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Molly’s lips parted slightly in surprise and she hitched in another breath. “You know what I’m feeling. You always seem to know.”

Jordan was surprised by the admission and how quickly her body was responding to Molly’s. The electricity was like nothing she’d ever experienced. Off the charts, actually. Jordan moved in closer until their bodies touched fully. They were both breathing a little erratically. Jordan stared into Molly’s eyes and watched as the tiny flecks heated to gold.

Yep. They were on the same page.

“The thing is, I feel it too, Mol.” She lingered there for several wonderful yet torturous moments before finally taking a slow step away.

She made her way to the swinging door that led to the front of the bakeshop. “You know what I want. Ball’s in your court.”

Chapter Thirteen

Soft rock played quietly from the iPod dock in Molly’s green and white kitchen three nights later. She loved her kitchen. It was probably her favorite room in the entire world, homey and smelling of fresh spices she kept on the rack. It was nearly eleven that night, and even though she had to be up at four the next morning, she was in project mode and very little got in her way when that happened.

Baking had always been her security blanket, and after the week she’d had, the kitchen called out to her. Instead of dwelling on the things that bothered her, she could lose herself in the creation of something sweet and wonderful and the world would be a better place when she was done, wouldn’t it?

Peanut butter cups were the mission du jour and she was up to her arms in flour. Encouraged by Pink Floyd and the way her mind got all soft and slow when she baked, Molly kept her head down and her hands moving as she sashayed her hips in time to the music. Therapy, she thought.

She danced her way to the too high cabinet above the stove and felt blindly for the jar of peanut butter she kept there. But damn, it was empty because she’d needed therapy the week before too, when she’d stayed up all night perfecting her chocolate chip pound cake and then the five thousandth batch of MollyDollys she’d need for the festival.

Derailed and furious at herself for forgetting to pick up a new jar at the grocery store, she stood in the kitchen weighing her options. This was not an ideal situation, this peanut butter crisis, but it wasn’t insurmountable. When one needed peanut butter, one should venture out into the world and get some. So she grabbed her keys and headed to the bakeshop. Once there, she quickly flipped on the lights and scanned the shelves of the walk-in pantry until she located the large jar they kept there. In another horrifying peanut butter blow, they were virtually out there too. She checked the paperwork, and sure enough, Eden had added peanut butter to this week’s grocery order.

Well, damn it all to confectioner’s hell.

She checked her watch. It was after eleven thirty and Conyers Grocery would be closed for the night. But she was this far in. Why not take the drive to Franklin? It was only one town over? It would take her eighteen minutes each way, but it was a matter of principle now.

She wasn’t going down like this.

She hopped back into her car and set out on the winding, dark farm road. Surprisingly, she found herself actually enjoying the late night drive. As the Eagles sang about Hotel California on her radio, her mind drifted to the very thing that had her baking in overdrive.

When Jordan left her standing alone in the bakeshop’s kitchen three days ago, she’d drawn in a shaky breath and struggled desperately to regain her equilibrium. When it came to Jordan, it seemed her mind and body were in a war for the ages. As Jordan had pressed up against her in those shorts and thin work out top, she’d felt it all the way down to her toes. She now understood that she was more attracted to Jordan than even she realized. The very person she could not be attracted to by the laws of the Universe.

But she knew the power they carried now. The two of them.

She’d felt it full on in the kitchen. And all she had to do was avoid moments like those, delicious as they may feel, at all costs. Because there was guilt involved, a whole hell of a lot of it, and Molly had spent the rest of the week bathed in it. Not to mention what it would do to her relationship with the Tuscanas. It was hard enough for Amalia to hear she was interested in dating again, but her becoming romantically involved with Jordan could devastate the balance and ruin their relationship forever.

On the other side of the coin, she hated what this newfound dynamic was doing to who she and Jordan were to each other. Jordan was important and by pushing her away, she was losing her altogether and that didn’t feel right either.

Because when Jordan arrived back in town, something shifted into gear for Molly. The shop was going under, but just having Jordan around again made her feel that there was hope for Flour Child. For the future. For her.

And yet here they were, stuck in neutral.

And she had not a clue what to do about it.

Hence, she baked.

The twenty-four hour Walmart in Franklin didn’t let her down, and to prove a point to the cosmos, she almost bought the whole wall of peanut butter. Instead, she settled on three jumbo jars of the good stuff, paid the bored with life cashier, and climbed back into her car.

Victory. Peanut butter crisis averted.

She was singing along to Bob Dylan ten minutes later and doing fifty-five on the farm road when her car began to choke and sputter until it was jerking forward in random spurts. Oh God. Oh God. Flashing back to her high school driver’s ed class, she relied on instinct, held firmly to the steering wheel, and kept her foot from pumping the gas too vehemently. As her heart hammered away in her chest, she whispered the words, “please, please, please,” until the little-car-that-could gradually decelerated altogether, and slowed to a stop on the side of the very dark, very lonely road.

Damn it all again.

After thanking baby Jesus for her life, she got out and surveyed the scene. Except there was really nothing to see. She popped the hood but had very little idea what she was looking at. An attempt to start the car again just produced more sputtering.

Maybe that victory declaration had come a little too soon.

She called for roadside assistance, but due to the late hour, and her out of the way location, she was informed it could take up to two hours before they could have the one guy on duty out to her. Seriously? Just the one guy? The script reading phone operator advised that she not head out on foot and instead encouraged her to remain in her vehicle with the doors locked until help arrived.

She hung up and did the next best thing. She called Mikey.

“Why hello there, Molly,” he said upon answering. “What’s up in your world?”

“Hey, Mikey. I’m sorry to call so late, but I have kind of a situation here and was hoping you might be able to play big brother-in-law and help me out.”

“No problem. I’m great at big brother-in-law and I was still up. What happened?”

She explained the embarrassing sequence of events that now sounded more ridiculous than any words could justify as she paced rapidly back and forth in front of her car.

After a pause and chuckle, “Give me twenty minutes.”

“You have no idea how many kisses I plan to pepper your cheek with. Thank you so much!”

“See you soon. Hang in there and—”

“Lock the door,” she said with him in unison.


Jordan closed the door to Risa’s bedroom. “Okay, she’s out like a light. Just needed a little reassurance that there are, in fact, no sharks swimming on her floor when the lights go out. Common mistake.”

She settled back onto the couch and pulled her feet up to her chest, all set to finish the film she’d started with Mikey three hours before. It was rare that they got much one-on-one time, but with Teresa out of town on a girl’s trip, she was taking advantage of the opportunity to bond with her brother and his kids. It was only a minor inconvenience that their movie was interrupted every twenty minutes when one of the kids needed something. She kind of enjoyed being the one to step in and help out. Plus, they really seemed to like her so the old ego wasn’t exactly suffering.