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He wanted it badly.

Resuming my downward movements I pushed for what seemed like an eternity. His cock just kept sliding into me, going deeper and deeper into my throat until it felt like his cockhead was imbedded somewhere in my stomach.

Finally I had taken him all the way in. I could feel my lips pressing against the short, wiry hairs at the base of his cock.

"Nice, baby, real nice. Nobody ever did it that smooth."

I would have smiled if my mouth hadn't been stuffed full of cock. It made me feel good to know that I was better at what I was doing than other women.

He started thrusting into my mouth, jamming his cock in and out of me just like he was fucking me. I tried to move my head once, but he had such a firm grip on me that it was impossible.

I did it his way.

"That's nice, baby, real fucking nice. I can see it goin' in."

I used my hands to guide his cock, sliding them all over his shaft as he continued to pump into me.

Then I reached down and played with his balls. He really got off on that; I could feel his whole body squirming above me.

"Easy, babe, easy. You don't want me to come now, do you?"

I nodded.

"Well, shit. Whatever the lady wants." Almost immediately after that I felt a tremor deep inside his prick. At first it wasn't very strong, but as each second passed it grew more powerful until finally his entire cock was pulsing and throbbing inside me.

"Jesus, baby…"

At the last possible second I pulled my head off his prick and watched it explode.

It was beautiful.

A split second after I pulled away from him his cock erupted. The entire shaft jumped in my hands, and a moment later a huge glob of creamy jism came flying out of the slit at the end of his cock.


The cum landed on my tits.

After that it was chaos. I milked his prick for every drop of cum inside him, licking and gobbling down as much as I could, letting the rest of it splatter against my body. It seemed as if he would never stop coming; be must have had a pint of juice stored up inside him.

Finally it was over.

I could feel his cum running down the front of my body. It was on my face, my neck, my tits my stomach, everywhere.

I smiled at him.

"Not bad for starters, eh, Frank?"

"Starters? Shit lady, I got work to do." I couldn't believe him.

"You mean you'd rather work than do this?"

"It ain't that I'd rather work; it's just that if I ain't back on the road in about five minutes I'm gonna be in big trouble."

He started getting dressed.

I couldn't believe this was happening. What was the matter with him, anyway? If it hadn't been for his big cock I would have let him go on his way if that was what he wanted.

But I wanted his cock.

I wanted it so bad I would do anything to get it inside my pussy. I was so hot five minutes was more than enough time to make me come.

"Frank? You're sure about that?"

He looked at me. I was lying on the bed now, my legs parted casually, my wet cunt fully visible to him.

He wavered.

"Come on, baby, it's not that I don't want to…"

"So you're gonna leave me high and dry?"

He stared at me, and while his eyes were still on me I reached down and casually dipped a finger between my legs, sliding it into my cunt for a fleeting second before puling it back out so that it could glisten in the dim light of the room.



I slipped the finger inside my mouth and licked it carefully, making certain to be as suggestive as possible about it while I took care to get every drop of cream from it.

"Come on, Frank."

I knew I had him when his cock began to twitch between his legs.


"It won't take long, Frank. Christ, all I want to feel in the world is your great big cock inside my tight little pussy. Don't you want that too, Frank?"

I was holding my pussy lips back now, making certain that he could see deep into my slot. I was so hot by now that nothing mattered except getting his cock where I wanted it.

I'd do anything to make that happen.

Absolutely anything.

Finally he stopped getting dressed.

"Come on, Frank, don't waste time standing there. Let's fuck, baby, let's get it on."

He gave in.

Five seconds later he was lunging toward me, his big cock in his hand. It was completely hard now; everything was as if he hadn't come in the first place.

That was just the way I wanted it.

I lay on my back, my legs spread wide, my pussy hot and slippery as I waited for him to slam his cock into me.

I didn't have to wait long.

"Ohmigod!" I groaned as he slashed forward, thrusting his cock in to the hilt on the first shove. My cunt had never felt so full in my life; not even the first time.

It didn't take long.

He bashed into me like a wild animal. I'd never really felt assaulted before, but that's the only word I can think of to describe what he did to me in the next two minutes, I loved it.

Again and again he banged into me, and each thrust was as good as the first one. I pushed back, grinding my steaming pussy against his crotch, crashing into him with every ounce of strength that I possessed.

"Oh yeah, baby, do it to me. Fuck me hard, Frank baby, fuck my cunt 'til it falls apart!" That was just about what he did.

My cunt began to rage and shudder almost as soon as he first got made me. It seemed as if I had been waiting all my life for this moment.

"Come on, baby, make me came… make my cunt explode!"

Then it happened.

I felt like my entire body was going to fail apart. Seething, churning waves of cum began to rise up inside me, shooting toward my slit, trying desperately to be free of my body.

"ohhhhhhh fuck!"

I came in a torrent. Wave after wave of hot sizzling cum came flying out of my cunt and onto his monstrous cock. I felt like a tornado had been turned loose inside my pussy.

It went on forever.

After a while his cock shot his load into me, but I hardly noticed it. I was so carried away by my own sensations that nothing could get through to me.


I didn't stay in heaven for long. When I left the motel I knew that I was going to have to do something about Melissa. Even though I'd been a bit turned on by watching her getting laid by Mark and Jack, there was no way I could just let something like that go by without doing something.

I thought about talking to her myself, but discarded the idea when I realized that she probably didn't care one way or the other about me.

What about Gerald?

I doubted that it would do much good to tell him, but since Melissa was his daughter I felt obligated to go ahead and let him know about it. Then he could worry about it and I could think about other things.

Rather than wait for him to come home I decided to stop by his office. When I got there, however, the door was locked and no one was around.

I looked at my watch. It read four minutes 'til three. Why wasn't anybody there?

Using a key I had, I let myself in and found that both Gerald's office and his secretary's office were deserted. On his appointment pad there was a scribbled note that didn't make much sense to me.

"'E' at 2:00 PM."

Who, or what, was "E"?

Gerald got home on time. I started to ask him straight out about where he had been, but at the last second I decided to go about it a different way.

"How was work?"


"Were you busy today?"

"All day long."

I didn't pursue the conversation. I'd found out what I wanted to know; he was lying to me. What had he really been doing this afternoon?