam pulled his cock out of her mouth for just a second. She looked up at Gerald, and then without a single word took Sam's cock and put it back in her mouth.

Michelle and I went crazy. We applauded and cheered like idiots. This was even better than we had hoped for.

After that it didn't last much longer.

Sam pumped into her mouth a few more times and then suddenly his entire body stiffened. His cock seemed to jump in her throat, and then big wads of cum began to come streaming out of her mouth. She took as much of his jism as she could in her mouth, but more of it ended up on her face and neck than anywhere else.

Finally he pulled away.

Now she turned all her attention to Jeffrey. Her face, still covered with Sam's cum, showed an intensity that I had rarely seen on another human being.

It was amazing.

"You like it, Ellen?" I asked again.

"Goddamn this is fantastic! Gerald, I hope you learn something from this."

Her words came out between gasps. Her tits were heaving up and down and she seemed to be drunk on the excitement of the moment.

"Come on, Jeff, give it all to me. Fill me up, baby, fill me up! Make my cunt explode!"

Gerald looked on as if he absolutely couldn't believe that he was looking at Ellen.

It just wasn't like her.

Then Jeffrey began to slam into her with even more force, and a moment later his entire body stiffened.

"Gaaaahhhhh!" he cried.

"That's it, baby, that's it! Oh yesssssss!" I think they both came almost together. She wrapped her legs around his back and kept pumping against him, pulling his shooting cock deeper and deeper into her dripping pussy.

Her face was wild. Her eyes looked like they were looking into another world.

Finally they stopped thrashing. Ellen dropped back onto the carpet and closed her eyes. She was a picture of total exhaustion.

Ten minutes later everyone was dressed. Ellen hadn't said anything, and judging from the way she was staring into space it seemed likely that she was totally wiped out, both physically and emotionally.

Gerald just wanted to leave.

"Gerald," I said, holding up some of the pictures that Melissa had taken. "Just in case you get any second thoughts about wanting to take Melissa with you, take a look at these."

He and Ellen stared at them. Her eyes got incredibly wide.

"Did I do that?" she asked.

"Sure you did."

"I don't remember it."

I just stared at her. It was evident that she was telling the truth. I couldn't believe it; she'd actually managed to block the whole experience out of her mind.

And it was probably the best experience of her life.

"I doubt any judge would want to leave a fifteen-year-old girl in the hands of a woman who does that sort of thing," I told Gerald, pointing to a particularly good shot of Ellen with cocks in both her mouth and her cunt.

"You're incredible, Sheryl," Gerald said. "Thank you. I try hard."

"Come on, Ellen, let's get out of here before some of the filth rubs off on us."

"Yes, let's do."

He put his arm around her and they walked shakily out the door. I watched them go, feeling deliciously satisfied with what had happened.

I looked at Michelle, then at Melissa. They were both smiling. So were Sam and Jeffrey. We had a lot to be happy about.

"I don't know about you people, but I'm ready for a party," I said cheerfully.

They ail nodded their agreement.


We went to Michelle's house for the party, which lasted all afternoon. I couldn't believe how good I felt as we walked out of the house I had been living in with Gerald for the past three years.

I was free!

It was an incredible feeling, and I knew right from the beginning that I wasn't going to have any regrets.

None at all.

Melissa felt that way too. I could tell that she was absolutely delighted that she was going to be with me from now on, and the truth of the matter was that I was just as excited about it as she was. We were going to have great times together.

Starting today.

When we got to Michelle's we all had a drink and sat around talking about what had happened earlier. Everyone had been amazed at the transformation that had taken place in Ellen as soon as she took her clothes off.

After our second drink I knew that I was ready for action. I looked at Melissa and knew that she felt the same way. We had been watching other people having fun all afternoon; now it was our turn.



"Where's the little toy you showed me the last time I was here?"

She looked at me and smiled. Then she said, "you stay here. I'll go get it."

A few seconds later she returned with the vibrator and massage oil that had driven me absolutely insane last time.

Now I was going to we it on Melissa.

"Sweetheart, how would you like to take off all your clothes?"

"I'd love to."

"Then do it."

She was naked in thirty seconds. As Michelle, Sam, and Jeffrey gathered around to watch, Melissa stretched out on the thick, soft carpet.

"You're gonna love this, baby," I whispered. Then I slipped the vibrator onto the back of my hand and put some oil in my palm.

I turned it on.

The hum was soft, but the sensations that the machine caused made my entire arm feel like it was alive with electricity. I couldn't believe how alive it made me feel, and I knew it would do a lot more for Melissa.

I cupped my palm and laid it over one of her tits.

"Ohmigod!" she exclaimed.

We all laughed.

She started squirming and wriggling almost immediately. Her entire body was moving in different directions, but I held on to her tit. "Jesus, that's incredible!"

"I know."

I poured some more oil onto her chest and began to move my hand around, sliding and slipping all over her tits. They were so firm and hard that I felt like I could go on this way forever.

But Melissa wouldn't let me.

"My cunt, Sheryl. Jesus Christ, get it in my cunt."

I smiled.

Then slowly, very slowly, I began to work my way down toward her golden crotch. I wanted to hurry because I was dying to bury my fingers in her steaming cunt, but I knew it would be better for her in the end if I held back and made her anticipate the final moment when my electric fingers finally made their way into hep cunt.

"You're driving me crazy. I swear I'm gonna die!"

"No you're not. Just relax and enjoy it."

My fingers were almost touching her silky cunt hair now. I could see her lips waiting for me below, moist, pink and parted.

She spread her legs even wider.

Then I lifted my hand all the way up in the air. She squirmed wildly beneath me.

"Ohhhhhhh," she wailed.

I finally took pity on her.

With a single motion I drove two fingers deep into her dripping slit. Then I just held them there; there was no reason for me to move, since she was moving her crotch enough to accomplish anything that either of us wanted.

"God I can't believe it… my cunt feels… ohhh God it feels like it's gonna explode any minute… oh shit…"

"Just flow with it, baby, just flow with it."

"I'm trying…"

I could feel her cunt begin to quiver and duke, but still held firm inside her slit. I wanted to be able to feel the exact moment whet she boiled over.

It wasn't long in coming.

"Ohhhh… shit, this is crazy… oh shit… God my – ooooohhhhh!"

I could feel it happen. Her cunt suddenly shuddered, and then her muscles damped down on my fingers as if the world were wining to an end. Suddenly my entire hand was covered with her cream.