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Intermission 3: Chance Encounter in the North

The Union of Eastern Nations, situated to the north of Friedonia, was an aggregation of small to medium-sized states.

This land had once been flooded with many small and medium-sized states, sometimes allying with, and at other times warring with, one another. It had been a disunited land. However, when the Demon Lord’s Domain had appeared over a decade ago and the threat it had posed began bearing down on them, the states had united to form the Union of Eastern Nations.

Each country within the Union ruled itself, but each country was also called upon to contribute soldiers commensurate to its national strength. In the case of small states, they were to contribute a tenth of their soldiers; and in the case of medium-sized states, three-tenths. With the soldiers they contributed, a force that transcended the borders between nations, the United Forces of the Eastern States (or the United Forces), was formed. If another country or the Demon Lord’s Domain tried to invade one of the countries of the Union, the United Forces would be dispatched to combat them.

In the northwestern edge of the Union, bordering both the Demon Lord’s Domain and the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom, was the Kingdom of Lastania.

That country was a small monarchy with a total population of around twenty thousand. It was a country so small that it felt like it might blow away in the wind, and it was situated next to both the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom and the Demon Lord’s Domain, so the people must have been trembling in fear, waiting for the fires of war that could come at any moment. Or so you might be thinking. However, the actual situation was slightly different.

It was true, they did have some uncertainties when it came to the Demon Lord’s Domain, but bordering on the Dragon Knight Kingdom was actually reassuring to them. Though Lastania belonged to the Union of Eastern Nations, they had a long-running alliance with the Dragon Knight Kingdom. Having formed contracts with the dragons of the Star Dragon Mountain Range, and possessing powerful dragon knights, the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom was a powerhouse that could stand up to the Gran Chaos Empire in a purely defensive war. However, they didn’t use that power to try to expand their borders. That had to do with their contract with the Star Dragon Mountain Range.

The dragons will become the knights’ partners, racing across the battlefield with them.

The knights will welcome the dragons as their partners, and help them to produce offspring.

However, if the knights use the dragons’ power to satisfy their own greed, this contract will be rendered null and void.

This was the contract between Nothung and the Star Dragon Mountain Range.

In other words, in exchange for borrowing the dragon’s power, they would take the dragons as their wives and have children with them. This contract was made possible by the fact that the dragons of the Star Dragon Mountain Range were able to take on human form. Also, if they used the dragons’ power for their own selfish desires and tried to invade some other country, the contract would be torn up and the Dragon Knight Kingdom would lose its ties to the Star Dragon Mountain Range. For that reason, the Dragon Knight Kingdom was a country with a policy of non-aggressive defense. This country didn’t involve itself in the Empire’s invasion of the Demon Lord’s Domain, either.

Having an ally nearby was one ingredient contributing to the Kingdom of Lastania’s peace of mind. Even if the Demon Lord’s Domain attacked, their territory was small, so the dragon knights would defend them while defending themselves.

That may have been why, in the Kingdom of Lastania, the king and many of the people had carefree personalities.

This was preferable to sharing a border with an ambitious neighbor, so the Dragon Knight Kingdom welcomed this. From the Union of Eastern Nations’ perspective, Lastania was functioning as a diplomatic window to the Dragon Knight Kingdom, so they allowed it.

Now, in the royal manor in Lasta, the central city of the Kingdom of Lastania, there was a man prostrating himself before King Lastania.

By the way, the royal manor was where the king of this country lived. There were no large castles in a small country like this one, so the king lived in an impressive residence called the royal manor inside the walls of the city.

The one kneeling inside the audience chamber of the royal manor was a swarthy man who looked to be around thirty. His face was painted, and he looked somewhat like a Native American.

“You… say you wish to join my army?” the kindly King Lastania addressed him from the throne.

The man responded, still prostrating himself before the king. “Yes, sir. I am Jirukoma. I have come leading the warriors of the northern people.”

“Sir Jirukoma, please, raise your head.”

When Jirukoma looked up, he could see that King Lastania had a kindly face. The similarly kindly queen who stood beside him, and the slender, charming princess were both smiling.

King Lastania looked on Jirukoma with gentle eyes. “I will welcome you. This is a small country. We have few soldiers here. So few that the people will be forced to take up arms themselves in the event of an invasion. Men of the north are renowned for their bravery. Even if it is only until you can return to your own countries, we would be most glad to have your assistance.”

“Yes, sir,” Jirukoma said, bowing his head again. “If you will let us stay in your land, I intend to repay you by fighting on your behalf as we await the day when we can return to our homelands.”

That day, Jirukoma, who had left his position as chief of the refugees in the Kingdom of Friedonia to his sister Komain, had arrived in the Kingdom of Lastania leading those refugees who were hardliners that had an especially strong sense of loyalty to their former countries. Responding to the Kingdom of Lastania’s call for troops, they had come here to await the day when they could return to their homelands.

King Lastania rose and walked over to Jirukoma’s side, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Yes. This is a country with nothing to offer, but until the day your wish comes true, I would be happy if you could see it as your second home. I will introduce you to the man who will be your commanding officer tomorrow. You may rest for today.”

“Yes, sir.” Jirukoma prostrated himself.

From Jirukoma’s perspective, King Lastania did not give him the sense of stability that Souma had, but he found him to be kind and magnanimous. At the very least, he didn’t seem like the type of person who would abuse the refugees, or work them to death.

Relieved by that fact, Jirukoma concluded his audience with King Lastania.

His audience with the king complete, Jirukoma was walking through the halls of the royal manor when he saw someone standing next to a pillar. The person, who wore a white hood pulled low over their eyes, was leaning against the pillar with their arms crossed. Even with the hood, and despite his slender build, it was apparent he was a man.

When Jirukoma tried to walk past the man, the man spoke.

“Would you be the one who led the refugees here?”

Jirukoma furrowed his brow. “I would… Can I help you?”

The king had seemed like a kindly man, but perhaps his retainers were not. Had one of those retainers who was not so keen on the refugees joining their ranks come to put him in his place? While Jirukoma was thinking about that, the man, perhaps sensing Jirukoma’s wariness, dropped the interrogatory tone.

“Oh, forgive me. It’s simply that I wanted to ask something. I have heard that your people came from Elfrieden… or is it Friedonia now? Is that correct?”

“…Yes,” Jirukoma said. “That’s right.”