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Tony wished he had brought his gun. It would have made him feel better, but he had left it in the car. It was against the rules to bring a gun to meet the boss. That’s how bosses got assassinated. Tony swallowed hard, then said, “I think your brother helped him.”

The Old Man’s eyes blazed. “What did you say?”

Tony’s stomach flopped. “I think… I think Vinnie and Shane were in on it together.”

Mr. Messina peeled his elbows off the desk and leaned back in his chair. “You trying to tell me my brother killed his own son?”

Tony shook his head. “I think that part was an accident.” “My brother loved Pete. He doted on him. No way he would hurt him.”

“Someone got carried away.”

Messina dragged his hands down his face. When he spoke, his voice sounded almost sad. “Me and my brother, we haven’t ever been what you’d call close. I let him run the House, and I stay away.”

Carlos revealing some of the family secrets made Tony feel bold. The Old Man might let go of something Tony could use. “Why?” Tony asked.

“’Cause I really don’t like Vinnie. I loved that fucking goofball Pete, though. I loved him like he was my own son, but my brother, he’s always been a dumb fuck.”

Tony kept his face somber, but inside he was grinning. “There’s something else I probably should tell you.”

“What?” Carlos’s voice was like a pistol shot.

“Vinnie,” Tony said, feeling comfortable enough to use the out-of-favor brother’s first name, “told me to find Shane and get rid of him.”

Carlos pounded his fist on the desk, making Tony jump. “Everybody knows, including my dumb-fuck brother, nobody gets clipped unless I say so.”

Tony felt more confident as the gap between the brothers widened. “That’s why I felt I had to come see you.”

But Carlos wasn’t listening. “That stupid motherfucker…”

Tony had to get the boss’s focus back. “Mr. Messina, what do you want me to do?”

Messina snapped out of his reverie and looked at Tony. “Huh?” Then he nodded. “Yeah, you can do something for me. Help me straighten out this mess.”

Tony saw himself taking another step up the ladder. “Name it, it’s done.”

“You know where Shane is?”

The boss was delving into a tricky area. No way could Tony admit that he had his hands on Shane but had let him escape. Neither could he flat-out lie to the man. Not that lying bothered Tony. He just didn’t want to get caught doing it. Lying to the boss was a capital offense. “I can find him,” Tony said.

Carlos nodded. “When you find him, bring him to me. No, no, no.” He waved his hand. “Better yet, when you find him, stash him somewhere. Somewhere quiet. Then you call me and I’ll come to you.” He held up a cautionary finger in the air. “Don’t kill him. You understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I want to talk to him.”

That was the last thing Tony wanted, but he nodded anyway. “What about Vinnie?”

“What about him?”

“If I don’t hit Shane like he told me, he’s going to think something is strange.”

Carlos stared across the desk, his eyes ice-cold. “Don’t worry about my fucking brother. I’ll handle him.”

Jenny Porter woke up at 3:00 PM, lying on the sofa in Ray’s arms, her back spooned against his chest. She could tell he was still asleep by his rhythmic breath on the back of her neck.

They had sat on the sofa until nine o’clock, talking mostly about how they were going to change their lives. Not talking about doing anything together, just about changing their lives individually. They had also talked a little bit about the past, both their individual pasts, and about the past they shared. They had really only touched on that shared past. Jenny wanted to start over, not rehash all the mistakes they had made.

Talked out and way beyond tired, she wanted to sleep but didn’t want to be alone, didn’t want to break the connection between them. They had both eased down onto the sofa and laid their heads on the pillow. Jenny wasn’t sure who started it, but they ended up making love.

Scared at first, she was tentative, afraid that any second Ray would remember how she made a living and push her away. But as his passion grew, so had hers. Finally, she lost her fear and they had exhausted themselves. When it was over, and with their bodies still tangled up on the sofa, they had fallen asleep.

She had slept like a rock, but now that she was awake she had to pee. One of Ray’s arms was draped over her, so she lifted it as easily as she could, slipped off the sofa, and tiptoed into the bathroom. When she came out, she wore a robe with nothing underneath.

Ray was awake. “How long you been up?” he asked.

His tone and inflection were perfectly neutral, making it impossible for Jenny to tell what he was thinking. She didn’t know if he was happy about what had happened between them or pissed off. She said, “Just a few minutes, my bladder woke me up. How’d you sleep?”

He rubbed his eyes with both hands. “Great.”

“You still tired?” she asked. “You can use the bed.”

Naked, he stood up and stretched. “No, I’m fine. I’ve got to figure out what I’m going to do.”


He nodded, a grin on his face. “Starved.”

Feeling relief flooding into her, she said, “Me, too.”

“You should leave right now,” Jenny told Ray. Both of them had dressed and were sitting at the dinner table, eating cold-cut sandwiches and drinking chocolate milk.

Ray looked at her funny. “You want me to leave?”

Realizing the way it sounded, she said, “No, not my… not leave the apartment. You can stay here as long as you like. I’m talking about New Orleans. You have to leave. You’ve got too many ghosts here.”

He took the last bite of his sandwich, then said, “Where would I go?”

“I don’t know. When I lived in California, I loved it. You could go there.” She wanted to suggest that they go together, but wanted it to be his idea.

He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“If you want to change your life, you’ve got to get out of this town.”

“I was out of town for almost five years.”

“And look what happened when you came back.” Her voice rose. “You started right back where you left off. It’s this town.” She slapped her palm hard against the table. “The Messina family, they suck you in and won’t let you out.” She realized that she was talking about herself. With or without Ray, she had to get away.

“I needed a job and they gave me one,” Ray said. “It’s not like I had any other offers.”

They were drifting into the past again. “You could have gotten a regular job, something that didn’t involve them.”

“I’m not involved with them, at least not the way I used to be. I throw guys out who had too much to drink or get too rough with the.. .”

“Whores,” Jenny said.

“Too rough with the girls.”

“You’ve got to leave, Ray, and not look back.”

He shook his head. “I can’t leave until I sort this out.”


“The Messinas have friends,” he said. “If they think I had something to do with what happened, especially with Pete getting killed, they’ll find me. It doesn’t matter where I go.”

“Then what are you going to do?”

He sat quietly for a minute, then said, “I need your help, Jen.”

She was afraid neither of them would ever get out of this town alive. “What do you need?”

“To stay here for a couple of days.”

She nodded.

“And I need to borrow your car.”

“All right.”

“Were you serious about what you said?” Ray asked.

“I said a lot. We both did, but I meant every word of it.”

“I’m talking about you not going back to the House.”

Jenny nodded. “I’m through with that.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m getting out of New Orleans.”

“Where to?”

“Maybe back to California. The weather is perfect, and you should see the beaches.” She had only lived there for a year, but she loved it, working at a health club teaching aerobics classes to middle-aged women and swimming classes to kids. Jenny desperately wanted Ray to say, Yeah, California sounds nice. Maybe we should go together. But he didn’t say that. Instead, he said he needed to call Charlie Liuzza.