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How do they celebrate the New Year?


New Year is a wonderful time when all dreams come true. Every nation has its own traditions of celebrating this wonderful holiday. And today I will tell you how they are celebrated in various countries of the world. Let's go to the celebration of this holiday and see how it is celebrated.


Here, in the very west of Europe, there is a very interesting tradition. Locals consider it important to eat one highlight for each of the twelve chimes, making wishes. Next, you need to jump off the chair, necessarily with the right foot. This action means career growth in the new, coming year. Also, the Portuguese pay special attention to the clothes in which they will celebrate the New Year. It should only be purchased and of a certain color, which depends on the wishes of its owner. Blue attracts good luck, red-love, yellow-money, green- health, white-peace, tranquility, truce, brown-career growth. I would like to add that the more usual celebration of the New Year among local people takes place at Christmas. Families gather at the table, give each other gifts and celebrate the holiday.


In this sultry South American country, there is an unusual tradition of appeasing spirits. As a rule, gifts are presented to the lady and Lady Iemange, whom the locals relate to the Virgin Mary in Christianity. It is customary to sacrifice to the goddess – usually it is a candle or flowers, necessarily white. In rare cases, it may be something else. On New Year's Eve, Brazilians come to the ocean shore and bring a wooden raft with an offering, light a fire, make a wish and release the victim into the world ocean. Also in the New Year, office workers turn the streets of Brazil into white, paper roads. It is important to throw old documents out of the window so that the working year ends faster and a new one begins. This symbolizes the goals set for the coming year.


An amazing country. the traditions of which are no less interesting than in other countries, no less interesting than in other countries. Here you may be surprised by the main course. According to traditions, pea soup is considered such, it is prepared quite spicy. Young children of Canada are looking forward to Christmas. And not only because it's a wonderful day, but also because on this day they can follow the movement of Santa Claus around the world. Every child is sure that St. Nicholas will visit him on this solemn day, and at any moment he can find out when and at what time!


Here the New Year is celebrated not on the night from January to January, as we are used to, but in early March. And this holiday is called Alakhamandi. On the eve, it is customary to purify the soul by bathing in the sacred lake, and after the end of the ritual, you need to forgive all the insults to other people. On the day of the holiday itself, it is customary, as in Brazil, to sacrifice the souls of ancestors. After appeasing the spirits, it is customary to arrange a feast. At this time, various music festivals are held, the most famous of which are "Doniya" and "Madajaskar". On the first of January, residents celebrate a holiday similar to the New Year. It is celebrated, but not very solemnly. In addition to the New Year, Malagasy people celebrate Christmas. For them, this is no less a significant day. They celebrate it on a grand scale, as well as Alakhamandi.


The Australian New Year is not complete without a festive tree. Not every resident can afford a Christmas tree, so many people use other plants that are everywhere as an alternative. It is customary to put socks with gifts under its branches – for the joy of not only children, but also adults. The festive table in Australia is full of a variety of dishes, but there are no strict traditions, except for delicious Australian pies. In these culinary masterpieces there are surprises, small gifts: coins, notes with good wishes for the coming year. Such surprises portend good events and profit in business.


So we got acquainted with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different nationalities of our large and diverse world. I wish you a good celebration of the upcoming holiday.

The end

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