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What can I say? Since I’m writing about it anyway. Overall, marriage in our family is a must thing. It isn’t only our family though, but many we know. If a girl never got married, she was a loser in their eyes. She’s probably a poor housewife and a bad cook. There was a feeling that without marriage lines everything would fall apart, cows would stop giving milk, and the country's economy would collapse.

Or she may even be someone's mistress or concubine.

However, I have nothing bad to say about those concubines I know. How can you judge people?

This is their choice, the way, the meaning.

Figure out your own life first.

Mom had a friend I jokingly called a 'sympathetic ear'. Irma was cheerful and quite energetic German woman. Years and years Irma listened to my mom and once lost it: 'Well, if your daughter is so clever! Let she get her ass off the couch on a day off and go meet someone!»

What should I say?

Marriage is a big thing, and I wasn't ready for big things at the time.

Long story short, all candidates my mother found weren’t for me. I used to argue with her. Her words hurt me bad…

But over time, I realised what I would advise other girls. You cannot ignore your mother's requests and 'pain' completely. If your mom found you a potential suitor, it is better to have a look. At least from the distance. Imagine yourself a giraffe, raise your head high and watch. (I love giraffes).

There are many cases when mothers find their daughters a decent partner. Before you say your firm 'no' or laugh quietly, think. Perhaps he’s 'the one'? What the hell? Maybe this is your happiness?

Overall, my mom failed to find a husband for me. I found him myself. Now I’m happily married. My word.

IT'S GOOD WHEN YOUR MOM TRY TO FIND YOU A HUSBAND BUT there are some who keep rejecting all suitors of their daughters. He’s too quiet; he’s the wrong nationality and on and on.

'We wish you the best' – the sacramental phrase parents use to motivate their intervention in their daughter's life. What is the objection?

You must agree that not every loving daughter will dare to offend parents saying: 'No, you mean me harm!' or 'You know nothing because you're twice as old!'

"I wish I'd married one of my suitors," a friend of mine tells me. – At least I didn’t see any flaws in them at the time. If it hadn't been for my mother, we would have been a good family. They then got married and everything is fine with them. My husband had to fit my mother's requirements, not mine.

It ended up with a divorce. A hell of a divorce! With screams and scandal! Dust ceiling high.

A lush wedding is what pleases mother's heart, not a happy live after marriage.

Marriage isn’t just about sharing the roof. Marriage to someone you don't care about is hard labour, not family life. I fully agree with many women in this: it is better to be alone than live with the person you don’t love or hate.

Husband and wife want a romantic moment.

They decided to bring good all times back and go on a date. The husband bought flowers, came to the venue, waits an hour, two, three…

Still no wife.

He comes back home to see his wife sipping tea in front of the TV…

The husband yells out of anger:

– Are you crazy? I’ve been waiting for you for three hours and you’ve sitting here all this time!

– You know, my mother hasn’t let me go.

And yet mothers are right when saying there is time for marriage. Don’t beat about the bush for too long. After all, the older a woman gets, the pickier she’s towards men. As a young girl, you don’t see shortcomings of your beloved one, and over the years your requirements skyrocket.


Moms are the only people who see through us, but they love us with all their heart. If your mom insists on your getting married, she does it with the best of intentions. She wishes you good.

Don’t take the talk of marriage as a mockery from her side. Your mom just wants to help you find your happiness. Be patient to such manifestations of care, even if marriage isn’t in your distant plans.

You shouldn’t just wave away your mom's advice. Take a closer look, give a little time to a potential groom your mom found. What if you marry and live a long and happy life with him?

It may seem that all your friends are married and talk behind your back. And your mom 'bulldozes' you from the other side. Just try to avoid thinking about it. Train to turn it off in your head like a radio. Everyone has their own life.

Take any disputes with your mom as a chance to change your relationship only for the better. You don't have to turn a marriage dispute into a scandal or a feud.

Your mother is the person who’ll never betray you and will always love you. Remember that.

Remind your mother from time to time that you need THE ONE who can make your life bright and joyful.

See finding a husband not as an end in itself, but as an exciting and useful activity that will allow you to meet interesting people, get life experience, get to know yourself better.

To make a "God knows what" out of a marriage and marry a stranger, just because your mother or relatives want you to be married is stupid!

You’re a grownup and you have your own plans. You’re responsible for your own life, and, of course, you’ll build your future as you see right.

Don’t hurt your mother, at least pretend that you listen to her and assure you’ll get married. Be softer with the only mother you have in the whole world.

Imagine you have a daughter you love and you do everything for her well-being. When the time has come to create a family, she refuses to listen to your advice and cuts off any conversation about family life. You won’t like it, right?





Chapter 4

An office romance: maybe?

A colleague asks an office assistant:

– Why do you write 'best wishes' to Ivan Petrovich,

but 'best regards' to Andrey Ivanovich?

– I wish Ivan Petrovich to have as big as Andrey Ivanovich!

Author unknown.

I bet you’ll spot my gloomy undertone. Workplace, of course!

I'll start by saying that I met my husband at work, during one of the business trips. At that time I was 32, and my husband was 30. We didn’t have a 'traditional' office romance, but it was same-field work that brought us together. We didn’t share an office. We were dating for a week.

One summer evening, he said:

– Let's go to the Civil Registry Office tomorrow.

I replied:

– Ok, let's go.

The next day we went there, filed an application and a month later we were registered. Two months later we had a wedding. It seems, that then neither he nor I seriously realise that marriage isn’t just friendship, nor a 'civil' marriage, it is a real thing that comes with its own rules and traditions!

I still keep telling him 'One-week dating, really?'. No drama, breakups, tears in the pillow, SMS waiting. We 'partly' experienced dating dramas being married.

I’ve no regrets about that.

Marriage still feels different. Values, plans, tasks, goals change.

Some envy, some condemn, and some is just happy for us. We try not to pay attention to anyone that is it. From the very beginning, our union wasn’t taken seriously by others. Now no one expects us to divorce. They know it is for a long time.

There are ups and downs in our marriage, but I think no couple is an exception. There's no such thing as a perfect marriage. That is for sure