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I began to storm and surge, my cunt frothing within me as the cum fought to be free of my body. Michelle could feel it as well, and at the very last possible second she pulled her fingers from my cunt.

If I hadn't seen what happened next I wouldn't have believed it.


I looked down at her face as the full force of my organ shot through my empty cyst. I was vaguely disappointed that she had taken her hand away, but what happened next made me forget those feelings.

My cunt shot cum onto her face.

It was incredible.

Her face was at least three inches away from my slit, and as I felt the first huge contraction race through my body I saw it happen. Hot, sizzling cum squirted out of my cunt, went flying through the air, and landed on her upturned face.

She gobbled it don.

Another surge produced the same results. Then she slammed her face into my cunt and began to lick and suck while I continued to come ail over her face.

She was fantastic.

This whole thing was fantastic. I had never felt so totally fulfilled in my life. For at least three minutes she kept her tongue inside me, making certain that she didn't miss any of the precious fluid that my body was releasing from deep inside me.

Then finally she pulled her head up. I could see traces of cum lingering on her lips and teeth as she smiled at me.

"Not bad, oh?"

"Are you kidding."

We were both grinning like schoolgirls. I could toll that she had enjoyed herself as much as I had.

Well, maybe not that much. I don't ace how anybody could have enjoyed it like I did.



I was stroking her tits softly now, half listening to what she was saying.

"You know we could really have some fun if you want to."

"We just did have fun, didn't we?"

We both laughed. I bent over and kissed her nipple, feeling it grow hard in my mouth. She shoved it deep into my sucking mouth, then took it away.

"We could have more fun."

"I doubt it."

"Do you want to try?"

Finally I began to catch on to her train of thought. She was feeling me out to see if I wanted to go any further than this.

"Just you and me?"

"Whatever you want. There are other people around – people you might be surprised about."

"Michelle," I said with feeling. "You're looking at somebody who's been bored shitless for the last three years."

"I know."

"I'm ready for anything."

"Do you really mean that?" she asked.

"Try me."

"I think I will. You might find out that things don't have to be boring at all around here."

"It's already beginning to look a lot better," I said.


I didn't know whether she was agreeing with me or just reacting to the way my fingers were fluttering all over her tits.

"I've got an idea," she suddenly said. "What?"

"What are you doing Friday?"

"During the day?" I asked.


She began to smile, and I could tell that her mind was coming up with something that both of us would like.

"Good. Why don't you plan on spending the afternoon here?"

"All right."

"Good. We'll have a party," she smiled.

"I'm sure."

We both giggled. I knew it was going to be fun.


I was on cloud nine until I walked through the back door of our house and saw the surprise that was waiting for me.

Or rather the surprises. There were two of them. One was Ellen, Gerald's wife from his first marriage. She was sitting on the couch, hands folded stonily in her lap, everything about her prim and proper.

She was a drag.

Next to her on the couch was a young girl. At least she was young in years; judging from the way her tits were protruding beneath her tight blouse there was no way she was really innocent.

That must be Melissa.

Gerald had told me about his former marriage, but I'd never asked him very much about it. I wasn't interested. All I knew was that he and Ellen had gotten married right out of high school, had a baby the next year named Melissa, and gotten divorced soon afterwards. Ellen and Melissa lived somewhere on the other side of town. Beyond that, I didn't know anything about them.

Gerald stood up and came charging over towards me the minute I came in.

"Where the hell were you?"

"Swimming," I said, looking down at my bikini as if he had to be a complete moron not to figure that out for himself. "At Michelle Reiner's house."

With an effort he managed to control himself. Then he turned and introduced me too Ellen, then Melissa. I could feel their eyes on my half-naked body; Ellen in disapproval, Melissa some degree of interest.

Then Gerald dropped the bombshell.

"Melissa's coming to live with us."

Two days later I found out why Ellen had wanted to get rid of Melissa. The young girl was probably the hottest number in high school. At least what I found her doing would seem to indicate that.

I had gone into the city to do some shopping, but when I got there I found out that I'd left all my charge cards in a purse other than the one I had with me.

So much for shopping.

On the way home I was angry at myself, but after a while I forgot about it and began to think about Melissa. She was a strange girl. Gerald said she was eighteen. She had sun bleached hair and a tan that just wouldn't quit. Her tits were firm, almost impudent in the way they called attention to themselves without being overly large.

When I pulled into the driveway I noticed that there was a car parked on the street. At least it might pass for a car; at one time it had been a normal automobile, but now it was so encrusted with chrome, racing stripes, and everything else imaginable that it was hard to tell what it was.

On impulse I went into the house quietly. I didn't know what I was going to find, but whatever it. I didn't want to let them know I was in the house until I was good and ready.

They were downstairs.

I could hear giggles and guffaws coming up from the family room, and when I checked the liquor cabinet in the kitchen I found that an entire bottle of Scotch was missing.

This was going to be interesting.

I wasn't angry; I don't know why, but it just didn't occur to me to get mad. I guess I didn't feel like Melissa was my child.

Quietly I tiptoed down the stairs, not sure what I was going to see when I turned the corner and looked into the room where they were.

She was getting fucked.

There were two young men with her, one of them had a beard and seemed to be a lot older than the other.

Melissa was naked.

She was lying on her back on the floor, her legs spread wide while the younger boy rubbed her tits with both his hands.

"Ooooh… that's nice, Mark, that's real nice. But what about my cunt? My poor little cunt…"

She was obviously drunk. The bottle of Scotch was on a table nearby, and I could see that it was almost empty.

But I wasn't going to waste time looking at the Scotch; Melissa's naked body was much more interesting.

She was beautiful.

Her cunt hair was every bit as blonde as the hair on her head, and her body was just absolutely ripe and bunting.

"Come on, Jack, what're you waitin' for? My cunt, baby, my cunt!"

Jack, the bearded one, dropped to his knees next to her and bent down until his face was just a few inches away from her naked, writhing cunt. I could see the wet lips just beyond her silky hair, and I knew that she was ready for whatever he was going to do to her.

I watched.

My own cunt was beginning to tingle, and although I was ashamed to admit it I realized that I was getting turned on by what I was seeing.

So what?

Why shouldn't I get turned on?