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She’d spent the previous evening on a wooden chair far from the hearth, embroidering an apron. Brow creased and luscious lower lip caught between her teeth, she plied the needle with quivering fingers—still suffering from her excess of the night before, he’d no doubt. But she had not complained. Instead, when she finished the work she presented it to the farmer’s eldest daughter with a smile. Then she sewed lace to the edges of Mrs. Bates’s nightcap.

“Took that lace from one of her own dresses,” Mrs. Polley had muttered to him as she removed his empty glass from the table. He’d taken only cider, and this morning the tremors were worse because of that discipline. “Wants to give these good people something of true value, just like herself.” Her bulbous eyes had narrowed. “An angel who doesn’t think anything of herself, my mistress. She deserves to be treated right.”

Wyn agreed wholeheartedly. He’d kept that notion in the front of his mind the night of Sir Henry’s fete as she pressed her curves to him and the whiskey in his blood told him to pull her closer yet.

True value. Though perhaps not an angel, not with her delight in teasing and her determination to succeed on her mission. And her seeking hands and perfect breasts.

Better than an angel.

The dog stared at him from ebony buttons in a curious face.

“Yes, I am aware that a man with intent to murder a duke has no business putting his hands on any woman.” He attached the traces, drew the horses one after another to the pole and affixed the coupling reins.

A shadow crossed the square of pale light from the yard. Her knew her shadow. He knew the contour of her neck, and the dimples that flashed in her cheeks, and how her eyes rolled back when she laughed at him. He could describe the shape of each of her fingers and shades of golden brown in her hair, and the precise locations of the tiny scars on her pert nose. These were the sorts of details he had trained himself at an early age to notice and served him well as an agent of the Falcon Club. He was not slipping, it seemed. And knowing her in this manner provided him a decadent sort of agonizing satisfaction.

She came toward him. “Good day, sir.”

“Good day, ma’am. How do you do this morning?”

She laid her hand on a horse’s neck and stroked, her ungloved fingers slender and comfortable upon the animal. “Considerably better. Fully recovered, in fact.” She wore a plain blue gown cinched with a ribbon beneath her breasts. The night before as he lay in the straw alone he’d spent time imagining those breasts stripped of garments. He had imagined touching her. He had told himself it provided distraction from the pull of the bottle Bates offered him earlier, which he’d declined. No more whiskey while in the company of Diantha Lucas. He didn’t trust himself.

Now her breasts were before him, albeit clothed. Still, reality proved greater than imagination. “I am glad for you, then.” He turned from her to recheck the reins.

“It’s true, I will not be experimenting with spirits again. Will we leave soon?”


She glanced toward the stable door. “The Bateses are wonderfully kind people. It is a marvel we were so fortunate to happen upon them.” She hovered at his shoulder on the balls of her feet. “Betsy is their eldest, you know. A year older than Tom. She entered the harvest fair baking competition this year with her own entry and won. She is very proud of that accomplishment.”

He glanced at her. The slightest stain of pink covered her cheeks.

“She must be.” He moved to the rear of the carriage and took up a rope to fasten the traveling trunk in place.

She came again to his side and Wyn felt her move the air. He felt it. She was a spring breeze that with the gentlest aggression threatened to send his world spinning.

“She is fifteen. She told me she has a tendre for a boy who lives on the next farm, yet she is afraid to reveal to him her interest for fear he will scorn her.” She spoke more slowly now. “I think it is more than shyness on her part.”

“Do you?” He tightened the rope about the trunk.

“She hides her face when she can.”

Ah. Of course. “She will learn confidence in time. She is young yet,” he only said.

“I don’t think it is her age.”

“Perhaps not.”

A lengthy pause. “Do men notice such things?”

He could not pretend he hadn’t any idea what she meant. Naïve regarding man’s baser nature or not, Diantha Lucas was much cleverer than she liked others to think.

“Yes. I am afraid most men do.”

She was silent a moment. “I knew that, of course. I mostly asked to see how you would . . .” Her voice faltered. “How you would . . .”

He turned. “How I would re—”

Her chin collided with his jaw.

They both jerked back. Her hand flew to her face. A full, rosy flush washed across her lovely features, and tension flooded Wyn precisely where he did not wish it.

Fingers over her mouth, she backed away a step. He crouched and looped the rope above the rear axle, pulling in a slow breath.

“I will not insult either of our dignities, Miss Lucas, by pretending that you did not just attempt to kiss me.” He glanced at her over his shoulder.

“I did.” She performed the usual damnably taking twist of her lips. “I should very much like to.”

He leaned his forearm onto his knee to turn to her. “Did you hear nothing I said to you yesterday afternoon?”

“I wish I had managed it more successfully.”

“Apparently not,” he answered himself, and stood.

She frowned, her features coming to life again. “Oh, why not? The Bateses believe we are wed, and Mrs. Polley has just dropped off to sleep so she will not discover it. I am not proposing marriage to you. It would just be one kiss, and no one would know.”

“I would know.”

“Well then you could simply forget about it right after, couldn’t you?”

“No.” Never. Dear God, she was unbearably pretty. He scanned her face aglow with mingled indignation and hope, unable not to take his fill of looking. “Do you even hear yourself now?”

“Yes. Don’t be silly. Although I suppose it isn’t silliness but rather gentlemanliness. I admire that about you enormously, of course, but it is inconvenient at the present.”

He laughed, because the only other alternative was to drag her delectable body against him and kiss her until neither of them could see straight.

A crease slipped across her brow. “You already know that I occasionally have lapses in modesty. But why must you be a gentleman at all times? Except of course in that stable.”

He had not been a gentleman when she’d drunkenly clung to him and he’d nearly given her what she wanted. The thoughts he’d had then were not gentlemanlike. Nor was fantasizing about her the night before. Nor was the ready tenor of his body now.

Damn it, where were the rules when a man needed them?

Rule #8!

“A man is only a gentleman if he is never otherwise.” He matched her tone, seeking steadiness. “Except perhaps in a stable,” he admitted.

Her lashes flickered up. “We are in a stable now.”

God help him. “That we are.”

“Just one kiss,” she whispered. “I promise I shan’t bother you about it again.”

Bother? Rather, enchant, torment, torture. Her lips and eyes and silken neck and perfect breasts beckoned.

Damn the rules. If only for a moment.

He cupped his hand around the side of her face, his palm reveling in the warmth of satin. Soft skin. Soft hair. Soft woman. He nearly groaned from the pleasure of it. Her eyes were wide as moonlight. He bent to her.