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“And Mom’s going to need you to step up more and help around the house. No running off with your friends after school before checking in with her.”

“Okay. I can do that.”

“I know. That’s why I’m not worried.” Cassie smiled and scooped up the ball. “C’mon. It’s dark now and Mom will worry you’ve run away and joined the circus. Not that you wouldn’t fit in there.”

“Shut up.”

“Just sayin’. I’m keeping this by the way; you have plenty of other soccer balls.”

Cassie had kept her promise and attended the first game that season. They’d won. Jordan stared at the soccer ball and floated slowly back to the present. She shook herself free of the memory and wandered off numbly in search of a hairdryer.

All these years later and she never had measured up to Cassie. Not at school. Not on the soccer field, and definitely not at home. And the sad truth was that she probably never would.

Chapter Seven

Uncorked, the swanky little wine bar her date had selected, was half full when Molly arrived shortly before eight o’clock. She’d driven a good thirty minutes to Summitville, a moderately sized town that seemed to have a lot on Applewood in terms of sophistication. She could see herself spending more time in this neck of the woods, you know, if this whole thing were to work out. And it could work out. There was actually a tiny chance of that, she reminded herself, trying desperately to remain optimistic.

The lighting was fairly dim, but she was able to scan the tables for any sign of Diane, who purported to have dark red hair cut just shy of her shoulders. She didn’t see anyone who fit that description, but she did pause momentarily on the man and woman feeding each other strawberries in the corner booth. Show-offs. But she couldn’t help smiling at the cozy picture.

Easing into a table nestled in the heart of the room, Molly took a deep breath and waived the waiter off until her date arrived. Since she was only planning on one drink that night, she would wait so they could have it together over some getting-to-know-you conversation. That’s how it worked, right? She was pretty sure at least.

But when eight twenty rolled around, she started to get a little restless. Eight thirty had her beginning to feel sorry for herself, and by eight forty, she was reaching for her bag and car keys just in time for a hand to land on her shoulder from behind.

“You must be Molly. My apologies for keeping you waiting.”

She blinked a couple of times. Dark red hair. “Um, yes. Diane?”

“A pleasure to meet you. So sorry I’m late. I was with a client and couldn’t get away. I’m normally quite punctual.”

“Not a problem.” She could get past the delay. Not a big deal in the scheme of life. A little rude, but not a total deal breaker. Plus, she liked the mention of the word client. Seemed corporate. Established. Sturdy.

“Tell you what, I’ll buy you a drink to make up for it. What would you like?”

“Um…maybe a dry sav blanc?”

“Done.” She signaled the waiter and ordered two glasses of wine, impressing Molly with plenty of pleases and thank yous in the process. Points for manners. Nice.

Drinks arrived, and after some initial small talk about the town and the weather, Molly decided to jump right in and get the real conversation rolling. So far, all seemed very promising and the drink was beginning to relax her. “So, Diane, you mentioned a client. What is it that you do?”

“I see the future.”

Molly nearly choked on her wine. “So sorry. I’m not sure I heard you correctly. What did you say?”

Diane made a slow twirly gesture in the air. “I witness the future. In my mind. Then I meet with individuals who need guidance and channel all of the energies around them to read what lies ahead, in essence, their future. Pretty cool, huh?”

“Oh. Yes. So you’re a psychic?”

“I prefer the term seer.”

“Seer? All right. That sounds so interesting and…unique.” Do not judge. Do not judge. Do not judge. The chant in her head was all that was holding her neutral facial expression firmly in place. That and the fact that she was brought up to be polite.

“It is. You see, energy is very important to me and I’m picking up lots of positive energy from you right now. In fact, I see this evening going very well.”

Molly couldn’t be sure, but she thought Diane’s left eyelid was twitching.

“You do? Well, that’s good news.” She sipped her wine for no other reason than it would buy her time before she had to figure out what to say. Luckily, Diane grabbed the reins.

“Have you ever met with a seer before? Invested the time in exploring what lies ahead for you?”

“Hmm. No, I can’t say I have.” Yep, definite twitching going on.

“I can do a demonstration for you right now.”

“Oh, you know what? We don’t have to. Why don’t we just enjoy the evening and—”

“Listen to my words carefully.” Molly swallowed and listened obediently as Diane was now leaning into her space rather aggressively and speaking in a low-pitched voice. Not at all creepy. Not at all creepy. Not at all creepy. “In less than a minute, our waiter will stop by and check on us.”


“Are you listening?”

“So listening.” And she was because she was scared to death not to.

“Marking my words?”

“Marked.” But really, it was a small place and their waiter had just visibly emerged from the kitchen moments before the whole proclamation. The odds were pretty much in Diane’s favor.

The moment was upon them. The waiter approached. Diane shot her a knowing look just as he passed their table for one two down.

In response to the misstep, Diane rubbed her left temple rhythmically, and was that humming? Oh, baby Jesus it was. She was humming. Fantastic. Molly tried to ignore the inquisitive stare from the guy next to her, but what she really wanted to do was get the hell out of there because the humming was growing in volume and intensity.

“He’s going to pause here on his way back to the kitchen. I can see the vision more clearly now.”

But he didn’t.

In fact, their waiter didn’t shoot them so much as a glance for the next fifteen minutes, because he was probably as freaked out as Molly was. Luckily, to fill the gap, Diane proceeded to forecast all sorts of exciting things that were definitely going to happen to Molly in the coming months including taking a trip, spending quality time with a loved one, and falling in love most unexpectedly. All fairly generic, though probable mentions. Well, except the love one. Turns out that one wasn’t probable at all.

Molly stood, feigning reluctance. “Well, this has been fun, but I think I better get going.”

“So soon? I haven’t even shown you my crystals yet.”

“Oh no. That is a shame, but I’m not feeling so great.” Not a total lie. Her mood had taken a nose-dive and she was desperately in need of a large bowl of chocolate ice cream and her cozy gray sweatpants so she could feel appropriately pathetic about her new job, mayor of Loserville.

Diane took a step in. “Well, can I get your number? This has been just great. One of the best dates I’ve had in a while.”

Molly sighed through her smile.


Rover made three lazy laps around the fishbowl. Molly watched hopelessly, her face resting in her palm next to the glass. She was back from her date. It was just after ten and she was now home alone on a Friday night, the way she’d be for the rest of her pitiful life.

A spinster.

“Well, at least we have each other,” she said solemnly to Rover, who chose that exact moment to swim away from her to the other side of the bowl. “Traitor,” she mumbled, pushing herself up and wandering aimlessly into the kitchen. There was ice cream in there and copious amounts of it too.