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How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom: Volume 3


Prologue: On a Moonlit Terrace

Night, 3rd day, 10th month, 1,546th year, Continental Calendar — Royal Capital Parnam.

The moon shone brightly in the mostly-clear sky.

It was a night so quiet that it was hard to believe that only a few days ago, this country, the Elfrieden Kingdom, had fought a major battle with the neighboring Principality of Amidonia.

As the victors in the recent series of engagements, there had been a raucous celebration when news of their triumph had reached Parnam, but now that some days had passed, things had settled down considerably.

The young King of Elfrieden (though he was as yet uncrowned, so he was only king provisionally), Souma Kazuya, had declared the war over with the occupation of the capital of the principality, Van, and the area surrounding it. Now they were waiting for negotiations to begin.

The people were waiting with bated breath to see how the negotiations would play out.

It was a quiet night in Parnam.

Parnam Castle was without its master because Souma and the others had left for Van. The former king Albert and his wife Elisha were enjoying tea in the moonlight on the terrace attached to their bedroom.

“…It is most quiet tonight,” said Albert.

“Hee hee. Yes, it is,” said his wife.

As they drank their tea, the two of them wore relaxed smiles.

“Without Liscia and our son-in-law here, it feels like the fire in this castle has died out,” said Albert. “Even though it was normal for it to be like this not so long ago.”

“Things have been so lively since you ceded the throne to our son-in-law,” Elisha agreed. “The ministers, the bureaucrats, the castle guards, and even the maids have all been working busily.”

When Elisha said that, Albert said “Indeed…” with a nod.

He went on, “Of all of them, the one who’s worked the hardest has been our son-in-law, though. I never realized there were so many things a king should do, so many things a king could accomplish… It does me no credit as the former king to say this, but I believe I was not wrong to abdicate.”

Albert had suddenly abdicated in favor of the more worthy Souma.

There had been resistance to the sudden change at first, but the steady success of Souma’s policies had gradually won people over, and so had his engagement to Albert’s daughter, Princess Liscia, who worked to support him.

A few days ago, Souma had also defeated his enemy at home, the three dukes, and his enemy abroad, the Principality of Amidonia, and so gained the full recognition of the people as their king.

“Everyone must have been surprised by my eye for talent,” Albert said with a jolly laugh.

Now that they had accepted Souma, the people were beginning to see Albert, who had been an average king, for better and for worse, in a more positive light. “The former king achieved nothing of note himself, but in the end, rather than cling to power, he made the brave decision to turn the reins over to someone more capable” was what they had started saying.

After having a good laugh, Albert looked down into his teacup. The face reflected back at him in his tea seemed slightly tired and wore a lonely smile that seemed gloomy somehow.

“Do you think… we’ve managed to change things?” Albert asked.

In response to his words of uncertainty, Elisha lowered her eyes. “It should be fine. Unlike ‘that time,’ this time ‘that girl’ is with him from the beginning.” Elisha spoke in a calming tone. “If the two of them are together, I think they can lead us to a different outcome from ‘that time.’ Besides, those two aren’t alone now. Things are even more lively now than they were ‘that time.’”

“Ho ho ho…” chuckled Albert. “I suppose they are. We have ourselves another daughter now, after all.”

Albert grinned broadly, remembering the mystic wolf girl they had adopted. The smile proved contagious, and soon Elisha was beaming as well.

“She’s just the cutest little thing,” Elisha said. “With her fluffy little ears and tail.”

“By the time Liscia reached that age, she was already a tomboy,” said Albert. “That was cute in its own way, but having a meek girl is nice, too.”

“It really is,” said Elisha. “The way she hesitantly calls me ‘Mother’ is just adorable. Oh, I hope Tomoe comes home soon.”

Having been recognized for her unique gift, despite being a refugee, the mystic wolf girl Tomoe had been adopted by Albert and Elisha in order to protect her. The two of them now showered her with love as if she were their real daughter.

“I’ll have to tell our son-in-law to make sure no strange men are lurking around her,” said Albert firmly.

“It’s not uncommon for royal and noble families to adopt children to use in political marriages, but I wouldn’t want that to happen to Tomoe,” Elisha agreed.

“Certainly not,” said Albert.

…If Liscia had been there to hear, she would have indignantly cried, “That didn’t seem to matter to you when you agreed to marry me off without my consent!”

For the rest of the night, the two of them had a lively conversation on the topic of just how adorable Tomoe was.

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Meanwhile, in the castle in Van, Liscia and Tomoe sneezed at precisely the same time. The two of them turned to look at one another, both tilting their heads to the side a little, questioningly.

Do you think someone is talking about us? they both wondered.

Chapter 1: Project Lorelei

5th day, 10th month, 1,546th year, Continental Calendar — Princely Capital Van.

Several days had passed since the opening of hostilities with the Principality of Amidonia.

In the war room of the castle in the now-occupied Van, five people had gathered. They were: Liscia, Royal Guard Captain Ludwin, Acting General of the Army Glaive, Prime Minister Hakuya, who had returned after finishing up his work in Red Dragon City, and me. We were standing around a table with a big map of the area spread out over it.

When you looked at it on the map, you could see that we had only occupied the capital city, Van, and a small area around it, shifting the border only ever-so-slightly to the northwest. Everything beyond that was still Amidonian territory.

I asked Ludwin, “Is there any sign of a counteroffensive from the Amidonian side?”

“No, they aren’t making any obvious moves.” Ludwin laid out little pawns surrounding Van to represent the cities of the principality. He was indicating how the forces of the principality were currently deployed. “As you can see, they have focused entirely on hardening their defenses in the cities around Van. Most likely, they are severely exhausted from the battle the other day. They’ve given up on retaking the city themselves, and…”

“They’re waiting for the Imperial Army to arrive, huh?” I finished.

The Gran Chaos Empire. It was the largest realm on this continent, excluding the Demon Lord’s Domain. We expected they would be coming to intervene in the conflict as a mediator, at the request of Amidonia.

I asked Hakuya, “For reference, what’s the difference in strength between our kingdom and the Empire?”

“The Empire is superior to us in terms of national power, population, troops, technology, and wealth,” he replied. “If you were only asking about the number of troops, we are outnumbered five-to-one. If you factor in equipment and other things that have an effect on our war potential, their advantage is double that.”