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[58]It concerns the question to “Ostrog Bible” and authenticity of it`s texts to meanings of initial Revelations to Moses, other prophets, Christ - auther

[59]A special work of IP USSR “The Time of Troubles in Rus`: birth, process, overcome” is devoted to this theme in Concept of Public Security materials

[60]OlgaA. Litzenberger.Roman Catholic Church in Russia: history and legal status. – Saratov. Volga region Academy of State Service, 2001. – 384 p.

[61]Gregory Mamaev. Arian on Russian throne.


[62]Kazimierz Waliszewski. The Time of Troubbles.

NOTE OF TRANSLATOR: In Europe this book is issued asKazimierz Waliszewski. La crise revolutionnaire, 1584-1614 :Smoutnoié vrémia. (Kazimierz Waliszewski. The revolutionary crisis, 1584-1614:Smoutnoié vrémia)

[63]Heresy ofSocinianism rejects dogma of Trinity and divine nature of Christ. (Our explanation when quoting).

[64]I. Melnikov-Pechersky. Essays about the popovschina (priestists/priestism)

[65]J. A. Kessler. Russian civilization. Yesterday and tomorrow. – Moscow.: OLMA-PRESS; PC “Krasny proletariy”, 2005. – 510 p: ill.

[66]Kartashev.Essais sur l'histoire de l’Église russe, Paris, 1959(Essays on history of Russian Church. -Paris, 1959)

[67]Work of A. Koor (Aleksandr Kurenkov) “From true history of our ancestors” was published in magazine “Molodaya Gvardiya” , № 1, 1994. It sais, that these excavations ofTheChurch of the Tithes showed: Vladimir died of a violent death (p. 256). This is indirectly proved by 11 icons of SaintEqual of the Apostles Vladimir, on which he is painted with symbols of his martyrs death: martyr`s cross in right hand (p. 256).

Additionally, A.Koor expresses the opinion in it, that initially Rus` was converted in Arianism.


[69]Giles Fletcher, the Elder.Of the Russe Common Wealth. Or, Maner of gouernement of the Russe emperour, (commonly called the Emperour of Moskouia) with the manners, and fashions of the people of that country.

     [70]M.Markabov. Dating of Rus` baptism and ancient Russian art.

[71]Samuel Collins.The Present State of Russia.

[72]See. Rulers of House of Romanov. 1613 – 1913. – Moscow. Publishing house of I.D.Sytin. 1913

[73]Melnikov-Pechersky. Letters on raskol (schism).

(http://dugward.ru/library/melnikov_pecherskiy/melnikov_pisma_o_raskole.html (text in Russian)

[74]Journey to holy land of Moscow priest Joahn Lukyanov 1701-1703 – Moscow, Nauka. 2008

[75]Fedor Melnikov. History of Old-Orthodox (old-believer) church in short.

[76]Auther of work “How church books were corrected in our land. Matherial about history of book correction in the 17thcentury. According documents of Typographic library archive in Moscow.) Typography of M.N. Lavrov and Co Leont by-street. 1883. John Mansvetov discovered, that Greek books didn`t exist in Russia before 1649 or they weren`t used, but only Slavonic books were used.

[77]James Hadley Billington. “The Icon and the Axe. An Interpretive History of Russian Culture”. Printing house “Rudomino” Moscow. 2001. (p.203)      (http://booksee.org/book/1454706).

Text in English


[78]Stephan (Stefan) Solskiy. Review of works on studying Bible in Russia since the XV century till now. – 1869.


[79]Life of protopop Avvakum, written by himself, and other essays. – North-Western book publishing house, framing, prolusion, 1990.

[80]Cheremis was name for Mari people in ancient time, although some authors consider Nikon to be mordvin.

[81]Kapustin N.S. Features of religion evolution (on materials of ancient beliefs and Christianity) - 1984, Moscow, Mysl.1984. – 222 p (http://ns.philos.rsu.ru/nkapustin.html).

[82]Very much the other way, it was pure Orthodoxy, author.

[83]Буганов В. И., Богданов А. П. Бунтари и правдоискатели в русской православной церкви. — М.: Политиздат.1991. — 526 с.

V. I. Buganov, A.P. Bogdanov. Rioters and trueth-seekers in russian orthodox church. – Moscow, Politizdat.1991. – 526p.

[84]С. Демкова. Из истории ранней старообрядческой литературы. IV. «Исповедание» Игнатия Соловецкого (1682 г.) и отклики современников на разгром Соловецкого монастыря царскими войсками в1676 г.

S. Demkova. From history of early old-believers literature. IV. “Confession” by Ignatius of the Solovki (1682) and responses of contemporaries to stifle a rebellion in Solovetsky monastery by tsar`s troops in 1676.

[85]We also note, there are researches, whose authors insist, that architecture of Basil the Blessed Temple corresponds toTengrism (TengriismorTengrianism) cult

[86]Such framing of royal doors is rather rare (watchphotos in Internet). Sun over the entrance to royal doors presents indecoration ofSt. Nicholas Naval Cathedral in St. Petersburg and in several less known cathedrals also.

[87]What makes his beliefs in this question identical to Quranic: “In fact, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them as if they did. Indeed, those who differ about him are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it, except the following of assumptions. Certainly, they did not kill him. Rather, God raised him up to Himself. God is Mighty and Wise. (Quran, 4:157, 158) http://www.clearquran.com/004.html

[88]It should be noted, that Christianity in Rus` before reforms of Nikon was called correct-believing (pravovernoye (правоверное- rus)). At the time of Peter I, the church was called correct-believing (pravovernoye (правоверное- rus)), but the teaching – correct glorifying (pravoslavnoye (православное– rus) orthodox). (see 1721 Spiritual regulation by Peter I)

[89]Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev.Russian History. Vol. I, part 2. Moscow., 1769

[90]A.N. Kopylov. Catholic church in Russia (end of the IX – beginning of the XXI centuries). – Publishing house “Sputnik”, 2012.

[91]Technology of “Overton window” has been acting for many centuries beforeJoseph P. Overtonintroduced the term into political science.

[92]   Nephew of Peter I, daughter ofIvan V Alekseyevich – step brother and co-ruler of Peter I with regency of tzarinaSophia Alekseyevna (of Russia).

[93]Anton Vladimirovich Kartashev.Essais on theHistory of the Russian Church (Essais sur l'histoire de l’Église russe)– Paris. 1959.

[94]Petr (Pyotr) Yakovlevich Chaadayev. Philosophical letters. (http://www.vehi.net/chaadaev/filpisma.htm).        In Russian

[95]Simon Dubnow.A Short History of theJewish People– Rostov-na-Donu: Phoenix.2000.


[97]Leibniz also considered, that there are evil and good inclination in world. God allowed evil, to express good.