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How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom: Volume 1



“Kazuya… why do you think people build families?”

On a quiet autumn day, Grandpa asked me that question. It was just after the Buddhist memorial service held to mark the seventh day following my grandmother’s passing. I was alone in the garden with Grandpa, staring absently into the sky at the time.

I didn’t understand the question, and, as I struggled to find something to say in response, Grandpa answered. He looked like he’d had an epiphany.

“So that they don’t have to die alone. It occurred to me again and again as I was caring for your grandmother. Though we lost our son and your mother so soon, you were still here for us. Because of that, we had a sense of fulfillment in our lives. The bonds we’ve formed will last even after we ourselves are no more. For any living being, there can be no greater source of pride.”


“That is why I want to tell you this. Kazuya, build a family. And, once you have, protect them, come whatever may. You’ve always been a sensible boy…No, I suppose I should say you always tended to think about things rationally.”

I was silent.

“But, listen, you mustn’t do that when it comes to family. Once you’ve taken their hands, never let go. Put your life on the line and protect them to the bitter end, no matter what. If you do that, I’m sure you’ll be able to think ‘I lived a good life’ when your time comes. Just like your grandmother… and just like me.”

“…You’re making this sound like it’s your last will,” I said teasingly, but Grandpa nodded in complete seriousness.

“I’m getting on in years. These may be the last words I’ll leave to my grandson, who will one day be alone.”

At the time, I could say nothing in response.

And now, as if he had only been holding on so that he could see me get accepted into university, Grandpa had left to be with Grandma. In that house where I was now alone, I whispered to myself.

“I know. I haven’t forgotten your last will, Grandpa.”

To build a family, and protect them, no matter what.

Holding that promise close to heart, I would begin my new life. That was how it was supposed to be.

◇ ◇ ◇

“O Hero! It is good that you have heeded my summons,” said a middle-aged man who had just appeared before me. He was average build, and seemed to be attempting to sound majestic. I’d have put his age at around forty to fifty years old. He wore a red cape thick enough to serve as a coat, and atop his head sat a gleaming golden crown. I could tell at a glance that this guy was a king.

Was the gentle-looking young woman standing at his side the queen, then? She was a beautiful woman with platinum blonde hair, wearing a beautiful dress. She looked like she was only around thirty.

Let’s take stock of the situation, I thought. A needlessly high ceiling, rows of marble pillars, and beneath me a red carpet. Soldiers standing at attention on either side, and mixed in with them a person who looks like your stereotypical prime minister.

It was a place that looked like it came out of the opening of an RPG. There was a king, a palace, and that “O Hero” line I’d just heard.

…Okay, calm down, I told myself. Panicking will not improve your situation. The first order of business is… Right, I’ll start by gathering information.

“Wh-Why do you look at me like that? Are you upset that I have called you here?” the King said nervously as I stared at him.

“That’s not it… I just don’t have a good grasp of the situation. Could I ask you to explain?”

“Y-You certainly are calm. It is most enviable…”

“Your Majesty…” I began.

“I–It is nothing!”

The prime minister cleared his throat, and the king jumped a little. Seeing that little interaction, the queen giggled, and the soldiers looked on with wry smiles. From that exchange, I could see the King truly was the good-natured man that he seemed. I sensed that he lacked the aura of command required of a nation’s ruler, but that he was the type who was loved by the people. Still, that was neither here nor there.

I posed my question with deliberate calmness so as not to intimidate him. “So, if I’m the hero, does that mean there’s a demon lord invading or something?”

“You certainly do catch on quickly. It is precisely as you say.”

I was speechless. Seriously…? This isn’t a dream, right? No, I just wanted to try saying that. I can distinguish between dreams and reality. This doesn’t have that hazy dream-like sensation. All four of my senses, excluding taste, were reporting to me that this was the real world.

This is… reality… Let me say it again. Seriously…?

“I–Is something the matter, Hero? Why do you suddenly clutch your head?”

“No, don’t worry about it. I just felt a little dizzy.” My head had started to hurt, but for the moment, I’d have to put up with it. “I’m fine now. Please, explain the situation.”

“A-Are you certain? Very well, I shall explain.”

The king then launched into a lengthy explanation of the world’s history, like you might see in an old RPG. It was long-winded enough that, if this were a game, I’d have been hunting for the Skip Text button, so I’ll summarize for you readers a bit.

First, he spoke about this world.

The world was made up of the supercontinent Landia and a number of islands of varying sizes. On the supercontinent Landia, there were many countries, large and small. In addition to humans, these were populated by beastmen, elves, dwarves, and dragonewts, among other races. There were countries where these races coexisted, countries where one race had preferential treatment, countries which forbade entrance to all but one race, and more. These countries took many forms and they struggled against one another for supremacy at times. However, ever since the Demon Lord’s Domain appeared, it seemed that all these countries had, on the surface, taken a position of mutual cooperation.

Next, the king spoke about the Demon Lord’s Domain and the Demon Lord.

Around ten years ago, in the northernmost reaches of the supercontinent Landia, a dimension called the “Demon World” had appeared, and monsters of many sizes and shapes had poured out, throwing the Northern Countries into chaos. The countries had formed an alliance and organized a punitive force to send into this Demon World.

However, that punitive force had been annihilated. In the Demon World, there were “monsters” which had minimal (or, some would theorize, no) intelligence, as well as “demons” who were intelligent and also powerful fighters. The demons were the ones who had annihilated the punitive force. Furthermore, though it had not yet been verified, people whispered about the existence of a king who ruled over the demons, a “Demon King.”

After that battle, the countries had lost their main fighting forces, and none of them had had the power to defend themselves against the monsters that appeared from the Demon World. The demonic forces, which had until then held only the equivalent of a small country, laid waste to the Northern Countries and came to rule a third of the continent. This territory was now called the “Demon Lord’s Domain.” While their advance had stopped for the moment, it was said that this was because the expansion of the front lines had spread the demons and monsters thinner, making it possible for the individual countries to hold the line against them. That didn’t mean mankind had any decisive way to turn things around. In the front line countries, things had bogged down to a stalemate.