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Except she was The Barracuda.

He covertly watched her out of the corner of his eye as she put the lid back on the feed bucket, making sure it was on good and tight.

“Tell me about your books,” he said when she leaned against the fence.

For a moment, she didn’t say anything. Her expression changed from relaxed to guilty. Maybe not guilty, probably not guilty, but he’d at least made her damned uncomfortable.

“Uh, what exactly do you want to know?”

“Is this your first?”


“What do you do when you’re not writing? I’m guessing you have a job. Some way to support yourself.”

“Of course I have a job.”

He waited to see what kind of lie she would come up with this time.

“I work in a library. I’m the…head librarian.”

He covered his snort with a cough. “Now why didn’t I ever get lucky enough to have a librarian who looked like you? The only ones I knew were old or married.”

Her smile was wobbly.

Yeah, she was full of lies and he was a fool if he fell for them. Maybe it was time to up the ante and see just how important getting the story was to her.

He finished the milking and stood.

“I thought we might spend the day together…and the night,” he said, letting his fingers trail down her arm, then taking her hand.

Her pupils widened, desire flaring. “I’d like that.”

“Good.” He took her hand and handed her the milk bucket. “I have it all planned out. Have you ever been camping?”

She shifted the bucket to her other hand. “Camping?” Her expression showed surprise.

“Yeah, pioneer women did it all the time.” He frowned. “I’m surprised that you’ve never experienced sleeping under the stars. You haven’t run across camping out in your research?”

Her face lost some of its color. “Well, yes, of course I have, but I would’ve needed a guide and there wasn’t really anyone…uh…available.”

He grinned. “It’s a good thing we met then. I’ll be able to show you all about camping.”

“But who’ll milk Bessie Two?”

“One of the ranch hands. Believe me, you’ll enjoy this as much as you do the chores here at the ranch.”

Her smile wobbled. “Oh, goody.”

Yeah, The Barracuda had met her match. He had a feeling after camping out beneath the stars, she’d be more than ready to cry uncle and give up on her pursuit to expose his private life.

“We’re going camping, Marge! Did you hear me? Camping!”

“Both times.” Marge sighed across the phone. “Okay, that’s it. I want you to give up the story and come in. You don’t belong on a ranch, let alone doing everything you’ve had to do. You’ll feel lots better when you sink your teeth into a nice, juicy politician.”

No, she wouldn’t, because Cal wouldn’t be there. “Listen, I’ll give it a couple more days and see what happens.”

“If you’re sure.”

No, she wasn’t. Not anymore. But she’d never given up on anything in her life and she wasn’t sure how to let go of this story.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“You don’t sound sure.”

“I’m sure.”

“You haven’t fallen for this guy or anything, have you? He’s one of the ten most eligible bachelors in the area. Hell, the whole country. I think he’s even ranked number three or something. I doubt it would be very hard to fall for him.”

She straightened. “Of course I haven’t fallen for him. You know me better than that.”

“Good. Cal left a string of broken hearts when he hooked up with Cynthia, and now she’s been added to the list. I’d hate for your name to be on it as well.”

“Have you forgotten who you’re talking to? I’m The Barracuda.”

“You’re right.” Marge laughed. “Just be careful. I’d hate it if you got eaten by a bear.”

Nikki’s head jerked around. “They have bears in Texas?”

“Beats me.”

Great, one more thing to worry about. They said their good-byes and Nikki flipped her phone closed, then quickly moved away from the outhouse.

She wasn’t looking forward to camping at all. Cal would be able to protect her from wild animals, wouldn’t he? It wasn’t like he hadn’t grown up here. He knew the land.

She snorted. If he knew her real reason for being here he’d probably gladly feed her to the bears.

She went back inside and threw a few things into a bag. Cal said to pack light and suggested using a bag so it could be tied on the packhorse. This trip was not sounding good.

As she started to turn away, she caught sight of a blue fog forming in the corner. She froze. Gas leak? Doubtful since there was no gas, only wood-burning stoves and a fireplace.

There was a deep, sad sighing, and then the mist faded away. A cold chill ran down her spine.

She grabbed her bag and hurried to the porch, deciding to wait for Cal there. As the screen closed behind her, she looked over her shoulder. Nothing. But she knew she hadn’t imagined what she’d seen.

Ghosts didn’t exist, dammit. If they did, then everything she’d grown up with had been false information. The whole structure of what her life was about would be in question. But was she ready to start believing in what she couldn’t taste, see, or touch?

Would she start to question other things as well? She didn’t think she was ready to delve deeper than the surface of what her life was about. She was afraid of what she might see.

Celeste bypassed Brian’s office and took the long way around to the spa. She couldn’t believe that he’d kissed her last night or that for a split second, she’d kissed him back. Heat rushed up her face.

Or that she’d enjoyed it so much.

And then she’d done the unthinkable: she’d run away as though she was a virgin or something-which she wasn’t. Why couldn’t she have said something intelligent or witty? She’d traveled all over the country, seen a lot of things-she should have had a zippy comeback.

Except she’d never been the type of woman who could be provocative. What you saw was what you got.

Maybe she wouldn’t have to face him today. One could only hope.

She opened the door and stepped inside the building and was surrounded by peace and serenity. Boy, did she need that this morning. She waved to Rhonda, who was on the phone.

Rhonda mouthed something, but she couldn’t understand what she was trying to tell her, so she just held up one finger to indicate they’d talk after Rhonda got off the phone. Then Celeste went on toward her room.

Yesterday had been busy as she learned the lay of the spa. She’d also met the other two women and some more of the guests. Her first massage wasn’t until later this morning, but she wanted to go through the supplies to see exactly what she could use. But first she wanted to light her candle so the warm vanilla fragrance could fill the room.

But when she opened her door, she realized what Rhonda had been trying to tell her.

Brian looked up, holding the candle to his nose. “Nice fragrance.”

“Vanilla,” she said. What was he doing here? She didn’t want him here. But the wild beating of her heart gave lie to her thoughts.

“Come in and close the door.”

She hesitated.

“Please. I won’t try to kiss you.”

Heat rose up her face as she closed the door. “I didn’t think that you would.” No, she’d been too busy thinking about the kiss they’d already shared.

“It was inexcusable.”

She wouldn’t go quite that far.

“Believe me, I don’t usually pounce on my employees.”

She studied him. “Why did you kiss me?”

He hesitated. “You’re a beautiful woman.” He set the candle down. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been out on a date. I guess I got caught up in the moment. It won’t happen again.”