Your Faith isnot Orthodoxandnot Christian, but Latin Roman heresy, and other heresies did many quarrels.
... We didn`t leave catholocital (collective) true eastern apostolic church, we have left your heretic, new,Christ-crucifying jewish(church)"
The iconostasis of St. Basil's Cathedral [85] in Moscow, built by Ivan the Terrible.
Entrance to the royal doors is crowned with the Sun – the symbol of the Christ-Light [86] .
In fact, Ignatius of the Solovki makes it clear, thatthere were both Orthodox faith and Christian faith in Russia,which didn`t not conflict with each other. The new church deviated from the true graceful gospel law into Latin Roman heresy.
Ignatius states, that the reformators are not bishops, but they are blasphamers and apostates from God, building a lie against Holy Fathers of the early Christian church. They dare to attempt to create false JewishgatheringagainstChrist-Light,which wasn`t commanded by the holy fathers. And their church is a false bunch of heresies joined with the Roman kostel (church).
And the most important thing is, Ignatius of Soloveki emphasizes that, a new church is heretical,Christ-crucifyingand jewish.
We can understand from this phrase, that early Christianity (Orthodoxy) is a doctrine without the crucifixion of Christ[87], it corresponds toArian views. In addition, naming Christ the Light, i.e. Solar Angel also says about Arianism.
The Legislative codes against "blasphemy".
Here is the text ofSobornoye Ulozheniye(Code of Russian laws)1649 of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the 1st chapter of Ulozheniye is called "About blasphemers and church-rioters":
"If any person of different faith, or a Russian say a blasphemy against the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, or against His Most Pure our Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, or against Holy Cross, or against His holy pleasers (saints), this should be thoroughly investigated by any means. If it (such action and person) is found certainly, such blasphemer after being exposed should be executed,burnt. In case, when come to the church of God at the time of the Holy Liturgy, any revelries doer use toprevent conducting the Divine Liturgy, (authorities are)to execute him by deathwithout any mercy, having caught him, investigated and certainly proved his action".
The criminal law of Emperor Peter I:
"... Blaspheming the name of God and the holy sacraments entailedburning tongue through, and then cutting off the head, but the reproaching the Mother of God, the saints and the Orthodox faith (was punished by) cutting off the joint, or the death penalty."
Analyzing the information above, we can conclude, that at the XVII century Christian doctrine was radically changed, and Latin version finally established both in the West and in Russia.
Since this age the differences among Catholicism and Orthodoxy[88]had been reduced to a minimum: in both places the contents of the sacred books was no different, though they had failed to be include the Old Testament into the sacred books in Russia yet, it was done in the XIX century.
Signs of Catholicism, appeared in Russia in the XVII century
Crossing with three fingers.(Life of archpriest Avvakum: "The Romans cross themselves with the three fingers until now, then they deluded Poland and all the surrounding countries: the Germans, and Serbs, Albanians and Hungarians, and Greeks - all were deluded. And now our Russia has beloved the same three fingers. ").
The Inquisition.Decrees and the real burning those people, who did not accept the innovations.
Latin Gospels and the entire New Testament.
Also, they wanted to make the papal throne, where the role of "the Pope of all Russia[89]” was prepared for Nikon.
Nikon wrote personal letters to the Patriarchs, where he condemned the Tsar Alexey, because the tsar loved Latin faith and Russian Church fell in Latin dogmas.
Catholics were excluded from the heretic category.
The only thing that they didn`t manage to fulfil, was to include the Old Testament into content of holy book.
Each works for someone who understands more
In the XVII century each solved his tasks:
• Alexey Mikhailovich wanted to become emperor;
• Nikon wanted to become Orthodox Pope;
• The Catholics wanted to spread Catholicism in Russia for the congregation expansion;
• The Jews aspired to make the Torah the Scripture in Russia;
• The Global predictor (global conceptual power of biblical project of enslaving mankind from the name of God) wanted to introduce the concept of usury from God's name (covering with God`s name).
Let`s recall Melnikov-Pechersky, who complained of lack of understanding the schism causes by all social stratums. In his way he was right: each participant of these events understood only his function, but could not see the concept as a whole, except the Global Predictor.
At the time of Peter I
It is possible to talk about the real spread of Catholicism in Russia only since the end of XVII - beginning of XVIII century. Special contribution to it belongsto Peter I(Peter the Great), Catherine II (Catherine II of Russia)and Paul I (Paul I of Russia).
Olga A. Litzenberger:
"Peter I repeatedly visited luxirious Catholic services in the German Quarter, and Catholics began to play a prominent role in Russian society during his reign.
On the one hand Peter I declared the Orthodoxy the state religion, but on the other hand, he abolished the institutionof patriarchate by entering the post ofthe custodian of the patriarchal throne (exarch) in order to eliminate the political role of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Stephen Yavorsky, the former uniate, studied the Latin theology in the Polish Jesuit colleges and called "the pole" and "the latin", was appointed to post ofthe custodian of the patriarchal throne.
In 1721 the post of custodian of the patriarchal throne was abolished andTheMost Holy Governing Synodwas established.Feofan (Theophan) Prokopovichruled the Synod, he also received an excellent Catholic education. "
Florovskywrites about him: "It was a typical mercenary and rogue (adventurer)..." Institution of orthodox patriarch stopped to exist, therefore, a special status of the Russian Orthodox Church in the country was eliminated.
At the first year of its existence, the Holy Synod adopted a decree allowing the Orthodox marriages among orthodoxes and believers of other Christian confessions without converting the last into Orthodoxy.
On the basis of religious Orthodoxy conservatism a myth appeared, that the real tsar was captured in Sweden, but instead of him "a German was released for reigning " or "a son of the German woman."
On December, 20 1720 Peter I issued a decree obliging monasteries to deliver to him ancient manuscripts and printed books and on February, 16 1722 signed the Decree about delivering chronicles storing in the monasteries for copying.