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“Th-That’s because… the new king, Souma, has been working to enrich his country…”

“You’re still saying that?!”

Gaius kicked Colbert across the floor once again.

Perhaps he had gotten a cut in his mouth, because there was blood streaming from the corner of Colbert’s lips. Even so, Colbert didn’t stop speaking.

“Your Highness… The total manpower of Amidonia’s army is around half that of Elfrieden’s army. This is just… just too reckless a plan!”

“I know that without some lowly civil servant telling me so!” the king roared. “That’s precisely why now, with the king and the three dukes in conflict, we have an opportunity!”

“Even so, there’s no telling how long that will last,” Colbert protested.

“Bwahaha! There’s no need for concern. The Georg Carmine will be launching the rebellion. That young pup of a king will have no easy time subjugating him, I’m sure. Civil wars drag on for a long time. It will be the same even if Georg wins. If a traitor rises to the top, there’s no way the country will stand united!”

Colbert bit his lip in frustration. Is that the reason His Highness is acting so boldly?!

Because it was Georg Carmine, one of the three dukes, and the one who was famous for being a fierce general, who was raising the flag of rebellion against Souma, that was likely pushing Gaius to act.

The truth was, there was no guarantee that an opportunity like this would ever come along again. Gaius was already 50 years old, by no means a young man. He didn’t want to let this ideal chance pass by while he was still fit to stand at the head of an army and give orders.

However… It’s too optimistic to think that way! Colbert thought stubbornly.

“Please, listen to me, Your Highness!” he burst out. “If you invade Elfrieden, our country will be exposed to criticism from all of the other countries! We’ve signed the Empire’s Declaration of Mankind’s Common Front Against the Demon Race!”

“…The Mankind Declaration, is it?” Here, for the first time, Gaius had a strained look.

Led by the Gran Chaos Empire, the Declaration of Mankind’s Common Front Against the Demon Race (also known as the Mankind Declaration) referred to a declaration and resultant international treaty backed by the largest, most powerful empire on the continent. It stated that, in light of the expansion of the Demon Lord’s Domain, all conflicts between mankind were to cease. And, in order to prevent the monsters and demons from advancing any further south, all of mankind were to work as one and cooperate.

The essentials of the Mankind Declaration were given in these three articles:

First, the acquisition of territory by force between the nations of mankind would be deemed inadmissible.

Second, the right of all peoples to equality and self-determination would be respected.

Third, countries that were distant from the Demon Lord’s Domain would provide support to those nations which were adjacent to it and were acting as a defensive wall.

The second of these had been adopted to protect minority races in each country. Given that the acquisition of territory by force was inadmissible, some countries might have otherwise expelled or oppressed their minority races to try to seize their wealth for themselves. It was an extra provision that had been added in caution against that.

Furthermore, though not explicitly outlined in the text, if any country violated these three articles, the Empire, as leader of the pact, would intervene militarily.

To put it simply, this Mankind Declaration was a security treaty in which countries gave up the right to invade other nations in exchange for protection from the Empire.

Colbert pleaded: “If we invade Elfrieden, we may be inviting an intervention by the Empire! Sire, I beg of you, please, reconsider!”

“You cur!” Gaius brought his hand to the hilt of the sword hanging at his hip.

Just as everyone present was sure the man was about to be slain, someone slipped between Gaius and Colbert.

“Sir Colbert, there should be no worry of that.”

The one who had interposed himself between the two of them was the crown prince, Julius Amidonia. His cold eyes, which betrayed no emotion, were fixed on Colbert. “That is because Elfrieden has not signed the Mankind Declaration.”

“Julius… sir,” Colbert said, “that’s a specious argument! We would be taking protection under the Mankind Declaration, while at the same time attacking a country that has not yet ratified it. If we do that, it would be like kicking mud in the face of the Empire!”

“However, in diplomacy, only the treaties that have been signed are important,” Julius said coldly. “This has all been brought about by the stubborn foolishness of Elfrieden in not supporting the sublime ideals of the Empire. Surely the Empire can find no fault with us for it.”


“Enough!” Gaius withdrew his hand from his sword’s hilt, turning to address the gathered commanders. “I hereby dismiss Colbert from his position as Minister of Finance.”

“Sire!” Colbert cried.

“Colbert, I am placing you under house arrest for the time being,” the king snapped. “You are to watch from the sidelines. Watch as we reclaim the land of our forefathers.”

With those words, Gaius led his commanders out of the audience hall without sparing so much as another glance at Colbert. Colbert stayed there for a time, biting his lip, but eventually he punched the carpet in anger, rising to his feet and confronting Julius, who had remained behind.

“Julius! Is this really… really the only path?!” he shouted.

Colbert spoke more freely, unlike when he had stood before Gaius. Partially because they were around the same age, despite their positions as crown prince and vassal, Julius and Colbert were close enough to be called friends.

In a cold tone, Julius said to Colbert, “He’s right that it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance. In addition to Georg Carmine, there are many nobles who have secret ties to our country. If we coordinate with them, we should be able to slice off some land in the south for ourselves.”

“But, if we lose, it could mean the death of our country,” Colbert said.

“However, on the other hand, if we miss this chance, we may never be able to regain our territory. If, as you’ve said, the new king is working to enrich his country, doesn’t that mean the gap will only widen if we let this chance slip by?”

It was clear that Julius looked at the situation through calmer, more rational eyes than Gaius. Even so, his decision remained unchanged.

“It is the long-held wish of the Princely House of Amidonia to reclaim the lands we have lost and to exact our revenge,” Julius continued. “No, it’s not only the Princely House: the soldiers and the people hold that wish, as well.”


That’s because you’ve shown them no other option! Colbert wanted to say that, but… he couldn’t. To do so would be to overstep his bounds as a vassal.

As Colbert cast his eyes downwards, at a loss for words, Julius placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Please, just stay quiet for now, Colbert. I rate your abilities quite highly. For my own sake, as the one who will someday rule this land, I would rather not lose you to Father’s short temper.”