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Marcus Valerius Maximianus

McGeehan, Pat


meditation scripts

Stoicism’s morning and evening

Meditations, The (Marcus Aurelius)

on Alexander of Cotiaeum (Greek grammarian tutor)

on anger

on Antonius

on Apollonius (philosopher)

catalogue of virtues

on court life

details in

on distaste for pretense

on emotions

on Epictetus

Epictetus as most quoted author in

on Fronto (rhetoric tutor)

Hadrian’s absence from

on inner citadel

on language

on Lucius

on most-admired philosophers

on pain

praise for unnamed household tutor

on premeditation of adversity

safeguarding of

on sexual innocence

on social dimension of Stoicism

on Stoic reserve clause

on ten gifts of Apollo

on virtue

on war

writing of

Megarian school of philosophy

mentors and mentoring

for attitudes

for behaviors

desire and

finding one’s

Galen on

honesty and

of Marcus

mentoring oneself

mindfulness and

models compared with

origin of the term

process of Stoic mentoring

See also modeling strategies; role models



mentoring and


prosoche (paying attention to oneself)


mindfulness and acceptance-based cognitive therapy

modeling strategies

contemplating role models and ideal Sage

desired versus admired lists

elenchus (Socratic questioning)


learning cycle

mental rehearsal of behavior change

morning and evening meditation

values clarification


See also role models

moderation (temperance)

attachment and

as cardinal virtue

definition of

desire and

in eating

Freemasonry and

functional analysis and

of Marcus

in others

reason for exercising

in role models

Seneca on

Socratic philosophy and

Stoicism and

Modern Stoicism

moral wisdom. See also wisdom

Musonius Rufus

natural affection. See also affection


Nietzsche, Friedrich

objective representation (phantasia kataleptike)

for anxiety

for desire

exercises for

for fear

for pain tolerance

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Octavian (Augustus)

Odyssey (Homer)

Oracle of Delphi


pain tolerance

cognitive distancing for

contemplating finitude and impermanence for

contemplating virtue for

depreciation by analysis technique for

functional analysis for

objective representation for

Stoic acceptance and

Stoic studied indifference and

Panaetius of Rhodes

pankration (ancient sport)

parrhesia (plain speaking) See language of Stoicism

Parthian War

passions. See desire


phantasia kataleptike (objective representation) See also objective representation

phantasiai (initial impressions)


philosophy (ancient world)

academic philosophy compared with

love of wisdom

Marcus’s preference for

modern applicability of

See also Cynicism; Socrates; Stoicism


Pigliucci, Massimo



Academy of



action and

The Choice of Hercules and

cognitive distancing and

Epicureanism and

indifferent nature of

Lucius compared with Marcus regarding

moderation and

pain tolerance and

sensation and

Stoic joy compared with

Stoicism’s theory of emotion

values and

virtue and

Pompeianus (Marcus’s son-in-law and right-hand man)

ponos (voluntary hardship)

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

praemeditatio malorum (premeditation of adversity)

Praesens, Bruttius

premeditation of adversity. See praemeditatio malorum


Prodicus of Ceos

propatheiai (proto-passions)

prosoche (paying attention to oneself)

proto-passions. See propatheiai

prudence. See also wisdom


stoicism in early

See also cognitive-behavioral therapy; rational emotive behavior therapy


The Golden Verses of Pythagoras



rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)


anger and

cognitive-behavioral therapy and

courage and

death and

emotions and

enduring hardship and

functional analysis and

inner citadel and

joy and

king metaphor of

of Marcus

as ruling faculty (hegemonikon)

self-control and

in Socratic philosophy

in Stoicism

truth and

value judgments and

wisdom and

worry postponement and

reserve clause


in Aesop’s The Boar and the Fox

of Apollonius of Chalcedon

cognitive behavioral therapy and

emotional habituation and

learning cycles and

love of wisdom and

of Marcus

objective representation and

social relationships and

stress inoculation and

Warrior Resilience Training


catastrophizing and

desire and

emotion and


Marcus’s education in

Marcus’s preference for philosophy

Second Sophistic

Stoicism’s plain speaking compared with formal rhetoric

truth and

See also Sophistry

rhetoric of pain


role models

anger and

cognitive distancing and

desire and

fear and

finding one’s

Galen on

for Marcus

Marcus on

modeling strategies

morning meditation on

ourselves as

for youth

See also mentors and mentoring; modeling strategies

Rusticus, Arulenus

Rusticus, Junius (Marcus’s main Stoic tutor)

death of

Epictetus’s lecture notes given to Marcus by

influence on Marcus of

mentor for Marcus

role model for Marcus

Stoic plain speaking and

Stoic therapy and

Sage, Stoic



Marcus’s defeat of Sarmatian ambush


Scipio Africanus the Younger (Scipio Aemilianus)

Scipionic Circle

Second Sophistic



on cold baths

on emotion

execution of

influence of The Golden Verses of Pythagoras on

on mentoring

modern applicability of

On Anger

on premeditation of adversity

on reserve clause

rhetoric tutor to Nero

on role toward his students

texts of

Sextus of Chaeronea

Shakespeare, William


social anxiety disorder

social media


acceptance of death by

Apology (Plato)

barefooted walking of

battlefield peace of mind of