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[14]This is confirmed by other authors, for example, according to J. A. Kessler (Russian civilization. Yesterday and tomorrow) liturgical Latin origined in the XV century.

[15]Uwe Topper. Great deception or fictional history of Europe. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Neva". 2004.

[16]Apocrypha of Ancient Russia: Texts and Studies. - M .: Nauka, 1997 - 256 p. (Public opinion: studies and publications).

[17]According common version of Christian tradition Christ and Paus weren`t personally acquainted at the period of Christ`s earthly life.

[18]Sreznevsky Izmail. Ancient slavonic manuscripts of yusic script (script with using nasal vowels (yuses). Collected articles, read in Department of Russian language and linguistics inThe Imperial Academy of Sciences. Volume 3, St-Petersburg, 1868.

[19]Look, Stroyev. On unreliability of anscient Russian history and falseness of opinion on anscient character of Russian chronicles.

[20]This is confirmed by modern experience also. That was the reason for existence of different attitude to Russia in past?

[21]Bernard Lietaer. “The soul ofmoney– Moscow, Olimp:AST:Astrel.2007.-365 p.- The author of this book isBelgian scientist and financier, known in financial spheres of Europe.


In Europe this book is published as

Bernard A. Lietaer. The Mystery of Money: Emotional meaning and operation under taboo

Bernard A. Lietaer. Mysterium Geld: Emotionale Bedeutung und Wirkungsweise eines Tabus


Bernard A. Lietaer. The mystery of money:Beyond Greed and Scarcity


[22]Time of Queen Victoria ruling: 1837-1901

[23]Vitaly Chudinov. Russian scriptures on gods of Egipt and Israel (http://chudinov.ru/russkie-nadpisi-na-bogah-egipta-i-izrailya).

[24]How Catholics destroyed Vedismhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p65d87zyoII.

[25]Karelin M. Important moments in history of medieval Papacy.

[26]There are data, that name “pope” in past was applied to all bishops, and initiately, to all priests, who had right to bless (Wikipedia), but later only Roman bishops, were begun to be named so.

[27]It would be more correct to say: “Church of Latin rite”, because term “Roman Catholic church”, origined after Reformation at XVI century.

[28]Hussite wars (http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/139210).

[29]Addition to Creed (prayer “I believe”), statement, that Holy Spirit proceedeth not only from the Father, but from the Son also

[30]Archimandrite Ambrose (Pogodin). Saint Mark of Ephesus and the union of Florence.http://krotov.info/history/15/1/pogodin_00.htm).

[31]Litsenberger. O. Roman Catolic church in Russia: history and legal status. – Saratov: Volga region Academy of State service, 2001. – 384 p.

[32]List of prohibited books (lat. Index Librorum Prohibitorum) – list of issues, forbidden for reading by Roman Catholic Church under treat of excommunication. After Church legislation of book prohibition was changed by Council of Trent, Pope Pius XII sent out so-called Tridentine Index. This List was basis of all following Lists of prohibited books, until Pope Loe XIII published his List, Index Leonianus.

[33]D. Absentis Christianity and ergot. (http://zlayakorcha.com/xc/lsd_10e_witches_luter.htm).

[34]Prudence Jones,Nigel Pennick.AHistoryof PaganEurope/ Translated from English by R.Kotenko – SPb:Eurasia, 2000. – 448 p: ill.

[35]Mathew, chapter 9:12,13

[36]Heresy – the deviation from generally accepted teaching


This aspect can be demonstrated with the ruins of the fortress Kalamita in Inkerman (near Sevastopol): Photo on the left. Fortress in its original variant was built in the era before mass use of artillery (1427), and therefore its walls were relatively thin. When the artillery began to represent a realsystematicthreat to the fortresses, the Turks (under whose authority has passed fort) put additional layers of stones on the old walls (1475), as a result, the wall had become about twice as thick than were originally.

[38]Leo Moulin. Daily life of West Europe medieval monks (X-XV centuries)

NOTE OF TRANSLATORIn Europe it is issued as Leo Moulin. La Vie quotidienne des religieux au Moyen age (Daily religious life in the Middle-ages).

[39]Jean Duvernoy. Religion of Cathars. Part II.II .http://credentes.livejournal.com/62478.html


In Europe it is also issued as 

Jean Duvernoy. La religion des cathares. Le catharisme.



[40]About erecting false accusations to God of Christ`s crucifixion – readworks ofInternal Predictor of USSR: “Master and Margaret”: hymn to demonism or Gospel of selfless faith”, “According to your faith be it unto you. Holy book and global crisis”.


[42]Nikolai Osokon. History of the Albigenses and their time. (http://www.e-reading.club/bookreader.php/70483/Osokin_-_Istoriya_al'bigoiicev_i_ih_vremeni._Kniga_pervaya.html).

[43]A.Efimemko. History of Ukrainian nation. Publishing companyBrockhaus and Efron.


[44]Uwe Topper. Great deception or fictional history of Europe. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Neva". 2004.

[45]Voltaire. Philosophical works.

[46]Nikolay Osokin. History of Albegensens and their time. (http://royallib.com/book/osokin_nikolay/istoriya_albigoytsev_i_ih_vremeni_kniga_pervaya.html).

[47]George Vernadsky.Kievan Russia http://statehistory.ru/books/Vernadskij_Kievskaya-Rus/71).

[48]Response of Ivan the Terrible toJan Rokyta(http://www.hrono.ru/dokum/grozyanu.html).

[49]Then, however, Ivan the Terrible begins to quote from the Epistles of the Apostle Paul. But this is clearly the insert, made by later editors, if we rely on proofs, made by Johnson, about Apostle Paul appearance in the history.


[51]I. Sreznevskiy supposed, heretics, including Bogomils, used Glagolitic script till XVI century.

[52]N.P. Shevtsova. Paganism and Christianity in genesis of the national Russian culture


[53]A. A. Medyntseva. Ancient Russian inscriptions of Novgorod. Nauka, Moscow, 1978.

[54] Vladimir Yakovlevich Petrukhin . The Beginning of Ethnic and Cultural History of Rus in the 9th-11th Centuries(http://krotov.info/history/09/2/petruh_04.htm).

[55]Nikolai Konstantinovitch Nikolski. Christianity of ancient Russia// Russkaya mysl`. 1913

[56]F.G. Ovsienko. Catholicism. – Moscow.:2005.- P.280-281

[57]All further methods are identical to the methods of work with "dissidents" in Russia at the further times, and methods of work with them in our day implied by the West.