• It formed the ideological basis in the form of Bible.
• From this moment, Vulgate, i.e. the Latin translation of the Bible, is the official Bible of the Catholic Church.
• it was indicated, that God was the author of all the books of the Old and New Testaments.
• The Decree of the Creed (Credo - in Latin) was adopted;
• Order of the Jesuits was officially established.
• Decree on the List of prohibited books (Index Librorum Prohibitorum) was approved.
• Gospel of Christ and the writings of his apostles (later) were published for the first time.
• For the first time, it told about our "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God."
• It forbade the laity to interpret Scripture. Only holy mother Church has the right to interpret the true meaning of the Holy Scriptures."Those, who act contrary to the prescription, will be exposed by the clergy and punished according to the law."
• It approved the basic tenets of Catholicism.
• It made all the clerics and professors of Catholic Universities to make a Tridentine profession of faith.
In fact, at the Council of Trent they established religiously-ideological-political organization, with the globalist oriented activity, not just religious (doctrinal), as other churches.
The unity of the Church, based on the Papal primacy, is a strong point of the Roman Church, which allows to solve many problems, that were beyond the power of the other churches. Papal power was unlimited.
The Jesuit Order legalized on Cathedral was created for the announced purpose to teach nations of other countries the Latin doctrine. By default, it was a military-monastic order, played a huge role in forming many rulers of medieval Europe. The Jesuits were always famous for ability to achieve results by any cost. Order entangled all civilized countries of the world with its ties. On the one hand it created intrigue and blackmail, bribery and murder, on the other hand it protected interests of Church and Catholicism.In fact, if we use present day terminology, the Order of the Jesuits is one of the "hybrid war" tools for the absolute world domination, conducted by the papacy and its owners (wheelers-dealers).
A goal was set at the Counciclass="underline" to clean the church from heresy, to eradicate abuse and flaws, to enhance internal church discipline and to liberate the Roman church from the control of the secular monarchs.
They relied on the List of Prohibited Books[32]and the Inquisition in the eradication of heresy.
Note, that all monastic orders were establishedto stick a catholic faith in non-Catholic nationsby any methods and means.
Formally the possibility of the Pope after Council of Trent was limited to the appointment of bishops in any Catholic country, but in fact the Pope appointed kings and emperors. In Catholicism, there is the concept of the supremacy of the Church over the secular power.
This can be proved by proposal of the Jesuit A. Possevino to Ivan the Terrible to accept Catholicism as the only correct religion, and for this he was promised to be appointed Eastern emperor.
Then the Roman Catholic Church had to solve two problems:
1. To remove the heretics, witches and wizards, who prevented the spread of Catholicism in Europe.
2. To expand the Catholic influence, i.e., to make the expansion to other countries, including Russia.
The Inquisition in the West.
The religious wars and the fight against heresies started in Europe after the Council of Trent at the second half of the XV century and at the XVI century.
130 years among 1559 and 1689. became a period of anarchy, civil wars and rebellions in Europe. The official history describes the Protestant-Catholic religious struggle as the main reason of it, but is it true? Protestants also participated in Council of Trent and took the Latin version of the Scriptures.
Luther was an Augustinian friar, and Calvin was a Catholic and a theologian. Both were engaged in Bible translation. They could carry out a special mission - to lead those, who were dissatisfied with Catholicism, but do not let these discontented people abandon doctrine (established by Latins) and the struggle against the heretics.
As a rule, only Catholics are blamed in the Inquisition. But this is not true. Protestants also burned witches and wizards, and more sophisticatedly than the Catholics. Here is an excerpt from the book "Christianity and ergot"[33]:
"... In the Protestant areas of Germany witch hunters were mad, even more than in the lands remaining Catholic. ... Every city, every town, every prelacy, every noble estate in Germany ignited fires. ... Everywhere throughout Germany the smoke of fires rises, obscuring the light.
If we mark each adjusted case of burning a witch with a point on the map, then ... solid patches of the points would be formed in Switzerland and from the Rhine to Amsterdam, also at the south of France, England, Scotland and the Scandinavian countries would be splattered. It should be noted, thatthe centers of Protestantism were the areas of most crowded points (most number of points) ... the most prominent figures of Protestantism (Luther, Calvin, Baxter) were fanatical persecutors of witches."
It seems, that there was a division of labor: the Catholics fought against heretics, Protestants - against witches and wizards.
Let`s put a question:
• Why did the Inquisition begin to act only at the Middle Ages, despite the fact, that Christianity had existed for almost fifteen hundred years, as the official history tells us? Was it possible, that Christianity didn`t manage to find stability for such a long time.
• From where did the hordes of heretics arise?
As it was shown by the already mentioned Johnson, "hordes" of heretics appeared only on paper.
From our point of view, the heretics were invented to conceal the existence of common religious doctrine throughout Europe at the earlier time, and to inspire a thought to everyone, that there were only scattered and unconnected sects, against which the Catholicism was forced to fight.
For which concrete “crimes” were heretics tortured and burned? There is a description of tortures and executions, there is statistics, literature about the Inquisition names about 2 thousand. But it is difficult to understand, what was fault of heretics exactly (for what were heretics punished).
To what belief did so-called witches and wizards belong?
Those who were called witches and sorcerers were also connected with heretics. If they were scattered, they would be quickly finished off, but not fought against during several centuries.
From the book "A History of Pagan Europe"[34], we learn, that the hunt for so-called witches was a deliberate persecution of the remaining pagans in Europe.
Obviously, there was a struggle not against the heretics, but against the Slavic population of Europe, they were destroyed and forced out under the guise of heretics, witches and wizards.
"Theoretical" basis for the Inquisition
Inquisitors referred to the Old Testament, in order to justify their activities:
"God destroyed all mankind by flood, when sparing only Noah and his family, didn`t he; he burnt alive all the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, when “rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire, didn`t he” (Genesis 19:24.); he destroyed 14,700 people, who dared to murmur against Moses during the wanderings of the Jews in the desert, didn`t he; he sent poisonous snakes to those, who “was much discouraged because of the way” (Numbers 21: 4, 6). He smote 50,070 men of Bethshemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the LORD”, didn`t he? In comparison with these mass slaughter of the biblical God, our affairs may seem almost childish" (A History of Pagan Europe).